But Hathaway's seeing and hearing has been trained to the extreme. Although her ability is strange, she can't see it, but she can't escape her domineering. After killing Aberdeen, she steps in the same place, spins rapidly and cuts off with one knife.

Whoa! Colson in the back was cut off by a knife, and cut directly in the past, without any blood. Hathaway didn't use domineering force in every move.

Because not many people can resist her attack.

"Natural science?" Hathaway frowned, then put up the Yang Dao, scarlet light appeared, at the same time armed color domineering cover sword body, a fierce magic prison cut out, cut Colson.

But at this time, behind Hathaway, another Colson rose from the ground and showed a confident smile. He was silent and restrained. Even Hathaway could not detect it.

Bait, it works. This move, he has tried many times. He is a killer and an assassin. He has killed many more powerful people than him, and this time is no exception.

If you want to blame your captain for being so disorderly, spreading such dangerous ideas makes Lord Raymond feel uneasy. It's a pity that he has such an angelic face.

Whoa! The poisoned dagger in Colson's hand was supposed to pierce Hathaway's heart directly from behind, but it only passed by Hathaway's left side of her abdomen.

"How can it be?"?! Did you hide? I should have eliminated all the breath. How can I detect it? " Colson was startled, and then an amazing murderous atmosphere came like a storm, which made him as if he had been struck by lightning.

King color! Shit!

"Riot Hathaway's face was heavy. She looked at the wound that began to blacken. There was no expression on her face. The attacker's strength was not only high, but also not simple.

It seems that he is not an ordinary natural person.

Hathaway's knife fell from hand to hand. Countless fierce sword Qi shrouded Colson like a storm. She tore it up, but there was no blood. It was like tearing up an illusion.

"Although it didn't hit the point, the toxin will slowly corrode your body, and your attack is useless to me. I'm a natural person with fruit like ability. All you see is just my own image. If I can't find my true self, it's useless to be domineering. " Colson calmed down as soon as he was shocked.

Then from all sides of Hathaway, a Colson emerged from the air, like a mirage.

"Breath, heartbeat, breath, all the same!" Hathaway glanced and found that the hundreds of Colson could not tell the truth, or that they were all true, because each of them had attack power.

It's like an imaging copy of him.

"Die." Although Hathaway has been poisoned, but to be on the safe side, Colson launched an attack. From the air, the land and the wall, a Colson with a poisoned dagger broke out together.

Because there are all directions and angles, it's difficult to capture them, and the key is that there are still a lot of them.

"You want to poison me with this poison?" Hathaway's indifference is like no eating fireworks. She looks down at the fallen angel, and the whole person is filled with scarlet blood fog.

The whole person has entered the whole body red outbreak period.

The red complexion stopped the poison from deteriorating. Then the Yang Sword swept the circle 360 degrees and made three rapid turns. Then the three round sword Qi spread out from three different positions.

Boom! The three ring sword Qi destroys and strikes in all aspects, and countless Colson turns into pieces in an instant, just like a picture torn by the sword Qi, and the pieces are still floating in the air.

"Ontology is not among these people, and the number of attacks of each ontology should be limited, and the strength is also limited. In other words, if you encounter the strongest one, it is ontology." After Hathaway hit, there were some shallow judgments.

"It's a woman worthy of a reward of 790 million. It's not so easy to take it down, but I didn't say that I can only image myself. Everything generated by photos can be used for me. Although it costs a lot and has many restrictions, it should be enough to deal with it." Just a blow, Hathaway wiped out most of the Colson imager, but at this moment, a number of new Colson appeared in the wall.

And each of these colsons had pictures in his hand. Some were swords and weapons, most were famous knives, and some were guns.

There are countless kinds of powerful firepower weapons.

For a moment, Hathaway seemed to be surrounded by a fully armed army.

Bang bang! There was a lot of gunfire.

Boom boom! The deafening sound of gunfire.

Whew, whew! Dense sword Qi.

All the attacks were aimed at Hathaway. With her superb swordsmanship, Hathaway smashed or bounced these attacks. She seemed to dance in the flames of hell.

"It's wonderful posture and swordsmanship, but how long can you last? I have a steady stream of them. " Still confident, Colson pulled out a new photo.

Whoa, whoa, whoa! After all, there were too many attacks by Colson, and she began to leave some wounds on Hathaway. Although it was not fatal, it was enough to see the strength and strangeness of Colson's ability.

"Annoying." Hathaway suddenly roared, and the bully rushed around with a terrible wave. In the crowd, a Colson subconsciously took a step back.

"I found you. Devil's prison Hathaway aimed at the direction to cut out a startling sword, sword plow over the ground, straight to Colson's real body.

"Imaging, wrong image!" Colson was surprised to find him so soon? However, he is a natural science department. Although he is not a disaster force, he is an imaging force, but he has been studying this ability for decades and is extremely skilled.

The figure divided into two parts ahead of time, escaped Hathaway's aggressive attack, and then went underground to hide in the separation again.

"Peng!" When Hathaway saw this, she was not depressed. Instead, she squatted fiercely. Then she jumped up and jumped up: "no matter which part is you, since the ability is activated, it means that you are in a certain range, so it's easy to do."

"Tianyang wheel, blood red light!" Hathaway's Scarlet spirit was absorbed into Yang Dao, and then she chopped at super high speed. In an instant, she cut 666 Dao.

Hum! So in this instant, more than 600 Dao Qi, wrapped in domineering and scarlet fog, came down from the sky to strike in a full range.

"Damn it Colson looked at this wide coverage of the blow, suddenly surprised, did not expect this woman will be so strong, a bit miscalculation.

Bang bang! Within a radius of 500 meters, everything was flattened as if it had been washed by missile rain.

When the smoke dissipated, Hathaway also fell to the ground, and there was no sound around: "he escaped."

It seems that it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. Since Prince Raymond has decided to do something for himself, it means that he is going to take action, or that he has taken action, and that her surveillance is over.

Because she saw and heard the color domineering, aware of countless soldiers from all directions, obviously intended to use cannon fodder to consume themselves.

If this is the case, Colson's relatively special natural fruit may bring him great trouble.

What's more, her poison is only contained. Although she has been reformed, she is mainly flesh and blood.

And she wants to go, no one can stop her, just this account, she wrote down, but also let others pay more attention to this ability.

"I have to tell Lord Raymond that clock's strength is even stronger than estimated. It's really exciting to think about it. If such a master dies in my hands, it's too satisfying." Not far away, Colson's chest is not a shallow bloodstain, but he does not care, and he does intend to let the cannon fodder to consume Hathaway.

I thought it would be much easier to succeed by surprise, but I didn't expect that she could control such a strong poison.

Hathaway obviously can't be so stupid, waiting for the soldiers to consume her, she just a few jumps to speed up, then disappeared in the same place.