Hathaway Bonis and others continued to kill the king. Although they were powerful, there were many enemies, and many of them could not be solved in one move.

After all, this is the most elite army in the Kingdom, and the enemy still has powerful experts. I'm afraid it will take some time to bite this hard bone.

If tezolo does not appear, then the king faction is not the opponent of Rosen and others at all, but the most worrying situation still appears, so Rosen let Hathaway kill the king quickly.

As long as the king dies, the overall situation will be decided, and it is impossible for tezolo to destroy them, and the outcome is hard to predict.

"Now what are you going to do? Alone against me? " Even in the face of Rosen, taizolo still has a cat and mouse mentality. In his eyes, the powerful people are just soldiers.

And the real dominator is the rich, and he is willing to do something for money, so that he can control more money, control more power.

"Do you take yourself too seriously?" Rosen frowned. Tezorro's attitude made him very upset. His voice fell and a compressed sand fist burst out.

"In such a hurry. Gold bomb Tezollo grinned and looked fierce. His fist was covered with gold armor, and he was domineering. With one blow, he blasted the sand fist. The strong explosion made the air flying around.

"What are you proud of? A slave to money. " Rosen's instant approach, the ground burst of dense sand thorn, pierced the sky, from all directions to tezolo, some sand thorn covered with domineering, hidden in the dense sand thorn.

"Gold armor." Taizoro heard these words, his face slowly darkened down, the word slave, let him think of some bad memories.

Boom! With the gold armor attached, tezolo stamped his foot on the molten gold liquid, and saw that the liquified gold instantly formed countless rope shaped gold, whipped and waved, clearing all the sand thorns.

"Bound by gold!" Whoosh, and these gold whips take advantage of this opportunity to drill into the ground, fiercely break the ground from Rosen's feet, trying to entangle Rosen.

"Lei Ying! Sand explosion Rosen is close to tezorro. Now Rosen, whose ability and body skill have reached advanced level, has no problem in long-range close combat.

Jinsha covers the fist, domineering superposition, countless raised sand is highly concentrated, all the strength is concentrated in this fist.

"The reaction is good, but even so, how can I smash you, gold bomb!" Tezorro also hit.

Boom! Fist to bang, the ground instantly collapsed out of a hole, raging winds.

"Death Tezorro's strength is rising, and he doesn't smash Rosen with one punch, which makes him very unwilling. He is just a former qiwuhai, and he dares to fight with himself. It's really stupid.

"High frequency collision, instant annihilation!" Strength and strength poured out wildly. Some of them were rampant on Rosen's face and scratched blood. So was tezorro. But at the moment, their strength broke out again.

Boom! The two fists pressed and pushed wildly, and the force became more fierce. Lightning flashed, the air vibrated, and the ground collapse became stronger. The surging shock wave rushed countless soldiers into the sky in an instant.

"So strong!" Everyone was aware of the strength of their attack. Even Hathaway was in a solemn mood. It seemed that she had to kill the king as soon as possible.

"I'm such a strong Qinghai man again. Damn it, I'm going to destroy you all! Discharge, discharge, discharge, verdict

Aini road was blown up, and the whole King City was just like the end of the world. A lot of thunder and lightning came down and ran wildly. Under this blow, almost one fifth of the troops were emptied.

"It's useless to hit the target. Lightning man is too hard to deal with. Where is the stone net of hailou? Let's go! Let's go

The soldiers were immediately terrified, and the surviving commander responded immediately.

Countless stone nets were fired by cannonballs and came towards enilu. He mainly relied on the fruit ability, so when he saw the stone nets, he immediately dodged.

Although he is powerful, it is extremely dangerous if he is caught by the stone net.

Because hailou stone not only has the function of containment, but also makes those who have the ability weak and powerless. Even those who have the original strength will be greatly affected in terms of physical fitness

"It's worthy of the name. It's interesting. Only in this way can it be worth hunting." Tezorro quickly retreated after his fist, because his golden fist armor had just cracked. It was not like it was broken by brute force, but more like it was corrupted by corrosive abilities.

This is not good news for him. You should know that he is the emperor of gold and the ruler of gold. Gold is a hard currency which is hard to damage and decay and suitable for long-term storage.

But even so, Kroc can still use his ability to erode himself. The natural system is really hard to deal with.

But once tezollo has made up his mind to do something, it needs to be done like an excellent show.

"Peng!" Rosen comes close again. The black prison has 44 rounds. It breaks out instantly.

"The golden weapon." Tezorro did not retreat to fight back. He gathered two golden axes in his hand and waved them to block all Rosen's sand attack. He quickly approached Rosen and split the two axes at Rosen's neck.

"Jinsha armed! Hardened sand armor Rosen's neck is covered with domineering power, and his body skill has been improved to the extreme. You should know that his total defense multiple is X12 now. When the axe goes up, only sparks will appear.

"What a tough body." Tezorro was surprised, but in this gap, Rosen punched him directly in the abdomen, the gold armor cracked, tezorro opened his mouth and spurted a mouthful of blood, and his face became extremely ugly.

You hurt yourself?!

"Son of a bitch!" Peng, at the moment when he flew backward, he kicked Rosen directly. With such a close distance and their similar strength, it's hard to avoid each other's attack.

And both of them are very hard. They fight hard. Taizolo relies on the hardness of his golden fruit ability, while Rosen also relies on the most outstanding point of his physical skills, defense.

Both of them are true and can't give in. Sometimes a close fight is just who can fight better than others.

"Yes, I'll take you to make me." Rosen took off his coat, and his whole body was full of strength. Although he didn't expand into a muscular man, it seemed that every inch of flesh and blood was full of explosive power.

Feeling Rosen's sudden outburst, tezorro didn't quite understand. How could he succeed? what do you mean?

Forget it. It doesn't matter what it means. The important thing is that he wants to defeat the enemy.

"In that case, I can't play around any more. I will try my best to be decent for the funeral of the strong." Tezorro's awakening ability urges him to be the center. All the nearby buildings are golden, even the ground.

"The sand is out of control!" Rosen instantly realized that his connection with the earth had been cut off, because the earth had temporarily become another material, gold, under the influence of tezolo's awakening ability.

So Rosen has lost his geographical advantage all the time, and his ability has awakened. Will it become so troublesome?