"So what you mean is to control the movement of the city defense forces in the shortest time, and let the war spirit pointer move according to our plan, right?" Alice is very insipid, not too enthusiastic, so Rosen is more comfortable.

"Yes." Rosen nodded.

"I thought I was going to take this kingdom directly. If you know that, I will take 1000 people." Alice is not looking down on the city defense forces of wallos barrier, but the fact.

Judging from the initial observation and judgment when they first entered the city, there should be many soldiers in the city defense army who have not really gone through a fierce battle.

If so, one of the emotions that can be easily seen is numbness.

So judging from this, this is not a team with strong combat effectiveness.

However, in this army, the middle and high levels are almost all cronies cultivated by Vic, and what Alice and others have to do is slowly ban these cronies, so as to complete the alternation of power.

The most important thing is to control the number of confidants, keep those who are obedient and kill those who are not. Rosen can do the same before, but if there are no excellent soldiers to replace them.

The current army of wallos barrier will fall into chaos and then cause mutiny. This is not the result that Rosen wants to see, but now that Alice has brought enough excellent soldiers, there is no need to tie her hands.

After all, Landis island is hell. The soldiers born in this place are not small. What's more, they have a firm belief that they can sacrifice everything for their queen at any time.

"The war will break out soon, you live well, don't kill red eyes." Rosen slightly reminded that although he really wanted to use Andia as the root base, the premise was that the soldiers of Landis could not suffer too much loss.

Otherwise, it doesn't make much sense.

"Are you worried about me?" Alice was stunned for a moment, a little uncertain.

"No, it's not." Rosen quickly denied.

"And then, in my absence, you're completely responsible for her." Rosen pointed to hea.

"Please pay more attention." Hea extended his hand in a friendly way.

"Well, what about the queen?" Alice missed the queen and held her hand.

"I let her do something."

"You want the queen to do something? Isn't it right to serve our queen? Adults follow you out, not to suffer with you, you miser. " Alice eyebrows a pick, this man, even dare to call the queen.

Rosen is speechless. Is that what doggies think? Mr.5 seems to have similar potential. Every time you eat, drink and play, you should give priority to your captain.

It's hard for them.

"She is popular and spicy. I'm not stingy. We have money. Well, let's get back to business. Tomorrow's security work will be left to you. If Vic is not obedient, he will be cleared. If he is obedient, with his help, you can save a lot of time and trouble." Rosen thought that the independent position of wallos barrier has been established under the operation of many parties.

The next plan is to gain a firm foothold, then defeat the Crusaders, annex the nearby barriers, and wait until the war situation is stalemate before implementing the decapitation plan. Before that, Rosen needs to win the nominal recognition of famous nobles.

Otherwise, HIA's identity can never be really determined. She can only be "legitimate" if she is recognized in name by a powerful aristocrat.

So Rosen has targeted the relatively low-key and moderate Duke of brova, and the three dukes. Raymond is a little tricky for Rosen, and judging from the discovery of Hathaway, Raymond should have guessed his intention.

He also wanted to take in fishermen, and there were not many soldiers in the Crusade army, so he showed his attitude in disguise for the time being. He was on the king's side.

The purpose of war is to disturb the attention of the world government and the possible investigation. This is necessary. Second, it is to give things a reasonable process.

"I see. Let's go." Alice nodded and headed for the wall with most of the Landis soldiers and hea's letter of appointment.

Lisa stayed with Shia, along with some members of the army.

"These people can also use it." Rosen looked at the former Duke soldier who was in charge of the guard outside the door. He knew the truth. Rosen knew that the power of hatred can sometimes inspire people's potential.

"All right."

"Come with me to Prince brova's house, Dingle. I hope the Duke is a wiser man, as you say." Rosen is now sailing to buluowa barrier, which is not too far away from valos barrier.

On foot, ordinary people can arrive in half a day. If it's Rosen, and Rosen with the soldiers of Landis, half a day is enough.

It's true that Rosen didn't go alone this time. Instead, he brought with him 2000 soldiers of Landis, 50 of whom were warriors of Bingfeng regiment.

As for the fighters, because they were too conspicuous, they didn't bring them this time.

"Although I hate nobles, not all nobles are bad. Just like Prince blova, only by keeping a low profile can he avoid excessive participation in the aristocratic political circle. However, if you want him to support HIA's Crusade, that is to say, you want him to become a rebel. It's hard to say whether he can succeed." Dingle said calmly.

"You think I'm going to persuade him? No, I'm just going to ask him to make a statement. His will doesn't matter. The important thing is to let him know that he can't choose. " Rosen said indifferently.


In the city defense building, Vic is very uneasy. He arranges 200 most powerful soldiers and good players in the army in his residence, because the arrival of Alice's army makes Vic smell the crisis of political power replacement.

He's very tangled now. Run away? I'm afraid it's too late. The city defense department is guarded by the personnel of that army in many places. If he wants to gather the soldiers, his intention will be exposed immediately.

He missed the best opportunity. If he wanted to rebel and leave, when he confirmed that Alice's army was Rosen's man, he should attack decisively instead of hesitating, which led to the missed opportunity.

But at that time, the man who was as powerful as the monster was present. Where did he have the courage to fight directly? He was not even ready.

And now, near his door, there are many fierce soldiers who form patrols from time to time. Vic is worried that he will be beheaded.

"Captain, someone broke in and the guards were all knocked down."

"Are you kidding me? Why didn't I hear anything? Didn't I assign 200 good soldiers? You've just been broken in? " Vick suddenly lost his temper.

"These are the good men in the army? I can't even compare with the most ordinary soldiers under my command. It seems that I have killed some weak and fierce beasts at most. " Alice walked in with 50 soldiers and 100 ordinary soldiers.

"It's over." Vick's heart moaned.

"I've come to see the captain of the army, but the captain seems to have given orders that no one is allowed to enter, so I have no choice but to break in. It's no use for you to blame me. After all, I'm also the commander of the army. Although I'm a deputy, it may be positive. I won't say more nonsense. I'll give orders later, and you'll be responsible for implementing them. If you listen, you'll live, and you'll get credit, If you don't listen to me, you will die in the battlefield. I will take your place again. Although it will take a lot of time, if you don't know your face, I will have to work harder. "

Alice's words are very straight, until there is no political meaning, until it makes Vic a little difficult to accept. However, when he looks at Alice, who is like a nobody, and thinks about the monster, Vic can't help sighing.

Maybe, I'm just an ordinary person. It's not suicidal to fight for rights with these people. Forget it, I'd better help Princess hea honestly and have a bright future.

Vick was a little hit. His so-called trusted experts were all solved in front of this team, but it's time to see the reality.

"Whatever the captain Alice said, we are all fighting for Princess hea. Naturally, we should work together and obey the above arrangement." Vick's got it.

"Good." Alice nodded, which would save a lot of trouble. Otherwise, it would be difficult for wallos to fight against 80000 Crusaders if the number of troops was further reduced.