"Sure enough, I still have to work hard. No matter how to say it, I have to take some heads back. Otherwise, those old men don't know what to think of me. Tianlong sword, lend me the ability to judge the world!" Ramirez held the chopper high, and then a bright red liquid gushed out of the chopper and penetrated into his body along his arm,

In an instant, his body was covered with blood. With a slight wave of the chopper, a surging stone was cut, and then it stopped in the air.

As time stands still.

"Are you really capable? It's impossible. " Enilu was a bit shocked.

"Kill him or not."

However, at this time, a signal bomb suddenly exploded in the sky, and Rosen and others immediately stopped. This is a signal to prepare for the voyage.

"Let's go. Business matters." Rosen doesn't know what happened to Ramirez, but it's a desperate stunt.

In this way, it will be more difficult to win him in a short time. Moreover, fighting with this kind of fighting maniac will not benefit at all, which is a waste of time.

"Xiao Lei Ying!" Ainilu heard Rosen's words, and the scepter hit the drum behind them fiercely. In the sky, seven or eight small thunder balls with a diameter of only about ten meters fell down, cutting off the back path that might chase them.

"Loud thunder, it's really troublesome, even let you run..." Ramirez face unwilling, did not expect to pay such a big price, even a person can't catch, damn.

But the thunder ball that just fell down, even if it is him, with the body's hard resistance, will also be paralyzed, and there is no small injury, but to avoid, let Rosen and others run away.

"Never mind, I will continue to pursue you! There's about a month left. That's enough. " Ramirez didn't give up, even if the enemy was strong.

But next time, we should take some navies with us to catch up. Although the navy is abandoned, we should still be able to involve other people. As long as we can involve two cadres, we can leave the rest to him to deal with, and we have great confidence.

"Among the known generals in the Navy, there seems to be no such person." Hathaway thought about it and said, thinking as she ran.

"It's a secret personal force of the world government. It's very effective. Moreover, I always feel that the use of blood is a little similar to yours, even though it's in weapons." Rosen thought about it.

Blood growth or other ability functions are similar to Hathaway's blood boiling, entering the outbreak period, and blood sucking can accelerate healing and enhance strength.

"You mean, he could be an experimenter, too?"

"Well, but that knife should be the key, and at the last moment, it seems that the power of that knife can be transferred to his body. If this conjecture is true, then the world government's scientific experiment plan is too big." That's what Rosen cares most about.

The experiment of feeding demonic fruit to the dead exists, and there are many successful cases.

After this success story, if the ability can be transferred to weapon users, doesn't it mean that the side effect of devil fruit and the weakness of fear of sea water have been overcome?

No, it can't be said that it has been overcome. The weakness still exists, but it is in the weapon.

But even so, it's incredible. If the human body can borrow its ability without bearing side effects, it's too convenient.

Judging from the previous technology of feeding demon fruit with dead animals, it seems that such an upgrade guess is possible. That's why Rosen thinks that the world government or the Navy headquarters have a big plan.

Could this be something for special forces in the back?

It seems that there will be opportunities in the future. We really need to find some naval laboratories to see the situation. We must not unilaterally let the world government have technology far beyond this sea. Because the world government is Rosen's imaginary enemy, we can't ignore it.

"Set sail!"

"Set sail now? I just heard a tsunami warning coming from the shambaldi islands! " Mr. 5 was a little worried after welcoming the people on board.

Just now, urki and Rowe didn't stay to fight with Rosen. It's not to say that they have no strength, but they are much weaker than Bonis. At least Bonis has developed his ability well and mastered his hegemony.

At the same time, we have to leave some combat power on Robin's side to prevent them from meeting the Navy. But I didn't expect that the combat power of the world government didn't bring a single soldier. Otherwise, I'm afraid it would be delayed for more time.

But now it's a waste of time.

Now that the tsunami has swept through, it means that the war has started. If we go at this time, we should be able to catch up with Germany at least.

"Keep going, don't worry!" Tsunami is terrible, but now there is no time to wait for the tsunami before sailing.

At the same time, white beard is so powerful that it's unreasonable. If you punch in the Navy headquarters, the ability to shake the fruit will bring a huge tsunami to the nearby islands.

Terror! It's no exaggeration to be a world-class disaster.

"Good." Mr.5 doesn't talk nonsense any more. Since it is decided by the boss, even if they are asked to die, they will not turn back.

"You're crazy. The tsunami is coming. Do you want to start?" Luo can't understand it. It's a tsunami. It's one of the most terrible disasters on the sea. No matter how powerful the power is, if you face it, how can you survive?

In particular, they have many abilities.

But his words can't decide anything. He can only follow them and hope that they have confidence in the truth instead of bluffing, otherwise they will be in danger.

"White beard is really strong, but if we can't even decipher the aftermath of his attack, we'll go to the naval headquarters."

In the face of Luo's doubts and the worries of urki and others, Rosen only said one thing.

"You mean the tsunami is the aftereffect of white beard's attack? How is that possible? " Luo and urki think that they have met many strong people, but in their cognition, there is no human being who can be so terrible that the afterwave will set off a tsunami? It's just extraordinary.

Soon after the ship set sail, it was true that it saw huge waves of tens of meters high beating like giant destruction. Even if it was a warship, if there were no skillful navigators, once it was photographed on the hull, it would be broken to pieces in an instant

"The shadow of the sword devil!"

"Lei Ying!"

"Annihilation sand bomb!"

The sword is strong and the thunder is strong. The huge grains of sand are like a small meteorite. The three attacks erupt at the same time. At the last moment, they gather on the plane of the spray. They only hear the roar of a collapse.

In front of the tsunami, just like a big water bead, burst open, and not just in front of this layer of waves, but several layers of waves have been smashed.

Then the sea was blasted out of an island like hole, and all the waves poured in, forming a huge vortex in a short time.

But the tsunami was calm for a moment, and the ships drove directly by the whirlpool.

"Is the tsunami flattened out?" Although it's not all, it's in front of them, but it's too strong.

Burst of sea water, forming a majestic rain from the sky down.

"If such an attack falls on an island, the whole island will be razed to the ground." Wuerji is also shocked, this joint power, a little scared them.

At the moment, it's not only Rosen who rushes to the Navy headquarters, but also the straw hat and Saab who have hijacked the navy warship and are about to reach the gate of justice.

There is also the Blackbeard pirate group that started the next step of planning after making trouble in the undersea prison.

At the moment, Magellan did not know that many criminals detained in the sixth floor had taken advantage of the chaos and escaped from the undersea prison

At the moment, the most eye-catching thing is the top war. At the moment, the war in the Navy headquarters has completely started.

With white beard's shocking blow, the scuffle began. As expected, the tsunami triggered by the earthquake fruit was frozen by the Green Pheasant. At the same time, it turned the bay into an ice sheet, creating a conflict battlefield.

But they are still fighting in the Bay, white beard has not attacked the Bay, but this scene has made the reporters watching the war tremble nervously.

This is the war between the real strong! It's really too terrible to imagine. All kinds of destructive forces make these reporters, who are just not much better than ordinary people, fear and tremble from the heart.

Not to mention them, even the generals and academies participating in the war now have the idea of deserting. This level of fighting, with those so-called inter Kingdom wars, is many times more terrible.

Shaking fruit, shaking people, has the power to destroy the world, just a blow, shatter the atmosphere, hit shock waves, can cause earthquakes, tsunamis, even if the master in such a power, also appears extremely small.

There are also phantoms, undead bird fruits, diamond fruits, and so on. All of them are powerful monsters. The Navy also has magma, flash, and freezing, which also have the natural disaster power to destroy the sky and the earth.

Then qiwuhai's swordsmanship, sweet fruit, shadow fruit, meatball fruit, thread fruit, was also extremely powerful.

So many powerful people, all crowded in a naval headquarters, make the whole battlefield, no matter where they are, look like kids struggling in purgatory.

The explosion range of laser light sometimes affects some friendly forces, not to mention lava. Ice is better, but even if it has only a little aftereffect, it is extremely dangerous.

A little closer to the fight between those monsters, those with poor strength were directly killed by the aftershock of the fight.

Countless pirates and navies have been burned and blown up

On this island, there are explosions, screams, shouts and all kinds of madness, which let everyone see the cruelest side of the war. Many journalists watching the live broadcast in shampoos were terrified.

A large group of superhuman war, let the casualties in the rapid expansion, the kind of fierce, let people at this moment, will think of the short and peacetime beauty, life in this level of war is extremely fragile.

"How can it be?"?! That's major general Moxi, the manager of our island. I once saw him defeat three pirate ships by himself. He just lost to a pirate. This can't be true! " A reporter looked at a familiar major general, the mentality almost collapsed.

So powerful a person, how can die so easily! And he saved himself.

"Colonel Deco is dead, too!"

"Is this the white bearded Pirate Group? It's terrible!"

It's not only the reporters who feel fear and fear, even Rosen and others who land from the coast behind the Navy headquarters are about to see this unprecedented war, and are destined to be deeply shocked.

But it didn't seem to go so well.

"I didn't expect that the Navy headquarters had deployed defense forces along the coast of the big military towns behind. Although there were not many, it was really unexpected, but it seemed reasonable to think about it." As soon as Rosen's ship came near, a few Marines on the shore fired directly.

But it was soon settled, because after the outbreak of the war, the original full range of defense forces had gradually concentrated on the battlefield in the front Bay.

If it wasn't for the sake of preventing the white beard Pirate Group, would there be any fleet that might attack from behind and launch strange attacks? They wouldn't even keep this part of the Navy here.