James's attack was very fierce at the beginning. When the army came, they just made some repairs. After doing simple fortifications, they launched the attack without stopping.

Because the king didn't give him much time, but today more attacks are exploratory, losing thousands of lives, only to test the strength of valos.

The result made James feel very heavy, because wallos's defense strength is stronger than he thought.

Originally, I thought that at most 1000 casualties would be on the top today, and it might even take only a few hundred soldiers to gain a certain advantage.

But the loss is more than he thought, which means that it is unrealistic to win the valos barrier in a very short time.

"To strengthen our vigilance, although we are a crusading army, it does not mean that valos's rebels will not attack us. Especially at night, we must not relax." James returned to the temporary base camp outside the city, and he was thinking that maybe the unstable City builders would be a good breakthrough.

This kind of people are the most easily shaken. Now it is estimated that they are more likely to be threatened to join in the battle of Xiecheng.

In this way, tomorrow we only need to spread some news, such as condoning their crimes, or secretly sending messengers to talk to each other. If we can reach an agreement, we may have different results.

It's not easy for an army to enter the city, but it's easy for one or two experts to enter the city.

"Yes." The captains of the unit, who were ordered by Captain James, responded in unison.

"Lantis, three thousand men are assembled." Alice with 3000 elite, gathered in front of Rosen and others in the middle of the night.

"Vic, as soon as the time comes, you will send out all available forces to attack the enemy camp at night and pull out their troops as much as possible. Alice, I will use my ability to open several tunnels in the center of the enemy camp. You must kill or capture all commanders and captains alive in the shortest time."

Because of Rosen's ability, he could have raided the enemy's camp from underground as soon as possible, but I didn't know the enemy's strength before. Second, James didn't really let the soldiers rest and had no chance. Third, the attack was too obvious in the daytime.

Even Rosen, it takes time to get through the underground passage, and it's not easy to be detected at night.

This is the fastest way to win, and the casualty rate is not high. The only requirement is that the quality of the soldiers is very high, so we can only take the risk to let the soldiers of Landis go out. At the same time, Rosen will also act to ensure the victory of the first battle.

"I understand." Vic Alice nods, but Vic's heart is full of disbelief. Even if 3000 people go deep into the enemy's belly, can they resist the pressure of the enemy? This is going to wipe out the enemy?

Although there is a feint attack led by the army in the front, it is impossible for the enemy to rush out, especially when it is difficult to achieve unity at night. It is clear to retain part of the force.

But now that the operational orders have come down, what he has to do is to obey them. After all, it's not him who takes risks.

Soon, it was late at night.

The city gate of wallos barrier suddenly opened, which immediately attracted the attention of the scouts in charge of surveillance. In James base camp, an army quickly assembled.

"Report, valos barrier suddenly tens of thousands of soldiers rushed to us."

"No cover up, no advance momentum?"


"Feint or real attack?" Fight back immediately, no matter whether it's true or not. Since we have abandoned the valos barrier as a defensive fortification, our combat strength and strength will be stronger, and we will eat this army as much as possible, but if the enemy retreats, don't chase deeply. " James pondered and said that his tent was conspicuous because his physique was very different from others.

"Kill When the battle broke out, James thought it was just a short fight, but he didn't expect that the other side didn't plan to retreat at all. Instead, it became more and more intense.

"Well, they are a bunch of idiots. Do you really want to go to the end like this? Is their commander an idiot? " James couldn't help thinking that he couldn't win the valos barrier by day, so he was underestimated?

And as the battle became more and more sticky, deep underground, the solid ground suddenly softened, forming a channel, these channels and the ground still have some distance.

Alice took the soldiers along the passage, then stopped at the end of the passage.

Rosen's final ability to urge, after the soldiers are in place and ready, makes the earth and rock at the end of many passages instantly sand, exposing one bunker after another.

The soldiers of Landis rushed out and entered the hinterland of the Crusade army. They were unprepared.

In fact, because of the world's numerous capabilities, it is not without defenses against underground attacks. However, the king's crusading army was caught off guard by opening so many holes on the ground in an instant.

And it's a very strong army.

"Enemy attack, damn it, where did they come from? Why have you crossed the outer line of defense? " A sub captain and his soldiers are struggling to resist the attack of this group of uninvited guests. The Raider is inexplicable and powerful.

"The witness said that it was from the underground, ah..." a soldier was a little flustered, coping with the fierce attack of a Landis soldier, and he was defeated step by step. As soon as his voice fell, he was knocked to the ground.

"How can it be? When we set up camp, we had already explored. There is no underground passage. Even those with ability are unlikely to send so many enemies directly to the hinterland all at once." The team leader was confused. They did the security work, but they never thought that they were facing a quick awakening natural ability person.

"Captain James has been killed!" A bolt from the blue rang out, shaking all the big and small officers who were still fighting.

"It's impossible... To get the enemy troops back immediately and shrink their defenses." A captain was beheaded by Lisa as soon as he gave the order.

The command was just issued, but there was no follow-up command, so that the whole command system was almost paralyzed.

"It's too strong. How can valos barrier have such an army?"?! What does the intelligence department do? " A team leader didn't get any benefit from a seemingly ordinary soldier, but his colleagues kept falling down, and he couldn't help feeling desperate.

Although they were the troops gathered by the nobles, the actual combat was not weak. After all, the king called on them. In the general trend, the nobles did not perfunctory the king.

But just like this, the core army with real combat power can't resist a surprise attack, which is too big a gap.

"It's true that the captain of James' army has been knocked down. He's finished. The rebels are pouring out. They are no less than us. What should we do now, officers?"

"The captain was killed."

"My captain was killed, too."

"What about that?"

"Run, if you stay, you will surely die. It's obvious that we have been tricked by the rebels!" The disorder of the command system caused great panic.

Beheading operation, very smooth, James although powerful, but in Rosen absolute crushing strength and with Alice's joint efforts, in a very short period of time, the giant Army long knocked down, and captured alive.

"I didn't expect there would be an expert like you in wallos barrier!" James was seriously injured, lying on the ground, bound by a huge chain, with a heavy face.