Rosen was a little out of touch, but he was even more stunned at the next moment, because Robin whispered in his ear and asked him, "boss, do you like me?"

Robin's voice was not confident, full of fear and uneasiness. Even at this moment, she didn't know why she asked.

However, she is not a fool, on the contrary, her IQ has always been very high, but she never thought about this aspect before.

However, Rosen is like a silent drizzle to her. Although it is tiny, it can make the barren land take root and germinate slowly, and finally grow into flowers that sway her mind.

It's not vigorous, it's not strong, it's the emotion that arises spontaneously after bit by bit accumulating to a certain extent.

Rosen is really a little flustered. Why did he suddenly ask this? How does he know, like it? That's natural, but which one exactly? He's not sure.

And I've been on the same boat all the time. I can see it every day. Which one doesn't seem to have much significance? Is not always in each other's side.

"But I'm not as beautiful as Hathaway's sister, boss. Do you like the wrong person?" Robin's tone was a little funny, but more of a kind of hidden apprehension.

"I..." Rosen just wanted to speak, but he was directly forced to kiss by Robin. Rosen was stunned. The charming aroma was clear and audible in a moment, and the touch of a dragonfly left him with an indelible wonderful experience. It seemed that he didn't feel anything and had everything.

"Robin, you..." Rosen was stunned. The attack of Robin's soul was all out of Rosen's reach.

"Ah, boss's skills are unexpected... Ha ha, but don't tell me what just happened." Robin returns to her usual elegance and normality. Although she doesn't know how to kiss, the boss's reaction is too rigid. No one can feel the raw performance for the first time.

"What is it all about?" Watching Robin turn around and leave, Rosen is a little confused. How about making soy sauce all the way? There seems to be something wrong. Should I be more active?

Well, forget it. Maybe Robin suffered too much impact today. It's hard to control himself for a while. It's good to release him.

"Uncle... What were you doing just now?" Suddenly, a voice came from the window, a small head lying on the edge of the window, watching with relish.

"Well?" Rosen's heart leaped fiercely. The little boy was successful in his cultivation by seeing and hearing. He was able to put in and out freely and often haunted.

"What can I do for you? I'm just after dinner. If you want something to eat, you need someone else to go." Rosen went to the sofa, sat down, poured himself a glass of water, took a sip, then took out his cigar, lit it and calmed down.

"Uncle, are you changing the subject? How did sister Robin touch your mouth just now? " Natalie's straight.

Recently, she learned a new way of communication, which was taught by Valentine's day. She should know where the focus of the problem is, ask what's important and say what's important.

The main reason is that Natalie talks too much. Sometimes she talks endlessly. She can talk with you from day to night, and she doesn't have the same topic.

After Valentine's day, I decided to simplify Natalie's problem.

"Come here, I'll tell you." Rosen waved to Natalie.

"All right Natalie jumped into the room with her hands propped up. Before she could be happy, Rosen grabbed her ankle and lifted her up.

"Let's go." Rosen grabs it, swings it into a circle and throws it in the direction of the mainsail.

"Wow, have fun..." although the whole person hovered in the air and finally hit the canvas, Natalie was more energetic.

"What kind of play is that?" Leah took a look, and then she didn't care.

Natalie was thrown out of the captain's cabin not once or twice.

Robin went back to her room and felt hot on her face. Because she had not been in the desert country for a long time and had not been in the sun for a long time, and had not fled from exile, her skin color had become much whiter.

Blush, has been able to clearly see, at this moment, she felt that the skin color or a little black, so at least, can not see it.

What were you thinking just now? Boss is also really, why not stop yourself?

"Hey, let me tell you, sister robin was in my uncle's room just now..." Natalie slipped down the canvas and stood up to gossip. But before she finished, two arms grew behind her back and covered her mouth.

Then an arm grew on the ground and pulled her down, but before she landed, two rows of arms grew on the ground and pushed her all the way to Robin's room.

"Fun, ha ha ha..." Natalie thought today was too fun. She didn't have to go. It was fun just to rely on others to roll with their hands.

Rosen stood in the captain's room, through the French window, watching Natalie roll into Robin's room, smiling and relieved.

You know, anything to Natalie's mouth, can evolve into many versions, her point of view, sometimes very tricky.

"Well?" The subtle atmosphere made the crew feel a little greasy, but it didn't seem to be there. Vice captain robin was in the boss room. Isn't that a regular thing.

"What are you doing in the room?" Hathaway doesn't know why she cares about this, but looking back, it doesn't seem to matter, although Robin's behavior is a little abnormal.

At the happy moment of Rosen's crew, the bloody washing of shambaldi islands is still going on. However, this time, Rosen and others are not affected because they left in time.

But other pirates are not so lucky. However, from any angle, the joint action of the Navy and the world government ended in failure.

A few days later, the storm slowly subsided.

"Give me a month, two warships, and I'll come back with straw hats and the heads of two captains of dawn." Ramirez called five old stars and had a good fight with the legendary Pluto Raleigh. At that time, he forgot his business.

"Good." The opposite side was silent for a while, then acquiesced.

Next, all the troops of the Navy headquarters were taken back, because the news had been made public before, and white beard must have been preparing for war.

The time has been set for public execution, five days later.

Although the shampooland islands are very fierce, they still can't be compared with the coming storm, operation white beard.

The other four emperors will not sit idly by. They are unlikely to miss such a good opportunity, whether it is for the sake of territory or wealth.

The territory of each of the four emperors is as solid as gold. Even if the four emperors of the same level want to break through, they will lose their troops and their generals. Therefore, when the four emperors leave their painstaking territory, it means great turbulence.

Kato, aunt, red hair and so on all have some corresponding actions.

The Navy also constantly sent surveillance ships to the new world. However, it was not long before they set sail. As soon as they arrived in the new world, they were annihilated by the Pirate Group under white beard. The Navy headquarters had no way to control the whereabouts of the group.

And the whole world is also discussing whether this war will start or not. For the Warring States and others, this is a battle that will start because they know about white beard.

The shambaldi islands also began to get angry, because it will become the first live station of public execution. Famous journalists from all over the world gathered near the giant phone bug screen in shambaldi islands, and they will immediately announce the live broadcast of the Navy headquarters to the whole world.