However, when Rosen won the great victory, the king's mood was from disbelief to fury and then to panic. This defeat was enough to threaten the whole kingdom of Andia.

No, or it has seriously threatened the king's army's defeat in all aspects, although there are still many living forces who have survived temporarily relying on the aristocratic barriers and preserved some troops.

But the whole war was completely reversed, or was it reversed by a group of such humble "piggies", which made the king a little hard to accept.

So far, eight barriers have been occupied, and the power of Shia has expanded rapidly.

If we take into account the combat effectiveness of the City builders, I'm afraid there are at least 300000 troops, and this number is expected to snowball in a short time.

"Shrink our strength, send envoys to the world government and ask for the help of the world government." This battle directly scared the king and made him lose.

In addition, the capital is now in dire straits. Because of the rebellion of the nobles, the capital's forces are empty. If he hadn't been careful and secretly arranged his forces, I'm afraid his own safety would not have been guaranteed.


"Your Majesty, there are many nobles who cannot be contacted." Obviously, the situation in the country began to be chaotic, leading to the decline of the royal family's deterrent power.

It also indirectly explains many existing problems.

"Hum, when the situation is stabilized and cleaned up one by one, a group of livestock dare to flutter and send messengers as soon as possible."


After a moment's silence in the hall, the king suddenly said, "I hope you have some good news."

"I'm sorry, there are many experts around Princess hea, but I didn't succeed." Allan rose from the ground, still calm.

"It's not so easy to think about it. I've stayed with them recently. I underestimated them too much before. I didn't expect that now they have become the climate. Now the king's summoning order has been issued. When all available forces come together, we should first eliminate the rebel forces in the king's capital, and then step on the rebel forces in the kingdom of pingandia."

"But the good news is that on the way back, I saw the Duke of Raymond gathering troops to attack the rebels who surrounded the capital." Allan said suddenly, a little confused.

Raymond shouldn't be such a positive person.

"Really?" The king's face brightened. Did he say that he had been wrong about him all the time? At such a moment, he even sent troops to help Wangdu for the first time?

Although the king was indestructible, and the king was confident that no army could break through the defense, after all, the rebels were attacking the king, which was a provocation to him.


"Great! In this way, it will be easier to clean up the rebels. "

The Duke of Raymond held a large number of private troops of the pheromone chamber of Commerce, but now it was impossible for the Aksu chamber of Commerce to follow the orders of the General Chamber of Commerce.

But other chambers of Commerce, even those under the control of Morris, also have some private armies under the command of the General Chamber of Commerce.

With Raymond's own army, besides the king, it is not too much to say that he is the most powerful aristocratic force.

In a luxury hotel opposite the palace, Bonis and mr.5 watch the palace. At this time, the door is knocked, and a soldier who is responsible for serving the king comes here disguised as an ordinary person.

A moment later, Bonis said to mr.5 with the information in hand: "the king has sent envoys to the world government. Boss needs some time to prepare. We will intercept the envoys at sea."

"No problem." Mr.5 sparrow wants to try, surveillance and intelligence gathering work is too boring, he is more eager to fight and kill.

"My Lord, why don't you tell the king the identity of klocdal?" Outside the capital, there was an army of astonishing numbers and excellent qualities. In the middle of this army were the Duke of Raymond and Colson.

"Today's king, though not as shrewd as he used to be, is not incompetent. But what do you think if you know that the biggest enemy now is the enemy who killed his son?" Raymond asked calmly as he looked at the aristocratic coalition suppressed by his troops.

"We should launch a general attack at all costs until the enemy disappears." Colson thought and said.

"Yes, we can conspire with a poisonous snake, but we can't dance with the angry lion. Let the king keep his last reason. When he repels the Allied forces of hea, we can disclose this to the king at the critical moment. Then, we can sit and see that they are both injured. No matter which side survives, we can win more easily."

"Well, it's a pity that the woman is not simple. Otherwise, if she can be killed ahead of time, it will save a lot of energy in the back. I don't know how such a powerful person would be willing to work for klockdale. It's hard to imagine that klockdale's strength would be stronger than her, but I don't know what happened after she was poisoned by me." Colson felt sorry for not being able to keep Hathaway.

"It's very simple, either krocdal is a stronger person or an attractive person, but no matter which one, it's not easy to deal with." Raymond frowned.

Now Andia is completely out of order.

The occurrence of the rebellious event of the barrier made the nobles who survived the barrier worried and strengthened their supervision over the City builders. Some nobles treated the City builders more ferociously, while others were on the contrary.

But the remaining ten barriers, big and small, never stop.

At present, the eight barriers headed by Rosen form a linkage. Once one barrier is attacked by the remaining King's army, other barriers will send reinforcements as soon as possible.

The king's army suffered huge losses twice before and after. Now Princess hea is in the dominant position. The army composed of city makers is crushing all the king's army which is composed of decapitation army.

Most of the king's army shrank back, but there were also some tentative attacks.

Although the king's army was defeated in the battle against several big barriers, it was extremely difficult for Rosen to rely on other barriers to defend. If Rosen wanted to win, he didn't do it.

But now Rosen can't do it many times. Obviously, there are also experts in the king's army and Raymond. If he does it too many times and is targeted by research, he will be in trouble once the war starts and he fails.

This is the game of war. Whoever shows more weaknesses and flaws first is doomed to failure.

Now it's more of a kind of mutual trial, but the trial is filled with human lives, but no one can stop it, because everyone wants to be the final winner.

"It is reported that the brilliant action of the Raymond bulwark builders failed, and our side suffered heavy losses. At the same time, the LOSA bulwark was taken back by the Allied forces of the Duke of Raymond."

"In the south, the nobles of two barriers openly expressed their support for Princess hea's righteousness and sent an army of 5000 people to show their determination."

"The defeated army that attacked the capital has been integrated into our army."

"Our army has broken another wall and is now attacking the inner city."

"Boss, the mission was successfully intercepted, but the two sides are bound to have telephone communication. I'm afraid that the mission will continue to send, or the world government may send someone to check."

"What? The world government wants to go to war with Sihuang white beard. Let's first stabilize the domestic situation and not send troops for the time being?! Damn it It's a roar from the king.