"No man is a good thing, sister, you should also be able to understand." The empress was very intimate with Hathaway, completely without the usual arrogance and inaccessibility.

Hathaway, like her, did not alter or hide the slave seal of Tianlong people behind her. The empress could understand that it was a kind of memory to spur her.

Despite the pain and fear, there are some things that can't be forgotten or forgotten.

"What do you want to say? I don't like women. " Hathaway thinks that it's not that she thinks too much, but that a pirate empress's attitude towards her is "humble" to the extreme, and it's hard to control her not to think about it.

"Actually, I don't know. I just can't control myself." The empress looked at Hathaway with a smile, her long wet hair spread over her shoulders.


"It's about time I went back."

"May I ask you another question?" The empress stood up with a serious expression.

"What's the problem?"

"Why do you choose to stay in a pirate map? Although he is kind to you, you are the king of a country. Even in other ways, you can repay him or even help him." The empress is curious about this.

Because just now she has tried many times, but Hathaway is not interested in joining them.

At the same time, Hathaway's breath is full of hegemony. The empress doesn't know whether she is a person with overbearing qualities, but such a person should not be willing to submit to others easily.

And Hathaway so condescending, let the empress feel unworthy.

Maybe that man is strong, but they are not weak.

"I just don't want him to lose his life because of my mistakes, that's all." That's what Hathaway always thought.

"But he should be better than you."

"It's true, but it's better than me. It's also a recent thing. When I decided to get on his boat, he didn't seem so strong." Hathaway was also worried about this at the beginning. It is clear that her enthusiasm for fighting and training is no less than that of Rosen, but her growth is not as fast as him.

However, after the war, she realized that the gap between her and him was not in temper, but in mentality.

There is no fear in this man's eyes. Even to the world, the United Government of the world or the king of a country is like nothing in his eyes.

When he decided to target, it was as if he was only facing ordinary people. He was not bound by the common sense of the world, which even Hathaway could not do.

Although she is powerful, crazy, and even keen on war, she hates and fears power, but he doesn't, or even a little confused.

Maybe it is just like this that he can make himself obey his arrangement. It seems that most of them are blocked by him. Although there have been many battles and strong enemies since he went to sea.

However, Hathaway felt an unprecedented relaxed state of mind. In the past, she was the front line in Landis island. Everything had to be decided and thought by her.

And her every decision, will affect many people's life and death, but now, she just need to swing a knife, so she felt relaxed and happy from the heart.

Maybe this is the feeling of being "protected"? Hathaway didn't understand, and no one ever told her that.

If the empress did not mention it, she would not even think of it.

"No, how can we have such unreliable ideas? All along, only ourselves can protect ourselves." And such an idea even made Hathaway feel a little anxious.

"Are you all right?" Looking at her face, the empress was relaxed and happy at first, and then full of vigilance and anxiety. She couldn't help wondering if she had said something she shouldn't have said?

"I..." Hathaway just wanted to speak, but the empress's face suddenly changed.

"Who?" The empress's domineering can feel that someone is approaching. Although it is across the wall, it is not her sister, so she reacts instantly. At the same time, she gently points her index finger on her lips and pulls out a small heart-shaped substance.

"Kiss the gun!" The index finger pointed to the wall, and the heart-shaped substance shot out very quickly. With a dull bang, a kissing gun shot directly through the wall, through Rosen's eyes outside the wall.

When Hathaway heard the words, she didn't think much. Just now she was really distracted, so when the empress attacked, she immediately picked up the Yang knife by the pool, cut it out by conditioned reflex, and cut off the whole wall.

"Hathaway, have you drunk too much? Don't even feel my breath... "Rosen walked in the corridor, suddenly attacked by two people, and his face was slightly black. Did these two women drink too much?

Otherwise, as long as you see and hear the color and domineering spirit, you can't know who it is? Even if you don't know, you can't know when you knock.

But in the middle of the story, Rosen froze. After the collapse of the wall, he naturally looked this way. Two wonderful bodies appeared in front of Rosen.

The empress is standing, so at a glance, Hathaway is half up, holding Yang Dao, posture is also very attractive.

"Excuse me." Rosen was stunned for three seconds. The empress and Hathaway were stunned. Then Rosen turned around as if nothing had happened.

"You saw it all?" The empress's face darkened in an instant.

"You said the thing behind, didn't see..." before Rosen finished speaking, he noticed the loophole in the words. Unfortunately, the scene had a great impact on him. When he heard the question, he subconsciously thought of the slave mark behind the empress.

"Big foot!" The empress pulled one side of the cheongsam wrapped in her body, and then the overlord color burst in an instant. The armed color also covered her long white legs. She swept away with one foot, and her face was slightly ferocious.

Although Rosen didn't want to see it any more, the fighting posture of the female emperor was unfolded. He saw through what should be seen and what shouldn't be seen. It was really unexpected.

But as soon as you come up, that's how it blows up? Isn't that the way to play Barrett? Forget it. Don't worry about angry women.

Rosen leaves the pub window with a thunder shadow.

"Unforgivable!" The empress ran after her in anger. When Hathaway saw the person clearly, she was just trying to say something to stop her. To tell you the truth, she was seen by chance. Although she was surprised, she didn't panic like a little girl.

But hancook, the pirate empress, was very concerned about the slave seal on her back. This was something she could not expose. For this reason, she even cheated the whole country.

"Let's go and have a look." It's the first time for Hathaway to see Rosen. It should be very interesting. Although he pretends to be calm, in fact, he should be a little flustered.

Hathaway got up, suddenly stiff body, this water line, just, he was also seen out?

Well, forget it. I'd better slow down and try again.

"Sister." When the two sisters arrived late and heard the sound of the explosion, they knew something was wrong.

Even if you don't see the footprints of slaves, you can't see the body of your elder sister.

The streets exploded.

"It's almost time to calm down." Rosen helplessly looked at the empress, although the empress's attack did not hit him, but why did he run?

Strictly speaking, it's them who break the wall. If the empress is not too sensitive, and they are too overbearing, they will knock on the door even if they are taking a bath.

"Calm down? AI Jia is very calm now. He wants to bury you in the ground calmly. " The empress bit her lips and looked fierce, but she looked at the wet, lotus like empress.

Rosen still can't think of the word ferocity.

"I don't care if you want to fight, but if you fight like this, you will be seen by the onlookers."

Many people have noticed the agitation in the street. When the onlookers look at the sexy empress, they don't need to make any action. They are already obsessed.

"Sweet wind!" When the empress saw this, she didn't hesitate. At the next moment, there were countless stone statues around.

"I don't seem willing to give up." Seeing that the empress didn't listen to advice, Rosen didn't plan to give in any more. She was really an unreasonable woman, just like a little girl.

As a result, fighting broke out in the streets