"No, I don't have the habit of being a child." Rosen's voice sounded at the same time. Bonnie did get the shot, but after the shot, Rosen didn't become a child, but her body became sand.

The separation of sand, the separation of sand condensation, is not flexible and real enough, but it is very useful to replace one's body which may be attacked at a critical moment.

At present, Rosen can create a lot of such detachments that have little combat power, but can be exchanged at super high speed. Of course, such detachments are very fake and can be distinguished at a glance, because there are no many colors, clothes and so on. They are all made of sand.

There is not much real combat effectiveness. Of course, it is not that there is no real combat effectiveness. Instead, the more separated the individual is, the weaker the individual's strength is, which is equivalent to dividing Rosen's strength equally.

"Damn it." Bonnie didn't get a hit, so she quickly withdrew from the area, because Rosen rose slowly from the ground behind her.

"Desert sword." Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, the sand was flying, and there was a desert sword forest on the ground. Although Bonnie retreated fast enough, she was swept out by a big desert sword.

The attacks of other supernovae are also instantly covered. It has to be said that these supernovae have very strong combat ability. After all, they are killed from countless Pirates of the same period, although they have not really grown up.

But each has the potential to be a strong one.

Hawkins wields a straw knife and cuts it straight down. Rosen also condenses a golden sword, while thunder flashes.

"So fast!" Hawkins was surprised, and then felt a whirlwind passing by him. He could not see all the figures, but he knew that the sword was empty.

Not only that, when he looked down, he saw a sword wound on his straw body. Although there was no blood, he was actually cut down. With a chi, countless sand came out of his straw body.

At the same time, he abandoned a life and dropped a scarecrow, which made him stunned for a long time.

But just after Rosen's attack, when the foothold appeared, Becky's shell, AP's Sonic explosion and sonic chopping, and their long-range attack came in an instant.

"Purgatory tornado!" Rosen didn't move. A dust tornado rose on the ground and enveloped him. All the attacks were on the sand curtain and could not be broken.

"Is the nature department that hard to deal with?" Becky chewed the cigar, full of reluctance, then took out a pistol with a stone bullet from his body and fired a few shots.

But I didn't know for sure. After all, the speed of bullets was too slow for them.

"Asshole! The sky explodes Kidd and Kira obviously have a certain tacit understanding. When Rosen's defense rises, they are close to each other.

Kidd was struggling with a metal ball in his hand. His forehead was sweating, but he was still compressing his sword into the metal ball. After he got close to Rosen, a big metal ball directly hit the tornado.

With a roar, countless pieces of metal burst out in a rage, tearing apart Rosen's defense. Kira took the opportunity to rush to Rosen from the gap, and slashed at Rosen with two knives, but Rosen blocked it with a golden sword.

"There are flaws." Drake had been waiting for a long time, seizing Rosen's chance to face the Kyla brothers. He came from behind and made a savage impact.

"It should be about that level." Although Rosen didn't see it, he didn't even use domineering, but Drake's figure was too obvious to run.

So in an instant, Rosen kicked Kira in the middle of his chest, and at the same time, he didn't hit his left elbow with a sword.

Pengpeng! Hand and foot hit at the same time, kicking Kyla, left elbow also hit Drake impact from the dinosaur body.

"Wow..." the two attacked fast, but the speed of flying out was faster, and this blow made them both suffer heavy losses at the same time.

Keira bumped into a tree and slowly slipped down. She covered her stomach with one hand, but she couldn't get up for a moment. Drake, with thick skin and flesh, also felt a sharp pain, and his huge body was shaken back a few steps. He just wanted to fight back.

However, Rosen turned around and jumped up, hitting the dinosaur's head with one punch, and then slamming it directly into the ground.

Drake's head was blank in an instant, and he even lifted the animalization, that is to say, the punch made his consciousness vague and blank in an instant.

"How could it be?" Kidd is shocked. He knows the strength of Keira. If Rosen is alone and knocks him back with one punch, he is not surprised.

But at that moment, he was attacked by at least five or six people at the same time, but it was still a moment, making them temporarily lose the ability to continue fighting.

"You can't be distracted when you fight with me." Then when Kidd came back, Rosen's fist had already been in his eyes. He just wanted to gather the metal on the ground for defense, but he found it was too late.

He was distracted, and Rosen's speed was so fast that a punch sent him to the ground.

"You're kidding Becky and Upton were shocked. These are not inferior to them, or even more active, or even stronger than them. This will solve three problems.

But soon they didn't have time to be surprised, because Rosen attacked them, Becky turned into a castle immediately, and AP also played a very exciting crazy battle song, the ground was like covered with invisible mines.

There was a lot of roaring explosions, but it was often the moment after Rosen moved that AP's explosion started. He couldn't keep up with Rosen's speed, too fast.

Pen! One blow on the castle, the whole huge castle, split in an instant, Becky suffered heavy damage, the whole castle was hit fly, he also spewed out a mouthful of blood, fell to the ground.

"It's not a good thing." AP was about to turn his head and run, but Rosen swept it out with one foot and hit it on the wall in the distance.

"Wait... I give up." Bonnie saw Rosen turn her head and look at her. She raised her hands and turned into a child.

It's hard for Rosen to do it. It's strange to beat a child. Besides, this big stomach girl seems to be a smart thief.

Hawkins saw this and was ready to raise his hands, but Rosen's speed was too fast. He didn't react slowly, but he couldn't keep up. He was directly hit on the ground by a sandstorm of Rosen, and was also bound by the sand belt.

Even if you change your life, it's hard to act for the time being.

“BOSS!” On Valentine's day, the whole person is going to be sublimated and extremely excited. Boss is too strong. In his hands, the so-called over 100 million bounty criminals can't last long, and they are not one or two alone, but seven.

"How powerful it is Wuerji was also shocked. He fought with a Kidd, but he almost hanged seven new comers with a reward of more than 100 million.

"My God, are these so-called new pirates too weak?" Urki's crew are suspicious.

"Weak fart, the monk just hit that iron sucking man. It's so hard for him to fight. Lord kroddar is really strong. We're not with the wrong person, but the monk is very powerful."

"Although you still have the strength of the first World War, let's call it a day. If you go on fighting, it won't be meaningful." Rosen looked at the supernovae coming slowly from the ground and said blandly.

If these seven people can know how to cooperate with each other, Rosen can't win so easily, but each of them can't cause much threat to Rosen.

Although some of the opportunities were well grasped, they did not go any further and even made some attacks. Even the new stars of their temporary united front were covered.

But think about it, they are not comrades in arms, but competitors of their peers.

"Is the Dragon man here? To the street on this side? "

"Really? I haven't met the Tianlong people yet. " The streets outside the square began to stir.

Although wuerji and others' subordinates temporarily maintained order in this battle and did not let ordinary people watch, there were still many people standing on the high ground outside to watch the battle.

Just after they were shocked, they were immediately attracted by another news. From the end of the street, a group of people came, and people along the way bowed their heads and knelt down.

"The Dragon man?" Rosen also heard their discussion.