Although it's not interesting to fight with one or two supernovae alone, if all the nearby supernovae are on the field together, all kinds of abilities are very threatening to Rosen.

And since they are all covetous, it's necessary to teach them a lesson and solve the problem in public, so as not to make some small moves in private, which is even more annoying.

And we can also take the opportunity to find out the strength of these supernovae.

This is because each of these people is bound to do something in the future. Maybe they will make great progress in a certain period of time.

What's more, Rosen also wants to see if these people, at this stage, can unite to threaten themselves.

So, in the broad square of the street, Bonnie and Rosen stand opposite each other. Bonnie seems a little eager to try, but Rosen is a little absent-minded.

"After watching it for so long, how about going together? Don't worry. I'll be lenient. " Rosen suddenly began to laugh, and his eyes fell on several nearby positions.

"Well, what do you mean? Didn't you promise to fight me? " Bonnie was not happy.

"You all want to take me as boss, so I'll make a little request. It's not too much." Rosen said flatly.

"You want to fight all of us alone? Even if you are the original seven Wu Sea, is this too arrogant, or do you say that the Pirate Group is more arrogant than one? " Becky jumped off a house and said in a deep voice.

"Is this the natural disaster? But how did he find me here? It's a dead end, in principle Hawkins also came out. Rosen's eyes were very obvious just now. He was one of the few positions he was in.

Now that they've been discovered and named, there's no need to hide them.

"Although it's not meaningful to fight with him, it's a good thing if we can defeat krocdal with the help of these pirates." After a while, Drexel made up his mind.

He is the captain of the "sword" special secret force of the Navy headquarters. This special force will ban qiwuhai in the future, so its potential can be imagined.

He and Drake are just undercover agents, but because they are undercover agents, sometimes even if they want to attack some pirates, they can't be as free as ordinary pirates.

Because he always has to consider whether his actions will arouse the suspicion of others. After all, he has little experience when he is a pirate for the first time.

But if it is the enemy's provocation, then it is perfectly normal for him to fight back.

"What do you mean?" Kidd is wrestling with urji not far away, and urji is gradually falling into the disadvantage. But Kidd wants to beat urji, which is not easy, or even careless, and he may suffer.

But listen to Rosen's words, Kidd immediately extremely dissatisfied, feel completely underestimated, or even ignored, all of a sudden abandon urki, waving his fist towards Rosen.

"Yo, you are worthy of being a senior pirate. In this case, we will obey our orders. If we die, we can only blame ourselves, ah, lie down..." AP came out with a disc beating sound, his chest slightly raised and turned into a drum shape, gently beating.

"Kidd." Kyla saw this and rushed to Rosen, because if Kyd was in such a state, he might die suddenly,

Because of the battle with urki, Kidd suffered some injuries and consumed a lot.

"I don't want to bear the name of bullying new people, so if you want to fight, just go together. What's the meaning of just watching? Or don't you have the guts? Ah ~ "Rosen nibbled at his cigar, his attitude full of contempt and arrogance.

Rosen is good at provocation.

But this is for the supernovae who are still waiting to say, and for those who have already shot, Rosen has made a combat response, raised his left hand, dust flying, a punch against Kidd, the ground instantly cracked, and it flew out.

"It's hard to win, but if you insist, don't blame us." Drake transformed into a dinosaur posture, sprint to Rosen, fast, and full of power, like a raging chariot.

"You dishonest bastard, I want to turn you into a child, torture you well, go to die." Bonnie's face was ugly, no one was looked down upon, and she was not in a good mood, so she did it.

"Captain, they didn't say they wouldn't let you fight."... "

"Can you resist my attack? Klockdale, scraper. Boom! " With AP's powerful blow to the chest, Rosen's body exploded out of thin air, as if the sound wave burst when it reached a certain limit.

"What?" Is attacking to Rosen and others, slightly surprised, after all, out of the air explosion, or very frightening, should not be so knocked down, right, just the power of the explosion is not small.

"This new star really doesn't know how to be domineering?" Rosen's body was blasted into a sand hole, unharmed, while Drake opened his mouth and bit it from the front.

"Launch!" Although Becky didn't choose melee, the guns in the castle began to roar, and countless shells seemed to appear out of thin air, pouring towards Rosen, covering other supernovae.

Anyway, it doesn't matter who died. They're not partners.

Bonnie came close to Rosen from behind like a flexible lightning, and clapped her hand behind Rosen.

"It's the natural system."

"They're all brave." Rosen doesn't use domineering, which is too bullying. He throws a sandstorm and blows directly at Drake. Drake's speed is greatly affected.

Now Rosen is an ordinary sandstorm. Ordinary experts can't hold it.

Roar, but Drake roared, stepped on the ground, crushed the ground, with the help of momentum, quickly broke through the scope of sandstorm and rushed to Rosen.


Peng! However, a thick soil thorn suddenly appeared from the ground. It was extremely fast, and it directly flew Derek to the sky. He snorted, and his mouth was bleeding. The animal was really rough and fleshy, otherwise it would have just pierced his body.

But before Rosen could continue to attack, Bonnie had already attacked. Although she was not sure whether her ability had any effect on the natural system, it was better to be careful. Moreover, Rosen vaguely realized that Bonnie seemed to know something about domineering.

Have you ever been in the Navy before?

"Desert sunflower!" Rosen only needs to move his mind, and the ground collapses. He has the ability to awaken. He doesn't need to touch the terrain to launch such an attack, which greatly increases his attack speed.

"What?" Bonnie was startled. The pit suddenly appeared was too big. She had no place to borrow her strength and bounce. She just fell down.

"Black prison bullet." It was also at this moment that Rosen raised his hand to wave 33 grains of sand, detonating all the shells launched by Becky in the air.

"What? We all started, at this time want to go, ok... "Rosen in an instant to deal with all the supernova attack, there is spare force to look around, Hawkins, seems not to want to fight.

That's not going to work.

So as soon as Rosen's voice was over, a sand gun was condensed and shot out by him, which instantly penetrated Hawkins's body. At the same time, in an unknown place, a pirate who was having fun suddenly died.

A scarecrow emerged from Hawkins's arm: "a life lost? It's not easy to do. It seems that we can't avoid this battle after all. It's the phase of conquering the devil! "

Hawkins even if this is not a winning battle, and it is estimated that he will suffer some losses, so he intends to avoid it, but it seems that the future is not so easy to change.

Hawkins became a scarecrow, waving a long knife, and joined the battlefield.

"You are mine!" When Rosen launched the prison bomb, Kidd had gathered a huge steel arm with many sharp swords. It looked like a steel hedgehog arm, even with one or two stone weapons.

"Die." Boom, huge steel arm, such as a hill, directly suppressed toward Rosen, seemed to hit accurately, and the whole ground was smashed to pieces.

“BOOM! BOOM!” AP happily beat the drum in front of his chest, blowing the horn that his arm turned into, and pressing the teeth that turned into piano keys from time to time.

"Scraper. Chop!"

"Scraping disc. Burst!"

Sound wave explosion and sound wave chopping attack are rampant in the place where Rosen just stood, which has broken Kidd's steel arm.

"Son of a bitch, are you picking on me?" Kidd looks at AP with an upset face.

"It's a little interesting. Many people with abilities seem to be able to make me feel a little bit energetic." Rosen blocked the iron arm like a hill with one hand. Although the ground collapsed, the steel arm was blocked by his pure physical strength.

As soon as the words fall, a blow blows up and breaks up the steel arm. Kira, like a ghost, appears on Rosen's side and cuts with two knives, but is kicked away by Rosen.

"Meet you, ha ha ha, be a child..." in the dust, Bonnie rushed out quickly, quietly, slapped Rosen on the back.