"Do you think white beard really dares to fight the Navy headquarters?" A new reporter has just checked into a hotel in the shambaldi islands.

As a result of the recent sweep by the Navy, the number of pirates on the shambaldi islands has been greatly reduced and the safety has been greatly improved.

However, even if it's not safe, these people who dare to be journalists at sea also have their own security forces, and ordinary pirates are not likely to attack journalists when they encounter them.

"In all probability war will break out." One senior reporter said firmly.

He has been working in the front line for decades. They don't know how many news reports about white beard have been published. They don't know much about the sea emperor, but they are absolutely familiar with it.

Once upon a time when white beard was still young, many countries suffered devastating retaliation and attack because they injured white beard's crew, and many countries disappeared.

Now the Navy headquarters is going to punish his crew in public. It's absolutely impossible for the white beard to sit back and ignore him.

"But the Navy headquarters is so powerful and well prepared that white beard dares to fight the fire. Isn't he trapped?"

"You think too naively, if white beard is really so easy to deal with, does Navy headquarters still need to set up this game? You've heard that the three generals, qiwuhai, are all gathered in the Navy headquarters now! "

"Really so strong?" The new reporter can't believe it. In his impression, the Navy headquarters is the strongest force in the world, but he is so careful when facing a white beard.

"The so-called four emperors are all monsters. We can't treat them with common sense. Even the Navy headquarters can't guarantee that this battle will be won."

"Then... What would the world look like if the Navy headquarters lost?" New reporter a swallow saliva, asked a let him never thought of the problem.

"In that case, the world will probably collapse... But if you win, will it really be ok?" Veteran journalists are not sure.

Not only the shampoo islands, the great route, the new world, the four seas, the focus at the moment is on the possible conflict between white beard and the Navy headquarters.

The whole world, from kings to beggars and vagrants, is full of discussions. People all over the world are worried by the atmosphere of public opinion, but more people are worried about the failure of the Navy headquarters.

No matter from which point of view, the naval headquarters still represents the order of the sea and is the existence that many ordinary people rely on. Although sometimes it is very disappointing, sometimes it is full of hope.

Everyone is very nervous. In this general situation, ordinary pirates and civilians are just accessories. With the development of the times, they are likely to become innocent victims. If the Navy headquarters fails, the pirates will be more rampant in the future.

"Well, I don't know what the world will be like in the future."

"Isn't it nice to have this kind of world destroyed? White beard? The strongest man in the world is very old. Can he still fight? "

"God, please protect everyone."

Naval headquarters, conference room.

Qiwuhai from all over the world has arrived one after another.

There are "tyrant" basoromi bear, the world's number one swordsman, "eagle eye" jorakul mihogg, "tianyecha" dorfermingo, moonlight molya, Blackbeard, Marshall D. titch, and the newly arrived world's number one beauty, Pirate Queen, boyahan cook.

"It's beautiful and dazzling." Blackbeard took a look at the empress and continued to eat cherry pie.

"I didn't come when I knew about AI's family. They were really a group of stinking men." The empress still doesn't know why she agreed as soon as her brain was hot.

Originally, I heard about the shambaldi islands incident, and I was a little worried about the safety of sister Hathaway, so I came to have a look. Then, based on my mother-in-law's analysis, I thought that at this time, in this position, the dawn pirate group might be planning a war between the Navy headquarters and white beard.

At that time, she felt as if there was some truth, so that she could know if sister Hathaway and her family were safe, so she agreed.

Now think about it, it's too hasty, but I can't help it. Sister Hathaway's Pirate Group is so powerful that she killed another dragon man. She was too excited at that time.

Now, when you see these navies or the qiwuhai, you don't have any more ideas than disgust.

In addition to Qiwu overseas, there are also Navy receptionists headed by lieutenant general crane.

They had some discussions about the coming war.

Office of the marshal of the Warring States period.

"For the time being, the shambaldi Islands issue has been handed over to the world government. The Navy headquarters will let go of the dawn Pirate Group and fight against white beard." The marshal of the Warring States period said to the green pheasant and the Yellow ape.

"I understand."

Red dog has been arranging and checking the work of various places. Land after land, at sea, local famous naval generals with elite have landed at the Navy headquarters, which is very inspiring.

Many famous generals gather together, which is a rare sight in the Navy headquarters. Eleven of them have already arrived, and several others are on their way.

At the moment, there are more than 40 warships gathered in the Navy headquarters, and all the navies are generals, not the lowest level soldiers, wearing the justice cloak of generals, and the weakest are also small officers.

There are also heavy troops in the propulsion City, but without the special current of the Navy, white beard will not attack the propulsion City foolishly. In that way, it is impossible for large troops to cross the special current, and the propulsion city is still in a windless zone.

If we really invade the propulsion city on a large scale, I'm afraid that before we start to invade, the Pirate Group will be seriously damaged, because there are only two ways to reach the propulsion city.

One is to bypass the special current of the Navy and attack from the windless zone, but a large-scale pirate fleet is bound to arouse the vigilance of a large number of sea kings, which is very dangerous.

First, even if they get on the special current, as long as the door of justice is not opened, most of the fleet can only move with the current and cannot reach the propulsion City accurately, so they will only become cannon fodder sooner or later.

Second, even if a small number of ships only have powerful people who can break away from the special current and reach the propulsion City, it will take time for them to enter. At this time, the navy can immediately support the propulsion city through the special current.

At that time, white beard and others will become turtles in a jar, so it is unrealistic to attack the propulsion city on a large scale. Of course, there is another point, which is a provocation from the Navy headquarters.

With white beard's character, facing such provocations, he will only fight to the end. After all, who can be 100% sure that fire boxing ace is being held in the propulsion City, in case the Navy headquarters blows up?

However, once it's time for the public execution, no matter where ace is detained, he will appear in the Navy headquarters. If not, how can white beard appear?

But at this time, no one knows. In a few days, the propulsion city was invaded by Luffy Saab and used crows. They attacked from the air and left crows to meet them outside. This is something that everyone did not expect.

Because it's too crazy, it's no different from looking for death!

As a result, a large number of pirates were liberated, causing a certain amount of chaos. Then Blackbeard joined in to find a strong partner. At the same time, Magellan suppressed all the rioting pirates, but he was still unable to separate himself in the end. In the process of pursuing straw hat and Saab, hiliu, who had contact with Blackbeard in advance, brought an antidote and rescued Blackbeard, And released many criminals in the sixth layer, then Saab straw hat, Hawkins, demon king, etc. came together, successfully escaped from prison, but did not find ace

Fire boxing ace has been transferred by Magellan ahead of time. After all, the appearance of Saab in the revolutionary army has made him wary of many things, and the new qiwuhai is also haunted.

The matter ended with a major breach of duty, but at the moment, the Navy headquarters has not yet known the whole situation.

Because of the time gear, it has turned to four hours before the execution of fire fist ace!

All the forces that should and can come to the Navy headquarters have gathered together! Waiting quietly.