"What to do? Do you want to do it? " Although urki doesn't want to have a conflict with the Tianlong people, the trouble is at hand, and it's impossible not to deal with it.

"She doesn't seem to be the right person to talk about." Rosen looked at the increasingly ugly face of Charlotte's palace and was puzzled.

"Didn't you hear what the Palace said?" Seeing that there were so many people standing in front of her, Xia luliya palace was annoyed. She took out her pistol and shot at Rosen and other people. But the accuracy was a little poor and all of them missed.

"Go ahead, arrest them." When Alberton saw that the enclosure had been formed, he immediately gave the order.

"Get them!" All of a sudden, a group of navies came.

"Make a way first." There is no time to think about the gains and losses, ordered Rosen.

But now there is a person who can't let go. Intuition tells him that this person is an enemy, and it may be bad.

Peng! At Rosen's command, urki took the lead in breaking through the encirclement in one direction. If he stayed too long, a powerful naval general might be mobilized.

It won't be so easy to leave then.

Bonnie Becky and others also identified a direction and began to break through.

"Kneel down, kneel down." Seeing that Rosen turned to walk towards her, Xia luliya's face was about to twist. It was so bold.

"If you don't want to die, shut up." Rosen is not good-natured either. He has been shot with a gun like this.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had participated in the Tianlong massacre before and was afraid that another one would cause the world government to run wild and kill itself, he would have done it.

"It's damned that you dare to speak to this palace like this." With the fury of Charlotte's palace, the gunfire continued, and the bullets were quickly exhausted.

"What are you doing in a daze? Hurry up and catch him alive. Our palace wants him to understand who is the real master of the world."

"What does he want to do?" Alberton suddenly had a bad feeling that it was not possible for Kroc to know himself.

But why come here instead, and dare to threaten the Tianlong people? Although threatening the Tianlong people is what he wants to see, the bad feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"Go away." The overlord's color swept out in an instant, and all the guards who came suddenly lost consciousness. Together with the chattering Charlotte palace, they also passed out in a coma.

The world is much cleaner all of a sudden.

"Overlord color!" Alberton's forehead was in a cold sweat, and he couldn't bear such a powerful color.

Although he has strength, he is not particularly strong. He is more like a qualified politician than a simple soldier.

"What do you want to do? If you offend the Tianlong people, you will be hunted down by the general. " Alberton doesn't want to expose his identity and hide it in the dark, which is more suitable for his operation.

"Do you mean to let me lead my neck to the slaughter?" Rosen smiles and looks cruel.

It will be troublesome to kill a Tianlong man, and many of them will also have a little trouble, but killing a dog leg or something, it should not be too much trouble.

"Well, I'll see how you end up. Give me everything." Alberton said to the naval officers who came close to him that they were all good school officers and would not be knocked unconscious.

After all, what they want to arrest is the big pirates who are already famous, not the new supernovae.

After giving the order, Alberton retreated slowly under the cover of his naval cronies.

"Black prison bullet." Although the strength of these school officers is good, Rosen does not want to waste his time. He does have a conflict with the Navy here in the shambaldi islands, so it should not be delayed for too long.

Because we have to focus on white beard, now the Navy headquarters does not know how many powerful navies have come back one after another. If they are surrounded, it will not be good.

Bang bang! The sand is fierce. As soon as it goes forward, dozens of school officers who rush up are shot through their bodies. Even the Navy, who is quick to react and block with a knife, is shot through their bodies.

This wave of attacks, only less than 10 school officials survived, looking at the fallen compatriots, one by one did not dare to act rashly.

Krocdur was more powerful than they thought.

Pengpeng! But Rosen did not stop moving forward, straight forward, blocking the way, a punch all dry lying on the ground.

"Can't you stop it?" Alberton looked at the comatose Tianlong man, and at the Navy, which kept rushing up and falling down, and was in trouble.

Klockdale's goal is himself? This is totally different from any of his expectations.

"Want to run?" Rosen saw that Alberton wanted to run when he turned around. He speeded up and rushed over.

"Die." Alberton was shocked. If he could not stop him or even take Kroc, he would be in danger.

Damn it, why didn't he run and offend the Tianlong people, but only against himself? Where on earth is exposed?

Alberton estimated that he didn't know until his death that Rosen was only acting by intuition, because seeing and hearing were more and more powerful, vaguely and instinctively aware of some bad plots against him.

When Alberton saw Rosen flying, he turned to take out the pistol of the stone bullet, and shot through Rosen's body.

It's elementalized in advance, because the speed of the bullet is not fast for him, even if he doesn't have to concentrate on it.

"Someone's going to have bad luck." Rosen saw that Alberton shot, and suddenly showed a strange smile, then the whole person sneaked into the ground, disappeared.

"What about people?" Alberton stopped. Why didn't he chase? Isn't the goal your own?

"Ah... Alberton... What have you done to this palace, you pariah?" Hear the familiar voice and content.

He looked up into the distance and saw that Charlotte palace, which had been in a coma, was awake, as if it had only been slightly impacted,

And just stood up, she was shot twice. One shot hit her thigh, and the other hit her belly. The blood soaked her gorgeous clothes in an instant.

Charlotte palace looks at Alberton in disbelief. She can't imagine that such a faithful servant would dare to shoot her!?

"No, no, I didn't mean to..." even though he was very resourceful, he was completely flustered at this moment. No matter how stupid he was, he also understood why klocdal didn't attack him directly.

He's waiting for him to shoot! Moreover, the dust is flying and the vision is not good. Alberton never thought about who is standing at a straight distance behind Rosen. What's more, Charlotte's palace, which has been in a coma, has already stood up.

He doesn't know how to see and hear, how to be aggressive.

"You mean and shameless bastard, you dare to shoot me, my palace will tear you to pieces!" Xia luliya Palace's face changed greatly. When was she so spoiled that she suffered such a painful injury as shooting.

Her head didn't have time to think about it. The pain made her run away. No matter whether the other party intended or didn't mean it, it's not too much for a slave to dare to hurt herself and kill the whole family.

How can you hurt yourself? If you let the Tianlong people know that they were hurt by their own dog, it would be a laughing stock.

Thinking that her face would be swept away, she would be crazy, and she didn't know whether she would die or not! She shot and killed a lot of people. In her memory, she would die if she was shot!

"It's over!" When he saw the fury and madness of Charlotte palace, and his understanding of Tianlong people, he immediately understood that he had no way to live.

As far as Tianlong people are concerned, there are as many dog legs as they want, but no matter what the reason is, the dog that has bitten himself will never be raised again, and the consequences are very serious and unbearable for Alberton.

"If I were you, I would run as far as I can now. Although I want to kill you, I don't need to do it. By the way, I just witnessed you shooting and injuring the Tianlong people, but it's impossible for many navies on the scene to directly kill the Tianlong people and blame me. Goodbye, no, we should say goodbye..." Rosen's voice lingered in Alberton's ear.

If he is struck by lightning, the whole person is instantly dominated by fear, and then runs away.

Rosen's meeting could have directly resulted in Alberton's life, but he was needed to attract the hatred of Tianlong people for himself.

Seeing the expression of tianlongren, he also understood that the so-called offense of himself and others was insignificant compared with what Alberton was doing now.