Valos barrier.

"What they can't carry is defense. They have no strength to counterattack us at all. As long as we surround them, they can't have any other choice except defeat in a short time. James is too careless. He was defeated by only one surprise attack. As long as we are more careful and don't be careless, the victory must belong to us." The commander-in-chief of the joint Crusade army looked at the battlefield in front of him, with countless experts around him, day and night.

At the same time, the arrangement of elite soldiers is to avoid repeating James' failure.

"Yes, and the valos barrier is so indecisive that we dare not kill the City builders. Otherwise, we can't break through their walls several times." A general nodded. Although he was beaten back after being broken through, it was exploratory. He did not gather enough troops to break through at one stroke.

But now it has been tested out that if it is still so easy to break through when the all-out war starts, the victory will belong to them.

The last thing we need on the battlefield is compassion and kindness. It seems that the victory of the war belongs to them.

"Princess hea, if we allow the enemy to destroy our walls and not fight back, the valos barrier will not last long." Vic looked at the city wall section that had been blasted several times and said anxiously.

"It's true that we should not be merciful in war, even though we are old and have been born into exiles." The old man around sparks, now the deputy executive of wallos barrier, also suggested that hea fight back.

"Not kindness, but timing, and so on." Hea's face was calm. He said that he would stick to it for a while, so he would stick to it. Even if the wall was broken, she believed him.

Chaird barrier.

"Why don't we order to attack the City builders? The outer city has been lost. Now everyone has retreated to the inner city. If this continues, we can only retreat to the high city, and finally we can only give up this barrier." The former leader of the Qaidam army was puzzled.

If he didn't have 20 warriors around him, he really wanted to run away, or ordered to attack, so they would not be in decline so soon.

"Command is command." A soldier said coldly that his weapon had not been taken back. If the captain of the army could not carry out the order, they would cut off his head.

Bulova barrier.

"Will it hold?" Brova asked, looking at Lisa.

"No problem, but there are a lot of enemies, but the time is coming." Lisa thought.

In the abyss barrier, sparks has lurked among the City builders. When the sun is about to set in the west, he suddenly shouts: "kill all the nobles, liberate the City builders, I'm sparks of wallos! Those who want to be free follow me and take the abyss barrier. "

"Wo ~" is full of wild animals, and countless weapons are transported in advance. Weapons buried in the ground or under the rock are taken out by a group of City builders full of hatred and fanaticism.

Sparks with a crazy army, killed the inner city, high city

"What's the matter? Why is it so noisy outside? Don't you know that the count is entertaining guests and doesn't want to live?" The ruler of the abyss rampart was furious at the sound of a distant commotion.

"Count, it's no good. The refugees rebelled and went crazy. They have already killed in the high city. The gate of the city has not been closed in time!" A bodyguard came in in a panic, bringing bad news.

The celebrities were in a panic.

"How can that be?"?! What about the city defense forces? What about the guards of the inner city? " The count was surprised. What's the matter? Why do you have so much courage when you are a dog?

"The city defense forces and the inner city have their insiders. They are all soldiers who believe in Princess HIA's equal rights. We don't know when they were rebelled, but there are so many refugees that we can't stop them!"

"Damn it, a group of damned Dalits, immediately organize the army, kill them all, kill them all, kill them! No, no, no, protect me first, you scum. First gather the guards and the army to protect me. " The count was furious.

Two hours later, with great strides, the bloody sparks broke the mansion of the ruler of the high city with one foot, and then cried to the City builders, "now, you are free!"

More than 100000 people screamed at this moment, and the news spread all over the kingdom of Andia, and this was just a signal.

After the fall of the abyss barrier, the City builders of the other barriers, with the help of the planners arranged by the tyranny and Rosen, had four more barriers, resulting in the vagrant riots.

However, not all the rebellions were successful. One of them failed, and the result was very tragic. Tens of thousands of City builders were killed to show his authority. The noble thought that there was no problem, and he would certainly be able to frighten these Dalits with iron and blood.

But unexpectedly, this move angered sparks, who was not far away from the barrier. After paying no small price, sparks united with the City builders of the two barriers.

The whole rampart that had suppressed the mob was occupied, and all the nobles who participated in the massacre were beheaded.

"The news continued to spread. Did the king's Crusaders see all the pictures and videos?" Rosen looks at Alice and Robin.

"Well, some of them are live broadcast by video phone bugs. The army outside the city should have seen them." Robin nodded. She threw some phone bugs into the gathering places of City builders with her flower power. She also helped them connect the messages.

The king's army could not defend against such an ability.

It was Rosen's idea to live broadcast the uprising of the City builders. The kindness before, now it's time to turn it into a victory.

"Send a notice that as long as one of the City builders of the enemy dares to resist, our three big barriers will respond to them, and the whole army will attack and kill the king's army." Rosen's done.

The order passed on quickly, and then Rosen and others came to the wall of wallos barrier. More than 50000 troops had been waiting to gather at the gate.

"Princess hea has an order. In the war, all the enslaved people listen. At this moment, five big barriers have been occupied by us at the same time. As long as one of you dares to fight back, we will accept you unconditionally and launch a decisive battle with the enemy at the same time! For freedom Vic yelled.

Not far from the city wall, the king's crusading army gathered. After hearing the news and seeing the image just released from the valos barrier, they already noticed that it was not good.

But before they had time to take action, the commander in chief of the Crusade army was in a panic as soon as this announcement was published, and he was about to give an order to control all the refugees.

Even if you are an idiot, you also know that the refugees at the moment are like barrels of gunpowder. Any spark will shatter everything.

"Against him! I don't want to be driven to death like a beast. Even if I don't have weapons, I will bite off your heads with my mouth. " When a city builder heard this, he went crazy. He opened his mouth and bit a king's soldier's neck in spite of the chains on his feet.

Whoa! Although his body was stabbed in half, the soldier had no more strength and soon lost his voice.

"Dong Dong Dong!" The signal war drum on the wallos barrier was suddenly pounded. The wallos barrier complied with the agreement and the whole army went out to attack.

Boom! The gates of the city were wide open, the walls were desertified and collapsed, and all the troops poured out.

Seeing this, the refugees, who were controlled by the Crusade army, all of a sudden vented their hatred on the Crusade army.

The Crusaders were all flustered. The refugees, regardless of their life and death, launched attacks inside them. The more dead and wounded they were, the crazier they were. At this moment, the wallos barrier suddenly launched a decisive battle.

This caught the commander off guard, and the soldiers were scared at this moment, because they were forced, and the five barriers changed in an instant.

It's hard for them to imagine that those bitter, ha ha, mud legs have such strong fighting power. They are just like the evil spirits crawling out of the hell, and they want to be skinned and cramped.

Moreover, five barriers have been occupied, and three of them are now occupied. Doesn't that mean that almost half of the kingdom of Andia has fallen into the hands of Princess HIA, and their morale is so fierce that who can stop them?

The king's army retreated. As soon as the battle broke out, there were countless deaths and injuries. The victory and defeat had already been doomed.

At the same time, chaider barrier and buluowa barrier also play the role of valos barrier.

In an instant, the king's army was defeated.