"Forget it, it doesn't matter. Let all the firepower cover the wall. From the left side, three fourths of the position, full firepower, beast cavalry. Once the wall is broken, you immediately form a team to attack and kill all the rebels." James looked at sparks, a giant of ability, with high morale.

However, the purpose of their trip is to break through the valos barrier, and their personal preferences have to be put aside for the time being.

"There are a lot of City builders gathered around that giant capable man, and the visual observation is more than 10000. If their blade is facing us, I'm afraid the valos barrier will fall in an instant." It's normal for Vic to look at a section of the city wall, which is guarded by sparks.

If there is a huge change in the internal team at the moment, it is difficult for them to keep the valos barrier.

Hea stood with Rosen, and Alice was in charge of directing the war, because the deafening sound of shelling had already sounded. From the dense situation like world-wide bombing, James and other Crusaders brought a lot of artillery.

After all, it is to break through a strong city barrier, rather than an ordinary short hand combat. If it is an ordinary short hand combat, this force is facing the city defense force of less than 20000 in upper valos, which can almost be said to be a sure winner.

However, it is not necessary to attack the city. Even if there are forces far exceeding the enemy by several times, they may not be able to win.

Boom boom! The barrage, which has been investing a lot of manpower and financial resources, has finally shown its value. Ordinary shells can only leave some marks on the wall after explosion, and only those with a little more power can break a layer of wall.

The city wall is very high. Ordinary shells can't directly cross the city wall and bomb the people inside the city. Of course, there are also stone throwing machines. But now they don't want to kill people inside the city. What they have to do is to break the city wall and crush the enemy.

"Don't worry. The more people there are, the better. Instead of stopping them, we should encourage them. These people should fight for themselves. This is the future of all people. We should not only pay unilaterally, but only experience blood and war to understand hard won happiness. We can teach them how to create happiness, but we can't hand it over to them, HIA, It's up to you. " Rosen watched as the Crusaders were firing and the distance was getting closer. The cannons on this side blasted on the ground, overturning countless Crusaders and exploding them out.

The defensive side has an advantage over the attacking side.

"Got it." Hea nodded and then went to sparks.

"You are not here to persuade us to lay down our arms." He frowned and said that although he followed his heart and resisted the Crusaders, the current rulers could not tolerate them. This is taboo.

Even though HIA treats everyone equally, any unofficial team is the last thing any governor wants to see.

"No, I've come to ask for your help." Hea looked at the city wall, there are many temporary gathered together to build the city, these people, before the war, in time to evacuate back to the city.

But they didn't leave. They felt that the victory of the battle was also related to their fate.

However, there are only about 10000 people who choose to follow sparks to join the defensive team. The City builders are far more than 10000, but they are just waiting to see. After all, this is taboo.


"Yes, all of you, although the people of valos barrier have been on the right track, there are 100000, 200000, 1000000 and 2000000 people like you in this country. In order to make the whole country better, I hope all of you can help me. People should not be reduced to mere city building tools. We should all fight back, Let this country see our anger, for survival, for freedom! For tomorrow! Please help me Hea yelled.

"Damn it! Laozi is not a great man, but Princess hea gave us a bite of rice, so that our family would not starve to death. Isn't it a crusade army? Fight with them. "

"That is, to give some color to those aristocrats who oppress us. Even if Lao Tzu is a spicy chicken who can't even stand a tombstone, he has to choose his own comfortable way of death."

"Since so many people are still dying chronically, as human beings, we have the obligation to rescue them."

"When my elder brother came to Andia Kingdom, he parted ways with me. Now he must be suffering in other barriers. For the sake of Princess HIA and freedom, he killed these turtles and grandchildren."

"Open the armory, distribute them weapons, and you will lead them." Hea looks at sparks.

"You're not afraid of us?" Sparks was stunned for a moment, so that they could have real weapons, and they would not be afraid to fight back in the nest and give them a knife.

"A man said you wouldn't, and I believe you wouldn't." Hea looked at sparks calmly.

"There's a man? Is it the guard? No, it should be more than a guard. Sometimes I see Princess hea looking at him, but she is full of worship and obedience. That's why... "Sparks guessed that he was a good observer.

"Give us this section of the city wall. Take your weapons and show the Crusaders some color." Sparks had some guesses, but so what?

It doesn't matter to him who is in charge. What matters is that they fight for themselves and freedom.

"Wo ~" the City builders made an excited voice, and the inner flame was completely ignited. Although the good days had only been a few days, they could not stop. Now whoever wants to destroy the valos barrier is to destroy them.

This kind of thing can't be allowed to happen.

In an instant, there were more than 50000 temporary soldiers on the wall.

"My Lord, it seems that their artillery is bombarding a certain section of the city wall. It may be a weakness." Vic walked up to Rosen and said respectfully.

Now he is full of admiration and fear for the man who wears a mask but actually knows who he is. He is a man who controls the situation of a country. Compared with him, he is just a humble soldier.

"I know, but it's impossible to intercept such dense artillery fire. Let the city defense forces increase their firepower, bomb them, and consume their troops as much as possible before they reach the wall." With the distance between the two sides getting closer, the casualties are also expanding.

But Rosen has been used to the cruelty of war. He has known for a long time that the road to victory is not easy.

"Captain James, the situation is not right. The enemy's firepower is suddenly much stronger. This is definitely not firepower that can be controlled by 10000 or 20000 troops. Is there something wrong with the intelligence system?" A captain of the disheartened run to James said.

Just now, the sudden fierce fire almost took his life away.

You know, the range of the barrier cannons is actually longer and more powerful than the cannons they carry. If this continues, even if there is a forest as a shelter, it is difficult to go further.

"Did they even use the City builders? However, how useful a group of cannon fodder can be? Don't shrink back. According to the predetermined plan, bomb the valos barrier crazily, replace several long-range cannons with incendiary bombs, and hit the city to disperse their forces. " Captain James looked down at the little man at his feet and said calmly.

With a telescope in his hand, he clearly saw where the sudden increase of troops came from. They used City builders as cannon fodder. They had not met before, but their combat power was often weak, and sometimes they were more likely to cause internal strife.

It seems that the dominator of valos barrier is forced to have no choice but to go to the end of the road. Is it dangerous? It seems that winning may be easier than you think.