"Xialuliya palace, in front of which is the famous sightseeing street. If you want to find some strong pirates as slaves, it's the most suitable place to find them." Alberton accompanied in Tianlong people Charlotte Ya palace side, courteous and sincere said.

Xialuliya palace is wearing a bubble hood, with a myna dog beside. Behind her is a group of powerful guards. Sitting down is a strong slave mount.

Although she knows that no one dares to be disrespectful to the Tianlong people, as a descendant of the creator, ostentation is still necessary.

Otherwise, how can we distinguish ourselves from those lowly people.

"Yes? If you can find a suitable slave, I will give you a generous reward. Of course, it's better to be a captain. " Charlotte said calmly, looking at Alberton.

Although slaves could be bought, she felt it necessary to accept one herself, so that she could show her uniqueness, and she didn't often borrow her father's slave captain to use it.

So at the banquet, when Alberton, the receptionist and loyal servant of Tianlong people, proposed to choose the right person in person, she was moved.

And she also felt from the bottom of her heart that it was a great honor to be liked by herself. Could anyone dare to resist?

"No, it's my pleasure to serve Charlotte's palace." Said Alberton humbly.

"Good." Charlotte's palace accepted the attitude of Alberton very frankly. There are also some useful guys between the lower class and the lower class.

For this kind of people, they don't mind giving something, such as identity, status, money and so on, so that they can serve themselves better.

"It'll be there in a minute." Alberton said with a smile, where they passed, countless people knelt down, and some pirates who didn't want to kneel down hid in the dark before they saw them.

Tianlong people, who claim to be the descendants of the creator of the world, are the most noble people. If they are disrespectful to them, they may be attacked by the general of the Navy headquarters, which few people can bear.

Moreover, the Tianlong people are Dai Feng, a powerful person in the world. Everyone is full of fear for the people who have lived under this kind of power for a long time.

DREZ Rosa.

"Do it, why not do it? It's money for nothing. However, if it's found out, let me know in time." Dorfermingo hung up, his face full of excitement.

The war between the Navy headquarters and the four emperors is about to start, but klocdal is close to the shambaldi islands. Will he come to the new world first, or will he have an intention for the coming war?

According to his understanding of sand crocodiles, the latter is more likely. After all, white beard will be present. It's hard for him to get out of his own territory. He can't miss such an opportunity.

It's really more and more interesting. Let's fight and tear up the world which is quite peaceful in disguise, furafura

"I heard that the straw hat boy came to the shampooland islands, too."

"Really? Has anyone seen it? "

"Of course."

"Go, hunt them."

A naval training camp.

"Ayn, it seems that some people in the shampooland islands are investigating your life experience. You go and see what's going on." Zefa, who is still in the Navy, said calmly, looking at the intelligence in his hand.

Although he is very old, and his expectations for the navy are not as high as before. He has been a general all his life in the army, and has taught the current three generals, but I don't know why, these can't make him feel really satisfied.

The Navy and the world government are different from the justice he once insisted on. He knew and knew what a proper compromise was. For the sake of the overall situation, he could tolerate it.

But seven years ago, the training ship he led was attacked, and only Ayn and Binz survived. This matter lingered in his mind all the time. Even in the past two years, he organized a guerrilla group to catch and kill countless pirates.

Still unable to put out his revenge, but in the sea to find a person, not easy.

Listening to the teacher's words, Ayn was slightly stunned. Although in recent years they have set up the pirate guerrillas, which can be regarded as a relatively active Navy, Ayn himself is not very conspicuous. How could someone start to investigate her?

From the teacher's mouth, it seems that this is an investigation of underground forces.

Ayin has long soft blue wavy hair, quiet eyes and a little sadness. There is an X-shaped scar on her right leg, which is very conspicuous, like the scar left by the shell bombardment.

She did not hide the slightest, and never felt not aesthetic, is still wearing convenient combat shorts, wearing a blue cape with a hood.

"Pirates?" Ayn has a deep hatred for pirates. When she hears such news, she will not ignore the tragedies that once happened. She will not let them happen again. All the investigations on them are full of instability and danger.


"Where did the news come from?"

"Shambaldi islands."

"Not far. I'll go."

"Well, I'll say hello to the naval officer nearby. If you encounter an enemy that can't be solved, don't hold on." Zefa, the former Navy General, reminds us.

"I understand." Ayn nodded and left the naval training camp with a team.

A country in chaos.

"Yes? Luffy has been to the shampooland islands. It's a mess, but he's growing up fast. He deserves to be my brother. Even the legendary pirate and Golden Lion have been knocked down by him. Hahaha... "Saab can't help laughing when he listens to the report of his subordinates.

He's remembered, he's with ACE, Luffy, yes, brother!

But Luffy, you know what? Ace, he's been captured by the Navy. Let's go and save him.

"Chief of staff, the chief does not suggest that we take part in the battle between the fourth emperor and the naval headquarters. It is not the right time." Kela looked at the happy Saab, reminded.

"Well, I can understand that from the standpoint of the revolutionary army, now is not a good time for us to take action, so I will only take action from a personal standpoint." Saab sticks to his choice.

"Don't mess about."

"Be at ease. It's OK. Get me a boat."

Shambaldi islands.

"You're not going to change back?" Rosen watched Bonnie continue to eat like a child and couldn't help asking.

"Don't worry about me. If you have anything to do, please tell me." Bonnie angrily wiped out the food in front of her. It shouldn't be. How could anyone guard against her own ability.

"Do you remember when you were a child?"

"Remember, why do you ask this?" Bonnie was full of doubts. Did krocdal have any plans for herself?

"When you were 11 years old, you left your hometown and were abducted by traffickers?"

"Are you kidding? I was still in the sea at that time... If you ask this, you've got the wrong person." As soon as Bonnie heard this, she knew immediately that the person klockdale was looking for was not herself.

"Excuse me."

"Just an interruption? Let's have a fight. " Bonnie's words are amazing.

"Captain of the ship?" Bonnie's crew was dumbfounded. Captain, it's obvious that we can't do it.

"Are you sure?" Rosen looked at Bonnie with great interest. Although Bonnie's ability is very strong, her strength in other aspects is not outstanding. As long as she is not touched, Bonnie's threat to herself is very small.