"You are not from the kingdom of Andia." Allan calmly glances at Shia, who is protected by a group of soldiers. He is the shadow of the king. He is known as a ghost that does not exist. Even a rebel leader can not be killed.

It was only a group of ordinary looking soldiers who stopped him, only a hundred people. His raid was discovered, which surprised him as the leader of the killer group.

"It is impossible for Prince valos to cultivate such soldiers. Even for his own killer group, only some of his subordinates have such excellent skills and fighting consciousness." All of a sudden, Allan's body turned into a white crystal chip. He punched hard.

With his fisting, the light particles around him were focused in his fists. With a hot blow and a slight explosion, he blasted several soldiers out of the air for hundreds of meters, and instantly lost their combat effectiveness.

"Get out of the way." Even though he has amazing fighting power, it will be extremely troublesome for him to fall into the siege of thousands of troops. Moreover, from his observation, there are bound to be stronger valos barriers, and there may be more than one.

So he had to make a quick decision.

But where the soldiers are heading, even if they are dead or lifeless, they will never shrink back. The soldiers rush up one after another and then fall down.

It's not an opponent at all, but at least it won enough time.

"I don't know what's good." The two of them held together and rubbed quickly. Then, an invisible magnetic field spread around him.

The weapons in the hands of the soldiers suddenly trembled violently, and the magnetic force was disordered, or controlled. Although the crystal man, as a crystal fruit, was not as strong as the diamond man.

But crystal makes him dabble in a lot, and the development is also very good. Just using crystal to diffuse, refract and gather light makes him have a very strong combat effectiveness. Crystal also has a special piezoelectric effect, which can produce weak electromagnetic field when rubbing with human body.

Through the characteristics of this electromagnetic field, Allen can not only play the same moves as magnetic gravity, but also interfere with the unique frequency of the magnetic field in the human body by direct attack, making it weak.

Taking advantage of the sudden change of weapons, the crystal magnetic field blows out its fist, which makes the powerful soldiers feel as if they are bound by weakness. When Allan approaches them, he can't react for a moment.

Peng Peng! The soldiers are decreasing sharply, and Rosen's speed is very fast. Just when Anlun is about to solve the remaining soldiers, Rosen comes at a gallop, with an armed and domineering fist, and blows at Anlun.

"Ten circles of crystal!" With a click, Allan's face changed, and his fists were covered with ten layers of crystals of different colors. He turned into a giant fist and attacked Rosen.

Peng! At the moment of contact, his fist crystal smashed, the whole person was directly smashed out, and his arms were paralyzed.

"Crystal dissolves!" With a dignified expression, he looks at Rosen wearing a mask, but he doesn't love to fight at all. The whole person seems to turn into a shadow and blend into the ground and disappear.

"What is this ability? The erosion of reincarnation. " Rosen was surprised, but reacted quickly, thinking it would be safe to dive underground?

Boom! The earth, under Rosen's ability, split in an instant, and the underground Allen was surprised. Although there were many strong men who could open the earth, the speed was too fast, and he didn't dive deep enough.

Shock to shock, but the reaction is still very fast, speed up the escape.

"Purgatory tornado." Seeing this, Rosen immediately manipulated the yellow sand of the land, rolled up the sky, and planed the ground tens of meters deep, but no one was seen.

"Black prison bullet!" Rosen raised his hand and shot 33 fierce bullets, which broke through the ground and made the ground full of holes. This was faster and easier than he could control Huangsha.

"There's blood, but there's no body. Let him run away. It's really troublesome for those who are capable." Rosen frowned and overturned the nearby ground, but no body was found, only blood.

"Are you all right?" Alice arrived at this time, looking at the fallen soldiers, can not help but feel heavy.

"Gather them together and I'll treat them first." Rosen has no way to start pursuing. In the world below the ground, it's extremely difficult to feel aggressive. Moreover, the attacker's strength is not weak. Otherwise, he will not be able to recover his life under his own attack.

At present, it is better to treat the wounded first.

Alice nodded, and hea's face was not good. She was not afraid, but a soldier was wounded by the unknown assassin in order to protect her.

"Search the city."

"This should be the shadow of the king. It seems that the king has begun to worry." After thinking, hea came to such a conclusion.

There have been rumors of shadows in the kingdom of Andia. I don't know how many nobles have been assassinated.

No one may be able to describe the face of the shadow, but for some abilities and impressions, the rumor is very consistent with the present.

"It's good for us to be in a hurry, and we've recorded this account." Rosen said darkly.

After arranging the wounded, Rosen calls enilu, Hathaway, Bonis and others, and asks them to choose several nobles as the target of assassination.

However, this action was only started after the news of the attack on Princess valoshia spread. This step is to make the kingdom of Andia gradually lose the support of the nobility.

"Alice, you should protect Shia closely during this time. I'll take care of the rest." Rosen thought that it should not be too long. He had to take the initiative to attack, but the strength between several barriers was not enough.

"Morris, you help me to send some messages to the barriers, mainly to the City builders of the barriers. I want them to know what they can get. As long as they resist, they will be free."

"Alice, select a group of smart soldiers. These days, I'll do some simple work for them. They need to become refugees and lurk among the city building people of various barriers. What you need to do is very simple..."

Rosen officially launched a comprehensive plan, and when there were wars everywhere, it was time to cut off the king's head.

"Did eagle eye leave?"

"No, the city wire said he was drinking in a pub in the inner city." When Vic arrived, Rosen asked him the first question.

"OK, I see."

The inner city, pub, eagle eye is drinking wine, looking at the door into the people, calm said: "how? I want to play again so soon, but I'm not in the mood now. If I come here for this, I'm afraid I'll let you down. "

"There have been a lot of things recently, not for fighting." Rosen sat down across from the Hawkeye table and motioned to the boss for a bottle of good wine.

"What's that for?" The eagle eye gave Rosen a look.

"No, just a chat."

"Don't forget that I am qiwuhai. In name, we are enemies."

"Don't say that you will work hard for this title. Besides, it's still unknown how long the qiwuhai system will last, but it should be over soon." Rosen a word, let eagle eye raise the hand of wine glass, a little pause, then drink.

After all, it's about his own destiny.