"The Dragon man?" Bonnie and others got up and went out a little. For many pirates, Tianlong people are still very curious. After all, many people have never seen the world's dignitaries in their life. They must be curious.

But bonnie is different. She knows, fears and hates Tianlong people.

"Coming here? I heard that when I see Tianlong people, I have to kneel down. Oh, I'm not interested in kneeling down to these rubbish. " Kidd's face is full of discomfort. Although he feels that he can't afford the injury, he still helps Keira and is preparing to avoid it.

After all, it's more troublesome to be seen and not kneel, so it's better to be out of sight, but they ignore the speed of the arrival of the dragon people.

In other words, Charlotte's palace intended to speed up. It was also very simple. She told her slave captain that if she didn't hurry up, she would detonate the collar around his neck.

The slave captain, obviously, has been a slave of the Tianlong people for some time. Although he is not afraid of death, he is afraid of explosion, because the explosion may not kill him, but it can definitely blow him to death.

"Rude people, I dare not kneel when I see this palace. Who allowed you to stand in the view of this palace?" Before a man comes, a voice comes first.

Rosen frowned slightly. Seeing the bloody slave captain who used both hands and feet, and the sudden dragon man, he felt a burst of trouble.

Obviously, she saw Rosen and others, and urki and other crew members were a little scared, kneeling or not kneeling? They looked at urki one after another, and urki also had a big head.

Why did the dragon people appear for no reason, making them in a dilemma.

Bonnie suddenly lay on the ground and pretended to be dead. Drake and Hawkins, who wanted to get up, looked sideways and saw that it was indeed Tianlong people who were going out. In order not to kneel, they continued to lie down.

"Let's go." Kidd took a look at Xia luliya palace. Obviously, he didn't want to provoke Tianlong people. At this time, he left and committed a crime of disrespect at most. There would be no navy general to catch them.

"Stop, has the palace let you go?" Xia luliya palace saw that Kidd was about to leave. She was furious and took out her exquisite pistol and aimed at Kidd.

Then he pulled the trigger decisively, even without hesitation, but he was easily dodged by Kidd. Kidd's face was ugly, but he didn't fight back unwisely. Instead, he turned and turned into the street and disappeared.

"Son of a bitch, when you see my palace, you dare not kneel down. Go and catch those two men." Charlotte's face was ugly, and she had never been so ignored.

"Yes." Suddenly, four suit guards nodded and chased Kidd away. It was not clear what the result would be.

But with just a few bodyguards, it is obviously unlikely to gain anything.

"And you, why don't you kneel?" Xia luliya palace looks at Rosen, urki and others. There are too many people standing. It's rude to let her face go. These Dalits.

"Here it is." When Alberton saw Rosen, he was relieved. Then he made a gesture. The whole neighborhood was gradually surrounded by the Navy.

Rosen frowned. What's the situation? He could have gone away like Kidd. After all, it was a good choice and would not cause any disturbance.

But in this moment, the whole block, there are countless Navy surrounded here.

Then Rosen saw Alberton whisper a few words next to Charlotte's palace, and then heard Charlotte's palace look at Rosen: "Oh? It's a terrible crime that you, a lowlife, are still a pirate captain and participated in the murder of the Tianlong people. If you are willing to be my slave, I can consider sparing your life, but use your whole life to atone for your ignorance. "

Is there a conspiracy?

Rosen doesn't know Alberton, but judging from his actions, it seems that this is for himself? Bring Tianlong people to trouble themselves? Why?

Are you sure you don't dare to touch Tianlong people? No, it should not be. I once kidnapped Tianlong people and let them be killed. This kind of thing should be well known in the Navy.

And even so, he still came with tianlongren, that is to say, his purpose is to die? Because only in this way can it be more reasonable.

Otherwise, there's no need to surround yourself.

If you don't care about the Tianlong people, you can break out of the encirclement immediately. But I don't know if the navy has any other backers.

However, this will make the Tianlong people extremely angry and lose face. After all, it is a frontal conflict. It is possible that the Navy headquarters may be ordered to launch a chase against them in the future.

And if you fight against the Tianlong people, or kill them, it will be even more serious. The generals will not sit back and ignore it. That is to say, no matter how you say it, you can't do yourself any good.

"We're surrounded by the Navy." Urki came over and said.

"Let's get out." Valentine's Day is cold.

Bonnie and others found that something was wrong. How could there be so many Marines all around? How can they pretend like this? It's impossible, of course, to get rid of it.

"Originally, this is a disaster." Hawkins got up from the ground and looked at the approaching Navy. They didn't want to fight with the Tianlong people.

But if there is no choice, there is no way. After all, they are pirates. Although they are afraid of generals, if things are not controlled, their life and freedom are the most important.

"You've done a good job." Charlotte's palace looked at the Navy surrounded the neighborhood, and immediately praised Alberton.

"It's my pleasure to work for Charlotte's palace." Alberton said modestly that in this way, there would be a conflict between the Tianlong people and klocdal.

Whether it's flight or war, his goal can be achieved. If the Xia luliya palace is injured, then the general will cooperate and stir up the fire himself, which is enough to make the Tianlong family furious and pay attention to it.

If klocdal chooses to run away, Charlotte royal palace will not give up. It can launch an order to kill klocdal with the help of the name of Tianlong people. If the operation is good, the order to kill demons may be launched.

Because tianlongren are the rulers of the world.

His son died when he was drunk. At first, he expected that the ghost spider would be able to deter klocdal, but unexpectedly, the ghost spider was killed.

At that time, he thought there was something strange about it, which might have something to do with klocdal, but he was still qiwuhai at that time, and he couldn't find any evidence, so he couldn't help it.

However, after the Landis incident, he knew that klockdale must have harbored evil intentions. He even carefully studied the route at that time and consulted lieutenant general Doberman, and found that the ghost spider was probably killed.

Recently, there is a rumor that klocdal has contact with Morris, which makes him suspect that his son was killed in the drinking capital by the two men, so it is not enough to let major general Harry lose his official title.

He's going to kill krocdal.

Although he is only an inspector sent by the world government to various garrisons, he has great power.

He can also mobilize the Navy, but kroddar's strength is very strong, but he can't mobilize the general, so he can only start from the aspect of Tianlong people.

As for the dragon people will be killed? It's impossible. He didn't even think about it. No matter how ferocious klocdal was, or even indirectly killed the Tianlong people, the shambaldi islands were near the naval headquarters.

As long as he is not an idiot, he will not do such a thing.