"Keep on chasing, don't let them regroup." Rosen didn't relax his vigilance. Although the crusading army has been scattered, there are still many middle and low-level team leaders who have not been eradicated. If we give them a chance to breathe.

When they react and gather the rout troops, they will be very passive. This battle will take some time, but they can't fall into a stalemate just because of just one barrier. That result is not good for Rosen.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Vic said confidently that it was very easy for him to command the city defense forces and beat down the dogs.

"Take these people back and see if they have any value." Rosen is calm.

This night's pursuit lasted all night, and it didn't stop until the rout troops fled to the nearby barrier. After all, it was almost impossible for the troops of the valos barrier to break down the next barrier after they were divided into several groups.

To this extent, it is enough.

"Are you kidding me? Your 80000 Crusaders, instead of being able to win the valos barrier, were chased everywhere overnight?" Some of the bulwark nobles who contained the Crusaders were shocked when they learned about the incident from the deserters, which completely overturned their understanding.

Is the valos barrier a tiger's den? Even if it's a tiger's den, it's an exaggeration.

This Crusade has just begun, and it has suffered so much.

However, as the nobles collected more and more information, the news was gradually confirmed, and the news that James was captured alive came out, which was destined to completely change the direction of the whole kingdom of Andia.

"The giant warrior was captured alive? Now as a coolie, such a powerful monster has become the prisoner of valos barrier in this way! "

"What! Is the crusading army completely destroyed? " When the king got the news, the whole people were stunned. He was still waiting for the news of victory. As a result, only one day after the war began, his crusading army collapsed, no matter what the process.

As a result, he was defeated completely, showing the incompetence of the crusading army. After being shocked and angry, the king immediately realized that there would be an uncontrollable political disturbance.

This point can be seen from the subsequent noble call order. More than 30% of the nobles said that they had suffered heavy losses this time and could not support the king in a short time. Of course, they were gathering.

About 20% of the nobles sent out soldiers, far from the number proposed by the king. Only half of the nobles were quite regular. The number was enough, but the quality was very poor, even mixed with City builders.

Most of the City builders are cannon fodder. Unless they have leaders like sparks, they can resist the regular army. Otherwise, they can't confront the army directly.

"It is reported that the qarder barrier has just been broken by the rebels of valos barrier, the Marquis has been killed, and the rest of the people choose to surrender." Just when the king was upset, another message came, like an avalanche.

"Son of a bitch, a bunch of rubbish, a wallos barrier can turn the world upside down. Even if the Duke of wallos is still alive, it can't be so strong. It's just a successor who has caused so much damage to the king. Allan, go and get me Alicia's head. Now, immediately." The king was so angry that he couldn't tolerate it any more. He even sent out the guards who were around him to protect his safety.

"My Lord, if I leave, the assassination in secret will cause a fatal threat to you." Allan said calmly.

After hearing this, the king's face changed several times. Finally, he didn't let Anlun assassinate Shia. After all, no one's life is as precious as his own.

"Let the king's army and the noble army fight against all the barriers against the king, and allow the City builders to be the pioneers." The king had no choice but to order that even the troops who were supposed to attack buluowa barrier could only be temporarily transferred back. Now the most important thing is to curb the expansion of buluowa barrier and further compress their living space.

"I understand."

As a result, with the local victory, the war did not stop, but expanded.

"There are already three barriers. Let the City builders of wallos barrier go to other barriers to work together to prevent, let ideas pass on, and let the City builders of other barriers enjoy the same treatment. Our forces can roll like snowballs, but the main power can't be controlled by them. Unless they have talent and virtue, it's easy to expand out of control." Rosen called the meeting.

"I understand."

After they won the first victory, Rosen gathered his troops, took advantage of the high morale, attacked the nearest barrier, and won it in a short time.

The defense of chaird barrier is not as good as that of valos barrier. It is a soft persimmon, which has become Rosen's target. In this way, it seems that HIA has the ability to compete. This news will alert the nobles.

But it will also let the ambitious nobles see the "opportunity", thus dragging the king's back.

"Can 1500 Landis soldiers control the overall situation of chaird barrier?" Rosen looks at Alice.

"It's enough. We only need to control a few key figures and have a certain assault combat power. And I believe that the City builders will become our strength." Alice said confidently.

"Next, don't be so anxious. First, stabilize and resist the Crusade from the king's army before proceeding to the next step." Rosen said, looking at the map of Andia kingdom.

If the three barriers can be defended and accepted by other city builders and civilians for a period of time, they can develop like a snowball.

After all, although the kingdom of Andia will be obedient to the world aristocrats, it is still based on the new order, and pure destruction is not the purpose.

"Report, city defense department calls, emergency, the wall is broken!" In the discussion between Rosen and others, a Landis Pro guard ran in and reported.

"The city wall is forced to die!"?! How many people are there in the king's army? " Everyone was surprised. You should know that valos barrier is stronger than ordinary barrier. How can it be broken suddenly? What special ability or huge army attack together?

"There is only one enemy!"


"Yes, from the mouth of the pirate, he is the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye, mihok!"

"What's the matter? Is it true that Hawkeye has reached an agreement with the king or some nobleman, and has broken the wall of wallos for no reason Rosen frowned.

After the unexpected arrival of Hawk Eye, the advantage and stability that we had just acquired became elusive.

Eagle eye is a mysterious man. Rosen doesn't know much about his life story. Maybe he has something to do with the kingdom of Andia.

What's more, if the world's number one swordsman really aims at valos barrier, who can stop him?