James has a huge body. Even if he hides in the woods in the distance, it is very easy to be found, but the shells fall on him and there is no substantial damage.

"Set up the crossbow of the Dragon slaughterhouse and aim at the giant." Rosen is in charge of the overall situation. This is the first war. It must be played well. Rosen is not at ease to give it to others.

Therefore, he not only personally arrived to defend the city, but also carefully observed the changes of the war situation and made timely adjustments. His high strength made him have amazing insight.

When Rosen broke the castle, one of the crossbows was so damaged that it couldn't be used. There were only two crossbows that could be used, but it should be effective for ordinary strong people.

"Yes." Vic's on call. Hea's back.

Alice suddenly called: "the wall has been blown up. I'll take the soldiers nearby to intercept and attack immediately. Send reinforcements as soon as possible."

Rosen's face sank slightly, but it was not very unexpected. Obviously, no matter how strong the barrier is, there are weaknesses in its structure. As a king, these weaknesses are very clear. Otherwise, a section of the wall would not have been broken so quickly.

And this kind of structure is obviously difficult to make up, or make up for the project is too large, is the key point of a structure, so it has been left.

It may also be the king's request. After all, if they don't keep the weakness that the king knows, how can the royal family allow them to build the wall desperately? In case of rebellion, the royal family will not be too passive.

"Vic, you take half of the city defense forces to support, and the rest of the defense positions to the City builders who have not been systematically trained." Rosen made an immediate response.

Vic nodded. He didn't have a problem with this decision. It's really right. If the City builders are allowed to fight, it's very possible to hold on with their courage, but there will be a lot of casualties.

Many of them are expected to go to the battlefield for the first time. They don't even have the basic training before the war, so it's too easy for them to be killed. Instead, they are asked to adapt to the rhythm of the battlefield as defenders, and maybe they can become a powerful army in the future.

"Team one to ten, follow me." Vick calls on the phone, and the troops move quickly.

"My Lord, the wall is really broken!" A Crusader looks at the city wall which has been constantly smashed by shelling, and suddenly looks happy. Can we say that we can take down the valos barrier in one day? If you can, it's a huge credit.

"Don't... Hum." James just spoke when two dragon killing arrows with a shrill wind came. He raised his fist and shot them out. The Dragon killing arrows were not small, and they were very dangerous for his physique.

In particular, the arrow has extremely outstanding armor breaking power.

Pen! He waved his huge palm and patted the Dragon killing arrow at the same time. Although he patted the Dragon killing arrow away, his body was also shocked. He was shocked two or three steps back and his blood surged. But he had a strong sense of war.

"The whole army, follow me! Crush the wallos barrier. " James took the lead, took out a customized large machete, waved it fiercely, and a huge knife burst out like a tsunami, trying to clear the gap of reinforcements.

At the same time, the artillery firepower of both sides is concentrated in this area at the moment. The city defense army wants to hold on and the Crusade army wants to break through.

For a moment, the sound of artillery bombardment continued, and the ground burst into earth pits. The flames were burning, and the smoke was rolling

"Replacement, Li Lianhua!" Alice, with a small number of Landis soldiers and city guards, about 3000 people, quickly arrived at the gap.

In one move, Lianhua blooms in the huge Dao Qi. She tears the Dao Qi to pieces. Instead of the Dao Qi, she has several bright daggers.

"Linear kill!" Alice went straight to the crusading army, not caring about the difference in the number of people. The dagger, like irregular lines, swept across the void, cutting the front soldiers to the ground.

Close combat, and it will break out soon.

But the military disparity, even if Alice can be a thousand, can not stop the 80000 troops, at least, with a mere 3000 people is not.

"Give me the big one. I haven't dealt with giants yet. It's said that most of giants are famous fighters. I'm really looking forward to that." Alice made a slight jump and ran to the giant.

James mercilessly waved a knife, Alice jumped on the giant blade, ran on the giant blade, the speed is extremely fast, James was surprised, quickly opened the personal barrier.

A piece of armor covered his head.

Touch! Alice kicked out with a long leg, and directly kicked the huge figure back by seven or eight steps. Then she was able to make the dagger bloom.

Defense, in front of Alice's ability, no matter how strong.

James's face changed, and he quickly turned his head, but one of the daggers still grew out of his face. Although only one third of the blade remained in his face, if it was just a little slower, he would die.

blamed! James pulled out the blade and threw it on the ground. Although the injury was insignificant for his body, it was he who fell behind after all.

"The capable, then let the capable deal with it. The capable team, take her down, others, continue to rush!" Although James wanted to stay and really score with Alice, he didn't.

He asked the six man team in the army to deal with Alice, and he wanted to take the opportunity to attack the valos barrier.

Whoosh, whoosh! From the army, jump out of six strong captain, will be surrounded by Alice.

"Horizontal iron chop!" James took the lead and cut it out with one knife. With the explosion, more than 100 soldiers were thrown out. The giants and ordinary soldiers are really hard to resist.

"Three zoologists? These things are really difficult." After some contact, Alice frowned and said that the animal family is famous for its rough skin and thick flesh, and its ability to fight continuously.

It's enough for six capable people to pester Alice, but it's hard to win.

"Give me the top, keep it!" Vick came with reinforcements, but James came with all kinds of ferocious cavalry, big or small. Wherever he went, except for the soldiers of Landis who could fight head-on, the rest of them were killed and injured because of the great disparity of forces.

But just as they were about to rush into the gap, Vic came with reinforcements. There were a lot of troops, at least enough to keep the gap. James' cavalry was hard to resist him.

The white-edged war is full of the sound of knives, gunfire, fighting, limbs and arms everywhere, and the blood soon turns the earth red. War is the bloodiest manifestation of human beings.

"We can win." Hea looks at Rosen.

Rosen calm as water: "can win, but sacrifice, is a must, I also have no ability to let anyone not sacrifice, the reality has never been absolutely perfect."

"Let me meet you, giants." Sparks jumped from the wall and ran straight to James. At this time, no one with ability could entangle him any more.

Spurs got bigger, too, and then got tangled with James.

James launched a total of seven offensives in full swing. At last, under the attack of the defense forces of the city wall, Alice and others, they all failed and lost a lot of troops.

In the end, Captain James had to order to retreat. If he continued to attack, it would only cause more unnecessary casualties. So he had to reorganize his situation and look for opportunities. After all, there was more than one weakness. Although many nodes were not so weak, if they had enough firepower and operated well, they would have a chance to break the city.

The war was not going to happen overnight, so James was also very decisive, with a little serious injury, gave the order to retreat.

"Night is coming soon, Alice. Are the soldiers ready?" Rosen watched James retreat and said faintly that as soon as James retreated, the balance of victory tilted to this side and waited for a while.