The day after the Tianlong shooting incident, the former world government inspector was regarded as a traitor because he deliberately lured, shot and injured the Tianlong people and had the intention of murder in the arrest of the pirates.

He was later arrested on the run and publicly executed in the shambaldi islands.

"It was the father of the tobacco man." Rosen looked at the latest news report, in which he hardly mentioned himself and others.

Originally, Rosen thought that he might become an accomplice, but he didn't, because he had no relationship with Alberton, which is clear to both the Navy and the world government.

Moreover, the world government is also clear that at this time, there is no need to conflict with Rosen without Tianlong people deliberately mentioning it.

But what Rosen didn't expect was that the efficiency of the Navy headquarters would be so high, and he even directly sentenced to death.

As a matter of fact, the world government has mentioned to determine whether it was an intentional incident after the trial, but in the face of the fury of the Charlotte palace, it was sentenced to death without any serious trial.

Even some of the people who had previously had an intimate relationship with Alberton, none of them came forward to speak, and all of them chose to be silent. To be wise and to protect themselves is the way of politics.

It's about the Tianlong people, and it's true that he shot and injured the Charlotte palace, so it's not controversial.

The Tianlong people themselves are not people who can reason with people other than Tianlong people. In addition, Alberton is a subordinate of the Department of Charlotte palace, so there is no difficulty in executing him.

However, with the execution of Alberton in tree 61, the atmosphere on the shambaldi islands has become more and more dignified, the navy has more patrols, and it has been heard that two lieutenant generals have been urgently mobilized to temporarily take over and stabilize the situation in the shambaldi islands.

After all, the navy has made greater efforts to search the pirates, and many unfortunate pirates have been arrested.

"Where you are, you never calm down." Luo is the slowest supernova to reach the shambaldi islands. He holds his sword and leans in the corner. This time, he didn't come alone. He brought a bear, pepo.

And Shaqi and Perkin are two important partners.

Rosen didn't know what trouble he had on the way, but the sea was not calm, and it was normal for him to have trouble.

"I can't control the trouble to come to me." Rosen is also very speechless. Who knows that the world of pirates has developed the same pattern of fighting the small and the old. However, human hatred itself dominates the operation of this pattern.

As for the death of Alberton, Rosen is not even interested in seeing it. He only knows that he was publicly executed in the shampooland islands. The Tianlong people are far more merciless than he thought.

I thought there would be a trial for a period of time and so on. I didn't expect that I would die directly. However, Rosen didn't feel guilty at all. It's not normal that he was calculated.

"What are we going to do next? Go straight to the new world? " Luo asked, looking at urki who had dinner with Rosen, a little surprised.

After all, the same period of the pirates, in addition to Luffy who did not care about the world, other people's deeds all know each other, did not expect that urki also joined klockdale's Pirate Group.

"The war that decides the world pattern will break out soon. Before that, we need to go to the naval headquarters." Rosen cut the steak and drank the good wine he poured himself on Valentine's day. He said calmly.

"What?! Are you out of you mind? To naval headquarters? " No matter how calm Luo was, he was not calm at the moment. Even urki was shocked. He would not be a madman with his captain.

“BOSS!?” Valentine's Day is also stunned, because Rosen has not explained some details to them. After all, Rosen estimates that there is still a period of time before the top war begins.

Moreover, it seems that the world government and the Navy headquarters have not started to hype, that is to say, they have not made all the preparations.

Luo and others think they have heard wrong. No matter how strong kroddar is, a single Pirate Group, no, even if there are multiple pirate groups going to the Navy headquarters, isn't that a death hunt?

It's no exaggeration to say that the Navy headquarters itself is a fortress, and that it's just a strongman sitting in it. It's more terrifying than a four emperor Pirate Group.

This is not a mantis pawn? You don't want to die?

"Well, I forgot to tell you that the Navy headquarters may not be fully open, but they have caught fire fist ace, and they will be publicly executed in marinfando, the Navy headquarters in the near future, that is to say, they will declare war with white beard! For some things, it's a little risky, but it should be worth it. Although this battlefield is too early for you, it's impossible to walk in front of others without taking risks. Don't worry. At the critical moment, I will try my best to ensure that you will not die... "Rosen said easily.

But listening to a few people, one by one is stunned, white beard to fight with the Navy headquarters?! This is a big event that shocked the whole world. They don't even know. Is it true?

If it is true, then the world will turn upside down next!

"Is the message accurate?" Luo is in a cold sweat. Such news is too strong for him. After all, this is a real war, not a collision of one or two countries.

It is an elite war between the elite gathered by the pirate emperor and the naval headquarters that controls the world. No matter who wins or loses, it will completely change the world pattern.

If they just know the news, more importantly, they will participate in it. It sounds terrible, but it's a little ready to move.

If they are just their own pirate group now, they may not even know how to die if they accidentally participate in it. They have some strength now, but I'm afraid any pirate ship under white beard's command is no weaker than them.

The top ranked ones are even more out of their reach. Instead of belittling themselves, white beard is really powerful and has occupied the new world for decades. I don't know how many battles they have fought with the navy in recent decades, but they are still in the new world.

However, if they join the operation with the Pirate Group of kroddar, their survival rate will be greatly improved. If they can survive, it will be a good honing for themselves.

Although there is a risk, it is not that there is no life without death.

"Well, of course, if you don't want to go, I won't force you. After all, this kind of war is really forced for you. Even me, I can't guarantee to survive." If not targeted, Rosen consciously relies on his own strength to protect himself from enilu, Hathaway and Bonis.

But if they are targeted, let alone enilu, they are in danger, even if they are themselves.

"In addition to the nickname, the Navy headquarters issued a major news about the impending execution of Huoquan ace, the leader of the second time squadron of the white bearded pirate regiment!"

Inside the tavern, suddenly a child selling newspapers called out!

"What?" One word makes a thousand waves.

"The local express news of shambaldi islands, the chief of staff of the second leader of the revolutionary army, together with the pirate grass hat Lufei, destroyed the professional stability Institute and injured the Dragon man chalroth saint!"

"Damn, what's the matter? They all aim at the Tianlong people, and they don't want to live? Now the whole shampooland islands are going to be in a commotion. The general will certainly be in a commotion. I'll go first. " A pirate swearing away.

"The inertia of history? Or coincidence? But anyway, let Robin and them come back, so that they won't meet the general alone Rosen didn't have a big accident, but how did Saab come? Still with Luffy, do you remember?

So will they join hands to invade the undersea prison?