The war situation is stalemate, and the news of the public execution of fire fist ace has begun to be announced to the world. At the same time, work has been carried out on the convening of qiwuhai and the elite of the Navy headquarters.

This is a war with Sihuang white beard, which requires a lot of preparation. It's not a war that can be launched in a hurry. After all, what they have to face is the strongest man in the world.

It is impossible for the world government, or the Navy headquarters, to let a good card play and fail.

On the contrary, the kingdom of Andia, which should have been taken seriously, did not really take it as an important matter for the world government in the face of such a major event as the war against the four emperors. After all, there are so many kingdoms in the world, and the change of dynasties can not be more normal.

They don't have so much manpower and energy to take care of them. As usual, the kingdom of Andia, a big economic country, will receive some special care, but it happens that the time is not good.

Therefore, the world government, as a matter of routine, has sent some personnel from the spy agencies to see the situation. The emissary group has not been able to arrive. It is very difficult to explain a lot of things by telephone worms alone.

Moreover, even if there is a change of Dynasty, as long as the new king is still headed by the world government and is still a franchise country, then the world government will not have any special opinions on this.

"It's time to speed up." Rosen looks at the news inside and outside.

This is the right time. Originally, it was intended to ferment for some time. However, since the public execution of fire fist has come down, the world government does not have so much energy to explore the changes of Andia kingdom.

"Summon all the crew, stop all the wars, and let them enter the truce. Two days later, all the barriers will march out at the same time, break through the king's city, and kill the HunJun." At the meeting, Rosen gave the final operational instructions.

The barrier war is in a stalemate. It is difficult for both sides to break a barrier. However, there are also barriers that are changing hands between loss and capture, which makes the people of Andia panic.

But Princess hea's thought war was very good, both civilians and City builders, even a small number of nobles responded.

This is the advantage that the current king's bad government brings to Rosen.

This can be seen from Princess hea's rapidly expanding troops. Now the number of troops that can fight has exceeded 600000.

On the other hand, the total strength of the king's army plus the noble army is only about 250000.

However, most of Rosen's troops have not received orthodox military training, and most of them are brave.

The king and Raymond's troops are regular troops. If they fight head-on, Rosen's troops may not be able to win even if they have an advantage in numbers.

After all, years or even longer of military training, sometimes it is difficult to make up the gap only by blood and courage.

But it's not totally useless, because the individual power of the world is very different, and the more base, the higher the possibility of the birth of the strong.

And now Rosen has a lot of fighting power on the table. If there is no accident, victory is in sight.

Hathaway, Bonis, Alice, enilu, sparks, Morris... And Rosen, if such a combination of strength can not win a kingdom, even a big country, it will be a failure.

If Rosen's strength is a little stronger, Hathaway and ainilu's strength can go further, and they can have the fighting power to block the general level alone, then Rosen's Pirate Group will have the qualification to play with the four emperors.

Even if we don't have the qualification to play a positive game with Sihuang.

But as for the generals in the headquarters of the Shanghai army, if there is no big naval fleet, I'm afraid a general can't help them, or even be killed.

This is the positive combat power of the dawn Pirate Group.

Morris is not a member of Rosen's crew, so it's hard to say how much power he will make.

And Alice Bonis and the leader of the City builders, Mr. sparks, have the same strength as the leader or cadre of the four emperors. They can't reach the top level, let alone the star level.

Dinger and Bulova are not strong in fighting, but they are good at human affairs, have a unique vision for governing the country, and have the ability of an old man promoted from the City builders.

It's enough to annihilate a country with such strength, but there is still something lacking in governing a country. Therefore, some aristocrats who are not particularly bad will be accepted by Rosen if they are willing to join.

The order went down and was soon carried out.

"The battle content is very simple, beheading! Besides the king, Raymond will die! Only when these two men die can their army be broken down. Alice, Vic, brova and sparks, on the morning of the third day, you launch a general attack on all the barriers that can support the capital. If you can take them down, you can take them down. If you can't take them down, you can intercept their support for the capital. " Rosen said.

"I understand." Led by Alice, Rosen has deployed enough troops to take command of each barrier.

Although these people are on the same front with him now, Rosen is worried about problems, so even if it is unnecessary, he has to ensure that his orders can be well executed and put in place in time.

"Morris, you help to control the changes on the sea, in case they escape from the sea, enilu, Hathaway, Bonis... You go straight to the palace with me when the general attack is launched." Rosen arranged it one by one.

As far as Rosen's intelligence is concerned, there should be only one shadow of the king's master. Of course, there must be a powerful army behind him. And Raymond has Colson beside him, and Raymond has strength.

The enemy's high-end combat power is no less than three. The front combat power is not particularly strong, but the ability is very threatening. In addition to this, there is the unstable factor tezolo.

If the unstable factor tezolo is left out, everything will be going on as planned by Rosen.

Maybe it won't be very easy, but it's basically certain to win, but with one more tezolo, it's hard to say if it appears in the decisive battle, so we can't be careless.

"By the way, uncle, if I want to fight, I know a beautiful big sister. She said that as long as I'm willing to take the Queen's sister to meet her, she is willing to grant me a request." Said Natalie suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Rosen is a little confused. He looks at Eni road. What's the situation.

"Listen to others say, what kind of pirate empress, qiwuhai and so on. I don't know why. I seem to be very interested in the captain. I'm not sure if there is any malice." Enilu said flatly.

"That's a troublesome woman. Don't worry about her. Do what's in front of you first." Rosen frowns slightly. The Pirate Queen meets Natalie. With her arrogance, she doesn't contradict Natalie? live together peacefully?

"It seems that the war has stopped and the enemy has withdrawn."

"Are they afraid? It is said that Lord Raymond has been stationed in the capital

"Don't slacken. It's probably a conspiracy. Send more troops to watch the City builders. If there's any change, kill them immediately. They can't increase their forces any more."

All the barriers suddenly quieted down, and all the fighting stopped temporarily. It was the same on the first day, and it was still the same on the second.

"Strange, did they give up?"

"It's impossible. They have a big advantage."

"I hope it's over as soon as possible. The king's temper is getting worse and worse. I heard that he killed dozens of singers with a knife yesterday. Are you crazy?"

"Shut up, don't want to live, and don't bother us."

"Captain, is it really meaningful that we fight for such a king? I think Princess hea will treat the people better. The king is a little unhappy now. As soon as the war doesn't progress, a large group of people will suffer. "


"What are they preparing for? Let everyone be on the alert, but suddenly stop to make great progress. There is definitely a plot, and at the same time, strengthen the vigilance of the palace. " Raymond frowning, beheading? This is really the key to winning every war.

But if they don't break the barriers, even if a few of them break through by force, they will fall into the siege of thousands of troops and their own experts. On the contrary, they are more likely to die.