Paradise, port, a team of 100 pirates screamed lying on the ground, the first reward of more than 90 million Pirates Captain, with a desperate face to question this group of businessmen dressed up in front of the enemy: "who are you in the end?"

"What? Are you blind? Can't you see that we are businessmen? " Alice gave him a cold look and frowned, because it was just a small conflict, but she didn't kill him.

"You're lying to ghosts?" The captain of the pirate was desperate.

Because he could not control his lower part, when he saw Alice with only ten guards around him, he began to play a trick on him. As a result, hundreds of pirates were suddenly rubbed on the ground by more than a dozen times their enemies.

These people come out of the blue.

Thousands of powerful businessmen? Nima, bullying me. I just went to sea to be a captain. I don't know, right? And this seemingly harmless woman is actually the leader of this team.

In the past, the captain of the pirate thought that the man sea tactic was useless in front of his powerful strength, but he never thought that he was knocked down by more than 30 men.

That kind of tacit understanding, that kind of fighting power, is very difficult to develop without living in combat for a long time.

He was desperate, but he was knocked out by Alice.

"Hello, I'm Alex, the housekeeper of HIA. How many of you are there? I'll arrange accommodation and food here." Alex came with ten guards from a distance.

Although the arrival of Alice and others bears the name of Aksu chamber of Commerce, and the ships have also been transformed, there are too many people. If we do not arrange it as soon as possible, many people will pay too much attention to it.

"There are 120 soldiers in Bingfeng Legion and 7000 soldiers in the rest." Alice is bringing more than half of Landis' family.

"OK, I'll arrange it right away, and I have another request. Can you make your subordinates not too disciplined? We are businessmen after all." Alex hardened his head and said that he could understand why the captain didn't believe they were businessmen.

Have you ever seen a businessman with strict discipline, almost the same stand spacing, cold and murderous look?

"You hear me? Relax." Alice said, looking at the soldiers.

Soldiers covet each other. What is relaxation? Isn't it relaxed that there's no fighting? How else to relax.

Years of life and death struggle, let them form a habit, but since it is an order, or do it, so they interspersed around, pretending to look around the scenery.

But in Alex's view, it's more like a scout. It's better to forget it. Anyway, most people don't pay attention to them.

However, Morris, who was in a high building, was shocked. This team was obviously well-trained and had rich fighting experience and awareness. It was nothing. The point was that there were more than 7000 people in this team.

It's a huge expense for the noble to cultivate hundreds of soldiers like this. I'm afraid that even Raymond's team is just like this. It's not even as good as that.

It's said that there are only less than 300 soldiers of such high quality in Raymond. It's really envious of where klockdale got such a strong soldier.

If this team alone pays a certain degree of sacrifice, perhaps Morris himself will have to pay a heavy price, and on the great route, the general country, with the national strength, may not be able to resist this army.

"It looks like a good deal." Morris has been collecting intelligence, spreading information and manipulating public opinion for Rosen all this time.

To put it bluntly, it is a unilateral payment, and this kind of payment, if it can't capture the kingdom for him in the end.

I'm afraid krocdal will not abide by the position of sending him to qiwuhai.

"There are so many guests in the park." Taizolo is on the top floor of the paradise, overlooking Alice and others landing in the distance.

Although because of the long distance, we can not determine the strength, but the overall movement trajectory, is a well-trained team.

"Boss, this is the new fleet of Aksu chamber of Commerce. It's quite unexpected." The boss of Jinhang is around.

"It doesn't matter. It's just that klockdale didn't come to the party yesterday, which caused a lot of trouble. Originally, he wanted to see how the man was, so as to decide whether or not to fight him. Now, let's wait." Taizolo said disapprovingly.

No matter how strong an army is, it is only under the command of money. As long as he has enough money, he can also buy a powerful army.

Alice and others have a rest in the paradise, and then they rush to wallos barrier. Now there are almost no new outsiders in wallos barrier, and even the trade with other barriers is temporarily suspended.

Everyone is watching to see if the valos barrier will be destroyed and still be able to stand firm. This is very important for the whole kingdom.

"It is reported that a large number of troops are staying at the port in front of us. They have landed and advanced." The watchman in charge of the outside detective quickly ran into Vic's office and said.

"How can it be?"?! The king's crusading army gathered in the king's capital. Starting from the king's capital, it was impossible to March so fast that everyone was ready to fight. " Vick was also surprised. If one or two powerful people came here from Wangdu alone, it would be easy to understand in two days.

But how could an army of 80000 arrive at the valos barrier in such a short time.

In spite of his doubts, he had to give the order now that he was in front of him. At the same time, he quickly walked out of the office and went to the wall. He had to confirm himself.

"The valos barrier is ahead." Alex spoke to Shia.

But hea hasn't had time to inform Vic, because she thought Alice and others would have a night off in the park, but she just stopped for a while and rushed to the park.

"It's a big and magnificent city wall. If we had such a big city wall at the beginning, it would have been much better." Lisa is now Alice's deputy, while holdman and morard are left on flower basket island.

"It's really tall, but it doesn't seem to be very friendly to us. Has it not been won yet, or is it a test for us?" Alice raised her hand to signal the soldiers of Landis to disperse, but kept a certain formation, although the wall was tall.

But most of the soldiers of Landis could easily climb such a wall.

"Here comes Alice, in such a hurry." Rosen arrived with Sia and prevented the captain of the victor army. After all, the whole barrier now has Rosen's eyeliner, and the intelligence in key areas can not be ignored.

Rosen is a bit unnatural when she thinks of this woman. I hope she won't mention that again.

"It's coming fast, and it's bringing a lot of people." Robin smiles.

"So much?" HIA was a little stunned. Although Rosen said there would be a team, he didn't expect that there would be so many, more than 7000 people. In this world, it's a national force of many countries.

Besides, it seems that his mental outlook is totally different from that of the city defense forces. Shia doesn't know military, but he knows how to compare. Vic can see that. He can't help sinking down and has a bad feeling.

"Where does this team come from? I have never heard of an army led by a woman in Wang's country. Moreover, the defense formation that has just spread its attack is too efficient. This is not an ordinary army." Vick is well versed in military, so he sees more than hia.