The work in the inner and outer urban areas of valos barrier has stopped, and the refugees have been given breathing space. Moreover, this is the second day. They haven't worked hard for two days, and they gather together at leisure.

They also heard that valos barrier has changed its leader, and the two-day leave is the above order. The leave belongs to leave, but the low salary is still available.

"It is said that his majesty has assembled troops in the capital of the king to attack varos at any time." A refugee appears to be very worried, because once the war starts, these refugees have almost no resistance.

"If you fight, you'd better kill all the nobles themselves. It's not more pleasant." A strong man sat on the ground and said that even if there was no war, their life would not be much better.

Among his friends from the same hometown, more than half of them died of high-intensity labor.

"But this princess seems to be a little different. Why give us a holiday and don't do anything? Isn't it time to strengthen the defense of barriers? " One of the refugees was a little confused.

"I don't know. I heard that I used to be the daughter of the president of Aksu chamber of Commerce. When the president of Aksu chamber of Commerce was here, we were barely able to survive. It's a pity that we were such a good person." An old vagrant said that it is not easy to live with the burden of old age.

"How's everyone getting in touch?" These people are gathered in a shabby house, the strong man suddenly asked.

"In the past five years, we have secretly contacted most of the refugees. They are reliable people, but we have no weapons, and there are thousands of city defense forces. If the timing is not right, we may be wiped out." A shrewd and thin man said thoughtfully.

They come together to revolt. Excessive oppression sometimes gives birth to resistance.

"There's a good chance now. Tomorrow is the day when the whole barrier is unblocked. Princess hea will hold a meeting of the whole city. As long as we control all the nobles, we can get a lot of weapons. Compared with the city defense forces, the nobles are sometimes better to deal with." The strong man, sparks, had a fierce eye.

He could have left alone and had the strength to do it, but he didn't want to. He couldn't look at these people in front of him. Under pressure, he died chronically. He had seen enough.

Since he accidentally got a demon fruit, he decided to use this power to change everything.

In the past five years, they have been waiting for an opportunity to move. Now that Prince valos has died, the people at the barrier are in turmoil, the external king's Crusade army is about to arrive, and the defense forces are all concentrated on the city wall. On the contrary, the defense in the city is much looser. This is a once-in-a-lifetime good opportunity waiting for a long time.

"So start preparing now?"

"Well, it's rare for us to have time to rest. We can't waste it. It's time for these nobles to pay for their actions." Sparks said in a cold voice

At the city defense office, Vic stood on the wall and watched the listless refugees gathered together. He couldn't help frowning. What did hea think? Does the merchant's daughter have no leadership at all?

Let the workers rest at this time? To build more moats and strengthen part of the city wall defense is the most important thing at present.

News has come that, in addition to the valos barrier, the other two barriers have been persuaded to surrender. Now they have become isolated forces.

If you think about it, the crusading army, as soon as the news comes, has gathered 80000 soldiers. General barriers, how dare you really resist.

If Prince valos is still alive, it's possible.

But when Prince valos died, the leaders of other barriers had to find another way out. Unlike him, they had no choice but to participate in the death of the king's emissary and the main barrier being attacked.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it will be a lot of bad luck. Even he asked Princess hea to send the refugees to the city wall, but he was refused.

"What happens next?" Vic really doesn't want to wait.

So he left behind. If things really can't be done, he will break through with his guards and wealth. Even if he is wanted, it's better than death.

But as a last resort, Vic didn't want to give up his right. Maybe the Crusaders couldn't break the valos barrier, so he would still be the high level of power until he was in full control of the army.

Princess HIA and others may also be able to clean up with a large number of troops, so that he will become the only person responsible for the valos barrier.

"Prince valos is dead, but the barrier is blocked. We can't get out. Besides, this crazy woman, Shia, even provokes the king. If the king is angry and slaughters the city, we can't live at all."

"Yes, now what? War is about to break out. "

"It's said that the nobles are under control. I don't know what Princess hea wants to do. If she wants revenge, she should take revenge on herself. Why do you want to drag us into the water?"

The residents of the inner city are also worried. They have no recognition of the rule of Prince valos. Besides, people die when they die. Why should they and others suffer? Because HIA was his only granddaughter?

Gaocheng district.

"Son of a bitch, I'm the Viscount appointed by the king. How dare you put me under house arrest? Don't you want to live?" In a luxurious mansion, an aristocrat yelled at several soldiers at the door.

Because of the blockade, they only know that Prince valos is dead, and they don't know any extra information.

"There are some so-called earls lying in the street outside. Do you want to see them? There are more than 500 powerful private soldiers. I don't think the corpses have been removed. Do you want to be neighbors with them? " A team leader looked at the aristocrat in front of him coldly.

Since dinger told them the truth, the soldiers in the former Dukes' mansion no longer yearned for the nobles, but hated them. If someone tried to resist, they would not be soft handed and would clean them up directly.

Hearing the soldier's words, the nobleman was speechless and didn't dare to say a word more. He went back to the house.

"The situation in the city is very unstable. The king's Crusaders have assembled and are on their way. There are about two days left before they can reach the city of valos. The other two barriers have surrendered." Dinger told the information he had collected to hea and others.

At the moment, they are living in a mansion in Gaocheng. They are aristocrats who know the current affairs very well. They open the door to welcome Princess hea. Of course, they also want to protect their lives.

But Rosen didn't care.

"How many troops are there?" Although Rosen was a bit surprised, it was expected. At the beginning, it was not an easy thing, but now the soldiers of Landis have not arrived. He can't leave the valos barrier for the time being.

Otherwise, it is likely to cause trouble.

"80000." Dinger reported a number. His face didn't change much. He had already left life and death out of his mind.

"Fight alone, it seems that it's time to increase allies..." Rosen pondered, and the telephone bug suddenly rang.

At wallos barrier, communication restrictions are now in the hands of Rosen and others. It's Hathaway.

Gaga, the phone bug got through, and Hathaway's voice came out: "I was found, but Raymond didn't attack me, but the Crusaders will pass by here. There are a lot of them. Do you need me to intercept them?"

Hea and Dingle are stunned. This woman wants to stop an army by herself?! You're kidding.

"No, we can't get involved too much. We won't be doubted if we show our faces a few times. But if we do, we will be in the eyes of the world government. Moreover, I need them to come here. Only when the war starts can it be meaningful." Rosen refused.

"OK, by the way, Alice leads the team herself. Their merchant ships have arrived at Paradise and are preparing to land on the territory of Andia kingdom. You can ask the people from the chamber of Commerce to help."

"So fast?" Rosen was a bit surprised. It came much faster than he thought.