He was silent for a while, and he didn't mind that Aberdeen was angry. Instead, he said slowly, "don't worry. Isn't tezorro on the way? Although there have been some contradictions, but the interests are enough, he will do it. "

"Will you do it yourself, tezorro?" Aberdeen was a little excited.

"Fifty percent chance, depending on his mood. After all, he is not my subordinate. Strictly speaking, we are still enemies. However, if we make a move, the annual worship of Aksu chamber of Commerce will double. After all, I have lost a powerful subordinate on this trip. It's really a pity." He said with a sigh.

"No problem. As long as we can solve the problems of kroddar and Shia, when I get to the position of president of Aksu chamber of Commerce, there will be no shortage of offerings." Aberdeen is desperate.

The phone bug hangs up, holy land, Marjorie, in a mansion.

Looking at the wanted notice on the table, a nobleman, who was over 50 years old but looked only in his thirties, said to himself, "is kroddar near Andia kingdom? Do you want to tell the Navy headquarters, eh... Forget it. I heard that there will be an action against the white bearded Pirate Group."

"Sir Rufus, the meeting is about to begin. Marshal Kong, the five veteran stars and the marshal of the Warring States period are all here. Let's go too, lest it's too late." A pro guard agent directly pushed open the door and said to the man.

"Don't worry. As a retired deputy commander of CP0, it doesn't seem to make much sense to attend such a meeting. It's better to stay in the holy land." Rufus is a little troublesome. It's better for the commander in chief to go to such a thing.

"Lord Rufus, please don't make such a joke. Everyone's right to vote is very important. After all, it's related to the decision whether to fight directly with the four emperors. Besides, you said it's depressing here. It's good to take a walk."

"That makes sense. Let's go."


At a time when all forces have taken action, the change of Andia Kingdom has also aroused some interest of someone in the paradise at the moment.

In a restaurant, eagle eye is tasting delicious food alone. Beside him, countless pirates and hunters come to challenge and try to become famous.

Other people are still far away from eagle eye, but the excellent seeing and hearing makes eagle eye hear some interesting things: "in a chaotic country, there may be swordsmen with good swordsmanship."

He's going to visit Andia kingdom. Anyway, he's also out for a walk. He's not going anywhere.

"My wife is beautiful. This is the most beautiful woman in the world, empress, boyahan cook. Mom, I'm in love..."

"Shameless, you can be her father."

"It's so cute, so charming, so beautiful."

"No, I'm going to... Have a word with her."

"There are many beautiful women around her. It's said that nine Snake Island is full of women. Haha..." some pirates have evil intentions.


A tall and sexy woman with long black hair and soft white skin is scanning the neighborhood with her arrogant and indifferent dark blue eyes.

Behind her is a huge colorful python, samero.

"Annoying flies." The three boyahan cook sisters and members of the nine snake Pirate Group are in an entertainment city at the moment.

Naturally, they are not here for entertainment, but to sell stolen goods. At the same time, they add something that jiushedao does not have, and then set sail back.

Boyahan cook, I don't know how many annoying flies have been petrified in the paradise these days, not only men, but also women.

She is beautiful and sexy, and sweet fruit brings charm bonus, which is enough to make people infatuated.

Sweet fruit in the hands of hancook played a huge charm, it is not too much to say that it is a beautiful nightmare, others coquettish lovely, she coquettish minute to death.

If this fruit falls into the hands of plain or male, its power will be greatly reduced, because sweet fruit even has the nickname of infatuation with fruit.

"You say, is AI's home beautiful?" Hankook teased his hair and looked at everyone with a smile. He looked like a lovely little girl.

"Beautiful Men and women are stunned, this is the feeling of heartbeat.

"Well, sweet sweet wind..." hancook hands put out the shape of love, and then a circle of love halo will be sent out, radiating everyone in front of him.

With a click, all the annoying flies around are petrified, and the world is more than half quiet.

"Sister, these people can't all petrified, it will be very troublesome." Sonya reminded me a little.

"It doesn't matter. Whatever I do, I will be forgiven, because I am so beautiful." Hankook said with narcissism and confidence.

Life, for her, is not valuable, and she just a little punishment, after a few days, petrochemical will automatically untie, her ability to impose is not strong.

The more excited and lustful people are, the longer they are petrified. If they are broken and die during this period, it's none of her business.

"Do you think my body is the most beautiful?" Said hancook, looking at the curious gathering from a distance.

Looking at the petrified man, the newcomer was full of fear and shock, but listening to the moving voice of the empress and her amazing beauty, his mind wavered, as if he had lost his sense.

"Yes, yes." A series of responses.

"No, I think sister Hathaway is beautiful, too." But at this time, a clear voice sounded, it was very abrupt.

"Well? Where did you come from? " This voice is very abrupt in a harmony, and it is impossible to attract people's attention.

Natalie is holding marshmallow in her hand and licking it one by one. It's so sweet and delicious. She has a grade with the little fish. Sure enough, it's so good to be a pirate. She looks at Hankook foolishly and says, following enilu.

Ennie looked at Hancock. His face was red. As a God, he was almost confused by a woman in Qinghai.

With the dawn Pirate Group getting rich, although Natalie is still young and doesn't get any money, as the smallest sailor, she usually gets everyone's attention. She has received millions of red envelopes.

She is rich now, and she can eat whatever she wants. Sure enough, she is so happy to be a pirate.

She didn't mean to refute hancook's words, but she was honest, because Hathaway's sister was super beautiful.

"My name is Natalie. It's not a wild girl. What's your name? " Natalie is not afraid of life at all. Some people are willing to talk to her. It's too late for her to be happy. I don't know why. In the past half a day, uncle ainilu didn't care much about her. She just asked about 200 questions.

"Who is this little boy? There are also models with weapons and shields. Are there any child laborers now? " It's a bit surprising to see Natalie's unassuming tone. Ignorance is a blessing.

Even the world's first beauty and qiwuhai do not know.

"Boyahankuk." Looking at the little boy in front of her, the empress was not interested at all. She thought it was someone who didn't open her eyes to refute herself. She didn't expect it was a child.

"Oh, OK, goodbye." Natalie nodded and turned a blind eye. She was ready to turn around and leave. She had finished what she wanted to say. Would she treat her guests to dinner if she stayed?

"Uncle ainilu, let's go. Don't look. Sister Hathaway is also very beautiful. You dare not look. This is also very strong." Natalie is not afraid of anyone, pulling the corner of Eni road will drag it away, still have to go shopping.

Otherwise, my uncle thinks that he is not good at his work?

If you drive yourself off the ship and don't let yourself be a pirate, you will lose a lot.