"Use the reverse, everyone use the reverse!" The king saw that the situation was getting worse and worse. Under the cover of the guard, he stepped aside and then called out.

"Fool!" Raymond was almost killed. If he didn't know that the king had a deep hatred with his enemies, he would have doubted whether he had been sold.

But he knew that the king was just eager to take down the enemy in front of him. Hatred was a thing that could easily make people lose their senses.

Sure enough, Rosen and others who heard this were more alert.

"Die. Point to the gun. Fist gun! " An instant thunder shadow close, a punch full blast, crystal fragments flying, Anlun body like a shrimp bow up, and then blood and flesh flying.

"What is this? What's more, if it's just a brute force strike, Allan thinks he can hold on for a while, but suddenly a strange suction comes out from Rosen's fist. It's a sand whirlpool. For a moment, he can't break free.

And he looked down to see that his flesh and blood began to dry up, the nervous system lost that part of the sense, and then slowly spread.

So Allan was terrified: "crystal armor!"

This is his strongest defense, stronger than personal devices. A steady stream of crystals gushed out of his body and covered Rosen's arm like a tide. At the same time, the viscera became crystals to protect every inch of his flesh and blood.

But with a slight click, the crystal broke, and his whole body, unable to resist any longer, withered quickly, and then fell to the ground as a corpse.

At the same time, Rosen's mission system, 400 million prompts completed, defense X4 arrived, and then released a reset mission, strength x4, reward target of 1.2 billion Bailey.

It's a rare power task. Although it's not easy to find the goal of such strength, if this strength is completed, Rosen believes that his strength will be greatly improved.

The 400 million strong master, now in Rosen's hands, has been unable to compete with him for a long time.

"Action." When Raymond saw that Allan had been killed, he was shocked and ordered. Suddenly, some of the soldiers threw out thin pieces of metal.

However, the members of the dawn Pirate Group, who had been "reminded" by the king, did not choose hard connection, but chose to evade. No matter what the means were, as long as they could evade, it was not a big problem.

Although Rosen and others have a strong strength advantage, but the fight can never be careless.

But although Natalie and others dodged away in an instant, the thin metal changed rapidly, and the body expanded dozens of times in an instant,

Moreover, it was generated suddenly and rapidly from the surrounding area. Enilu saw the metal body spreading rapidly from the metal sheet as the source, which, in the eyes of ordinary people, could not be caught by the naked eye.

However, the extremely excellent seeing and hearing color domineering, or let ainilu early awareness and capture the rapid change, he flashed away from this area.

But Bonis and others failed to respond, because the trigger was too fast. Except for Rosen and Natalie, all the others were imprisoned by these personal devices.

"Continue to launch."

"What is this? Personal protective barriers? From the perspective of device, it should be, but isn't personal protective barrier only for personal protection? Can it be used against the enemy? " Rosen kept dodging.

This person, after triggering, started too fast, even if he was almost hit.

Boom! Hathaway and Natalie are also shrouded, but judging from the violent impact and deformation in the landing personal metal semicircle, it's obvious that this thing can't hold Hathaway for long.

Bonis and others in other barriers are also resisting.

"Join hands and take them first." Raymond's soundtrack, a personal barrier, is a protective thing, and also the most superb manufacturing technology in Andia kingdom.

It is said to be able to defend against all attacks with fast deployment speed. On the contrary, it is to fire the protective barrier at the enemy and trap the enemy. However, the barrier pursues protection rather than attack, and at the same time, it is for the sake of deployment speed.

There is no collateral means of attack, they can only trap them, and then they can concentrate their forces, release the rest one by one and knock them down.

"That's naive, Qinghai people! Wan Lei Enilu was in the state of Thunder God, with thunder and lightning gushing wildly on his body. The sky was full of clouds and dark clouds, and then countless thunderbolts came down, making the army on the ground scream wildly.

Electric snake dance, wipe out the enemy.

"It's hard to deal with those who are left with two natural abilities." Raymond said, and Colson in crazy to avoid lightning, originally wanted to attack, but an Aini road is enough to stop them all.

Rosen didn't move. He frowned and looked at the metal personal protective devices on the ground. With Peng's loud noise, Hathaway split the barrier, and the others were also distorted.

"Black prison bullet!" Rosen raised his hand to make a volley attack, destroyed the solid personal barriers, and released Bonis and others.

"Hathaway, cut off the king's head." Rosen glances around and asks Hathaway to move. He's on his guard. There's a strong one lurking. Tezorro?

"Did you find out? It's amazing. I thought it was good. " A middle-aged man with gold earrings and rings appeared from the top of the building.

It's tezolo.

"It's a shame." Taizolo looked at the declining King faction, shook his head, and then gently waved his arms. The building he was standing on melted into gold in an instant, and then the golden liquid flew to Raymond and others.

Instantly form a suit of armor and wear it on them.

"What is this?" Raymond and others were surprised.

Originally, Hathaway wanted to kill the king, and Colson intercepted him and split him away with a sword. Now Hathaway is more and more adept at mastering Colson's real body.

In terms of strength and fruit ability, Colson is obviously better than Allan around the king. No wonder Raymond is ambitious.

Just as Hathaway was chasing after Corson with a sword, when she struck again, it was sparking. It was tezorro's gold armor.

"Hard." Hathaway frowned. Her Yang Dao should have cut the iron like mud, but it was defended by the sudden golden armor.

"The latest imaging! Hundred shadows Colson doesn't know what's going on, but since his defense has greatly increased, he can launch a proper counterattack, and it's obvious that the comer is their ally.

"My Lord tezorro!" When the king saw tezolom, his confidence suddenly increased. Although tezoloming was not a soldier on the face, his actual strength was known to be powerful in the whole world below.

"As long as you can resist, there's still a chance to win." Raymond's body is covered with gold armor, and the strongest storm team also has it. Therefore, their defense power is greatly increased, and they can support for a longer time.

But it seems that it is difficult to win, but at least it can bring a little pressure to the dawn Pirate Group.

Natalie stabbed a member of the storm team with a dagger, but she flew out by herself. Bonis's speed blade can no longer pierce the enemy as easily as it just did

"Is this the awakened one?" Rosen's face was a little dignified, just a move of gold armor, let the enemy's defense greatly increased, but also a group.

However, the gap in strength is not so easy to smooth out, and they have lost a strong fighting force, Allan, only to a more difficult to deal with taizolo.

"If I can, I really don't want to fight with you. It's meaningless, but the king has offered a very good price after all, and the warlord is also thinking about your head, so please die here." Taizolo said with a smile.

Although he just came here, he also noticed the strength of Rosen and his powerful subordinates. This is not a bone that can be easily gnawed, but it is because of this that it is more interesting.