"It's really two monsters. It's been a long time. Haven't they finished yet? If we continue to fight in this way, the wallos barrier will be completely destroyed. " Vick and others watched from a distance. Except for the soldiers of Landis, no one could enter the viewing distance and was forcibly dismissed.

"Both are so strong!" Alice clenched her fists and was a little unwilling. Although she was not weak, she was far behind the two in front of her. Moreover, she concluded that they were just looking for fun, not fighting by any means.

It's even more striking for her. It seems that during the time when she left, the man became stronger again.

"Thank you, ha ha ha..." during the battle, Rosen's strength suddenly increased. Under the overbearing cover, he flew the eagle's eye out for a distance.

This makes the Hawk Eye, who has been enjoying the advantage in this battle, a little less able to defend. Has he become stronger? Or just hiding?

It should be stronger. No one can hide anything under his eyelids.

"Interesting, but not a swordsman." Eagle eye light said a, armed color domineering covering the blade, began to move the real, fighting, this is the fun of fighting.

Rosen saw that his body skill had just reached the advanced level, breaking through to 1000 points. In a moment, it seemed that some kind of shackle in his body had been torn, and his strength had increased sharply.

The continuous high-intensity fighting made every cell in Rosen's blood boil up, so that at this moment, the body skill stepped into the general level.

From this moment on, Rosen can really stand in the way of the general, and there will be no big difference between the victory and the defeat.

And Hawk Eye is the sword, domineering, both reached the general level.

Fencing is even closer to the upper limit of advanced level. It's about 2000 points. It's not much weaker than the strong one at the level of three major generals. After all, he has excellent fencing skills, and one can almost be used as two.

But he is more in the enjoyment of fighting, especially like to fight with the strong, and learn to enhance their own strength.

And now Rosen let him use the domineering, which will make his sword, become more refined and powerful.

Hawkeye's strong physique and domineering spirit are only for the sake of swordsmanship. Although the body skill is not specialized, it is also strong enough to support high-strength swordsmanship.

And high-strength sword comes from the will of perception, domineering bonus, and the most basic skills.

All his strength was integrated into his kendo. Therefore, his swordsmanship was so terrible. At this moment, the black sword was overpowering and even more dangerous. Rosen was almost beheaded.

"Deep space purgatory." Rosen's body skill has improved by leaps and bounds, and his fruit ability is also stronger. His whole right arm turns into sand and hovers around, just like a high-speed electric drill, which directly stabs out and collides with Hawkeye's black knife.

For a moment, the spark blasted, eagle eyes frowned, holding a black knife, fiercely ahead of a step, with the force to press past, trying to push back Rosen, but at this time, Rosen did not move.

"Breath soul. Chop!" Hawk Eye's momentum changed completely and became more dangerous. Holding the knife, he retreated for a certain distance and let Rosen's sand drill arm bombard him. With his eyes staring, Rosen's movement seemed to be slowed down in hawk eye.

Hawk's eyes hold the black knife in both hands, start and draw the sword. The whole person's mental state, will and domineering spirit are completely focused on the chopping attack that is about to break out at this moment.

"Danger." Rosen can realize that this is a powerful attack of Jianhao's concentration. It's not suitable for hard connection. Rosen quickly evades the moment when the eagle's eye strikes.

Boom! As a matter of fact, Rosen's prediction was accurate. At the moment when he avoided, the sky darkened. It was the vision of swordsmanship's will and domineering power after reaching a certain extreme,

Then, a black knife air wrapped in domineering spirit, chopped out, the air roared, the sound of breaking the air, and the buzzing almost shattered people's eardrums.

Alice and other soldiers are extremely uncomfortable to cover their ears.

The towering sword Qi, like a piece of brilliance, swept across the whole valos barrier, leaving a deep crack after roaring.

Rosen was a little surprised. It was so terrible when the eagle eye's common skill was transformed into a superb skill attack. If he was not a general in biathlon, I was afraid that he would suffer a big loss.

"Valos barrier is penetrated?" Alice stood on the tower, looking at the crack of the abyss which was cut open by the sword. She was shocked. You know, the wallos barrier is very huge.

This kind of attack, even the queen can not fight it, this is the strength of the world's first swordsman?! How strong!

"Black area fierce bullet, kill!" Rosen was surrounded by countless sand particles, which floated around him like 44 black hole absorbing points. They absorbed the compressed sand, then burst through the void and hit the eagle's eye.

"If you are not in charge of your family, you don't know the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Even if you fight, you will be more restrained. Do you know how much I will spend to build the city wall you destroyed?" Rosen eyebrows pick, others are terrified at the powerful eagle eye, and he has begun to calculate how much money this battle lost, although the strength of the refined is a good thing.

But the financial problem is not a small problem, especially now, it doesn't matter. If Hawkeye goes on with such an exaggerated move and blows the wallos barrier to pieces, it will be his own fault.

Now we are facing the crusade of the king's army. If we attack from multiple directions, it's really hard to defend.

"It's impolite." Eagle eyes listen to Rosen's complaint, a little Leng for a while, say, the strong generally care about the loss? Eagle eye is a lone ranger, but he doesn't pay much attention to this.

Although he was talking, he was not slow in his hand. The black knife was waving one by one, attacking Rosen's sand grains, flying or bouncing out

"Lord Alice, it's not a good thing. Princess hea's house has been attacked. The assassin is currently fighting with Bingfeng regiment, but his strength is very strong, and he may not be able to support it." As the battle progressed, a bloody Landis soldier flew up to Alice and gasped.

"What?" Alice was surprised, you know, although she didn't stay with HIA because the wall was broken, the soldiers of Bingfeng regiment who stayed with HIA were among the best.

This is obviously not an ordinary attack.

Rosen stops his attack, eagle eye hears it and frowns slightly. Who used him?

Rosen looked at the eagle's eye, was it put together?

"Let them hold on. We'll be right there." Alice made a quick decision, took the soldiers of Landis and ran to the location of hea.

Vick's face also changed. He quickly commanded the army to support them. Now it is clear that HIA is their leader. If something happens to HIA, it is likely to shake the foundation of valos barrier.

"That's all for today." Eagle eye suddenly cuts back and turns away, mainly to show his attitude. He is not afraid of Rosen, but he doesn't want to be misunderstood.

He didn't come for others, he didn't fight for anyone, he only fought for himself.

"The king's action? It's a little fast. " Instead of looking at the hawk's eyes, Rosen turned into sand and flew toward hea's house.