With the outbreak of the battle, she gradually realized the strength gap between the two. However, even so, she was once a slave of the Tianlong people, which can not be exposed.

But now she has no way to take this man, which makes her feel very impatient, and she is not strong enough. If it goes on like this, she will have a handle in this man's hands.

"Forget it. It's boring. I'm bullying you." Maybe the empress herself didn't realize that, as she couldn't suppress Rosen, the anxious and humiliating tears in her eyes began to appear.

Rosen probably knows that it's very important for the empress to keep secret, but he didn't expect that she would be forced into such a situation. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it's not going to be a desperate rampage?

If that's the case, it's bullshit. If you just look at it, the consequences will be so serious.

"Shut up." On the contrary, the female emperor's fierce attack is more turbulent. The petrochemical abilities such as fragrant feet, kissing guns and sweet wind are constantly used.

"Didn't I say I wouldn't let it out?" Rosen's hands were covered with domineering force. After several successive attacks, several sand belts were released on the ground to quickly entangle the empress.

But the female emperor's body skill and domineering spirit seem to be very excellent. After a short time, she broke it by force.

"If you want to fight again, I'll shout right now to expose your identity." Rosen suddenly had an idea. Although he didn't want to do it, it was too noisy to attract the attention of the Navy headquarters.

And the rage of the empress, he wants to take down in a short time is not realistic.

Whoa! The figure of the empress suddenly came to a sudden brake, and then she looked at Rosen. Sure enough, this man wanted to use this point to threaten her. Damn it!

"You know what it is." The empress looked at Rosen with hatred.

"So what if I know? In the past, you may only care about yourself. I'm afraid even those people who are above can't remember. I'm not the running dog of Tianlong people. What's the benefit of exposing these to me? " Rosen said.

"Are you all right?" Hathaway and the two sisters of the empress ran to the street from a distance.

"Hum..." the empress looked up at Rosen arrogantly and made a voice of discontent, but she had no choice. If the man wanted to leave, she had no ability to stop him.

So she didn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, he won't say it." However, Hathaway's words made the empress feel a little more at ease. After her anger, the empress remembered that Hathaway also had the mark of slavery.

"Wait a minute, sister Hathaway, are you actually being coerced into joining his Pirate Group?" The empress's brain tonic ability began to play, and her face changed slightly.

“???” Hathaway and Rosen are confused at the same time. What's the matter with your jumping degree of thinking?

"Don't be afraid, as long as we two join hands, we will be able to take him down." The empress looked at Hathaway and said seriously.

"No, he doesn't. He won't threaten you with that." Said Hathaway hastily, or else there would be another problem.

When the empress heard Hathaway's explanation, she looked at Rosen suspiciously, but at least it was Hathaway who said it. The credibility should still be relatively high, but it still needs to be verified. Maybe it's because Hathaway still has something to worry about, so we have to find out.

And Rosen didn't respond.

"Let's have dinner together." Hathaway suggested to ease the atmosphere.

"With him? I'm not going The empress is about to leave.

"That's the best. Let's go." Rosen is so happy. Even if the empress comes up and gives out welfare, her character is not good. Even Rosen can imagine that it would not be too much to say that the empress has a bad character if it wasn't for Hathaway.

"I'll go." When the empress heard this, she remembered that Hathaway was going to be alone with this man, and she was going to go.

"Can't you take a stand?" Rosen looked at the empress as a matter of course, and could not help saying a word.

"Ai Jia will not obey anyone's orders." The empress calmed down a little, but it was hard to treat Rosen with arrogant eyes and attitude. The main reason was that he knew too much and was very uncomfortable in front of him.

The two of them looked at each other. They didn't know what happened, but they didn't get worse.


"Come on, sister, eat vegetables, eat meat..." a moment later, the party ate in the most famous restaurant in the park, and the empress continued to put the dishes in Hathaway's bowl.

"You can't just clip the two dishes in front of me. Do you want to clip them from my bowl later?" Rosen looked at the empress slowly.

There's nothing wrong with these two women, right? How long have you known each other? The relationship is getting better too soon. Is it love at first sight?

"Shut up, rude man. This is the guest invited by AI family. It's not AI family's freedom to eat any dish."

"That makes sense. In that case, boss, give me ten times more food and a box of your best wine." Rosen thought about it, too. Since the pirate empress wanted to treat her, let her invite her.

I don't have to worry about these little details myself.

"You." The empress was so angry that she almost pulled her head back. Originally, she just wanted to despise Rosen, but she turned her head back.

"The quality of the clothes is very good." Rosen said vaguely, so it didn't explode.

"Oh, by the way, does nine Snake Island have guidance and cultivation methods for domineering spirit?" It suddenly occurred to Rosen.

You should know that there are a lot of domineering people in Hankook's country. Although they are only the most superficial use, this is probably the foundation of this country.

When Luffy was chased, a large group of soldiers shot arrows with domineering force. Now, although someone on Rosen's ship has slowly guided the domineering force, it's still far from mastering it.

Although Hathaway explains some experience from time to time, Hathaway's way is obviously to come out by herself. She understands some places, but not everyone can understand them.

In short, it is not universal enough.

The empress took a look at Rosen and didn't want to answer. If she could fight, she wanted to grab his job and not let him eat.

Rosen had to look at Hathaway. Hello, Jiyou, talk to me.

"If you are domineering, to tell you the truth, I don't think it's difficult to control them, but I don't know why. Every time I teach them, they don't have much understanding and absorption." Hathaway looked at the empress and raised her hand. Her highly skilled armed color easily covered her whole arm. Even the air was affected and twisted.

"This is a very high level of armed use of color domineering!" When the empress saw this, she was slightly surprised. She was still half a step away from this level of hegemony.

Because jiushe island is in the windless zone, many kings of previous generations strengthened the armed forces of jiushe island in various aspects in order to increase the survival rate. The first point is that the whole country is armed. The second point is that the armed force is domineering guided by human potential.

But even in their nine Snake Island, or even the entire Amazon Lily Kingdom, no one has controlled such amazing domineering power for the time being, even she is no exception.

"Do you also have the domineering color?" The empress asked with uncertain tone, because when Hathaway used armed color, the natural sense of oppression was very similar to overlord color.

Most people can only judge the domineering from the stage of deterrence, but the female emperor has high attainments in domineering, and she is the owner of domineering, so she can detect some details.

"Yes, well, he has, too." Hathaway didn't think there was anything to hide about this.

"What?" The three sisters of the empress were stunned. Do these two have the qualification of overlord? And visual inspection seems to be up and down? Has it become very common to be overbearing? How is that possible?!

In this way, there are five people here, and three of them are overbearing!