"This is the war between the white bearded pirates and the Navy headquarters!" In the observation tower of the military town, Rosen and a group of cadres, a total of nine people, landed at the naval headquarters at the moment.

They are more than half an island away from the battlefield, but on the tower, they can see what happened on the battlefield, but they also pay attention to hiding their tracks.

If Rosen had remembered correctly, Blackbeard and others should have landed at the Navy headquarters from the side or behind, because the front is the battle area. If they landed from this position, they would be found.

And now they look at the battle between white beard and the Navy headquarters, even enilu has changed his face, even fear.

In this war, there are too many powerful people. Even the ordinary Navy pirates are very powerful, not inferior to the 50 members of the God team he once had, but not including the God officials.

But here, there are tens of thousands.

Even standing at this distance, we can still feel the unique cruelty and madness of the war. Everyone is red eyed.

Blood was splashing all over the ice sheet, corpses were everywhere, and the cry of killing could still be heard clearly even here. Everyone's heart was very heavy.

The only quiet people are Hathaway and Rosen.

Boom! There was a shock wave in the air, which was blocked by Rosen's domineering palms. The shock wave swept around, making several loud noises, and the buildings nearby were shattered.

"The aftereffect of white beard's ability?" Rosen frowned and looked at the battlefield, where a meteor shower of lava was pouring down at the moment.

Red Dog launched a trial attack, the situation is more intense.

The marshal of the Warring States period is standing at a high place, observing the overall situation. Since the world government has chosen to let them be executed by live broadcast, the strength mobilized at the same time is much stronger than that of Bai Hu Zi.

That is to say, they have made up their mind to eradicate the four emperors, white beard, so as to boost the prestige of the world government. They believe that it is possible for the forces currently gathering in the Navy headquarters.

There is also ace in hand. However, although the Navy headquarters has made many arrangements with the world government, it is still unable to ensure that the combat purpose will be achieved, that is, to annihilate the white bearded Pirate Group in the Navy headquarters.

In terms of strength, it is true that the Navy headquarters has a great advantage, even a great chance of winning, so they dare to broadcast live to the world. However, white beard itself is an unstable factor, and it is still unknown whether the direction of war will be as they wish.

And white beard himself had been prepared for the worst before he came to the battlefield and died.

But he was not afraid, even what he wanted, but that was his plan after he rescued ace.

He has lived long enough and is aging. He has no interest in longevity and so on. In this era, there are not many things that interest him. He doesn't want to be a pirate king. He just wants to live with his family. Now, life is as he wishes, and he is satisfied.

So, if he really will die, he would rather die in the battlefield.

White beard stood on the ship, watching the war in front of him, unmoved. His eyes remained on ACE. For the purpose of the Navy, white beard knew that he was their first target.

Ace's public execution is just a bait to lure him, but even so, he is still fearless.

At the moment, the man in front of Bai Huzi is the general red dog. He is hanging the huge fist of swelling lava. He is staring at the strongest man in the world and does not dare to be careless for a moment.

If it wasn't for white beard's aging, even in the past, even if the Navy headquarters held ace's trump card, they would not dare to start such a war.

The white beard has been in the sea for decades, and the generals have been replaced, but he is still there. But now, the world government thinks that the time is ripe. The world needs a victory and a good card, so there is this war.

"Dog bites Red Lotus!" The red dog's arm turns into lava. The lava drips down and blows out with one blow. Then it condenses into a dog's head, which penetrates the air and blows directly to the white beard.

"The little devil who put magma everywhere." White beard took a look at it. It was very flat. He cut the cloud in his hand forward a little. He could shake the fruit and break the air. Through the air wall, he could see that the attack of red dog was also broken and scattered around.

Then the red dog's body was shaken in two, but soon healed, and the red dog's reaction was not slow.

At least a few hundred of the Navy close to the two men's battle area were swept away by the aftershock of the shock, but the pirates were familiar with the ability of white beard. When their father started, they attached themselves and grasped the edge of the crumbling ice sheet.

"Attack At the beginning of the battle, reinforcements from the naval Bay kept coming, but they were also falling.

Meanwhile, dozens of pirate ships under white beard, who came from the sea area outside the Bay, also kept fighting with warships, trying to send more troops to help daddy resist the Navy.

In the sea area, warships and pirate groups bombarded, approached and fought, almost in chaos. On the sea, blood bodies kept falling, and ships began to burn. It was an unprecedented sea battle.

But even so, there are still countless pirates landing on the ice sheet one after another to fight, which is also expected.

A total of about 100 warships from both sides launched an attack together, and none of them could completely defend themselves. The scope of the battle was too wide.

"Destroy the Navy!"

"Kill all the pirates!"

The deafening howling has made the enemy and us completely crazy, killing red eyes, causing countless deaths and injuries. The real blood is flowing into a river.

At the moment, the marshal of the Warring States period is holding a telephone worm. Whether it's the iron wall on the inner edge of the Bay, or the powerful army of pacifists led by Zhan taowan of the scientific forces, these are all in place.

But the Warring States was still not at ease, because this time the arrangement of the naval headquarters changed because of the participation of Saab, the second leader of the revolutionary army.

Because it is uncertain whether the revolutionary army will act, the world government has just made another arrangement.

"The combat power of the three spy agencies all over the world has been on standby in the outer waters, including CP0. Marshal Kong is in charge of it. Once the situation goes beyond our expectation, even if we are fighting for the possibility of other four emperors joining hands, air force will also bring people into the battlefield." Listening to the words of the five old stars, the marshal of the Warring States period had a heavy heart.

"I understand."

The emergence of the second leader of the revolutionary army is really a variable. If the revolutionary army really participates in the war, it may be that the war will get bigger and bigger. I'm afraid it's impossible to end the war at that time.

This is a situation that neither the enemy nor we want to see, because it is likely to turn into a world war!

Of course, the world government has the card of Marshal Kong, the army and CP0, but they also dare not go out of their way, because in the whole sea, the forces that can threaten them are not only white beards.

The other three emperors, as well as the revolutionary army, are all very dangerous. If we do not properly arrange the forces to deal with them and do not hold them down, once they appear on the battlefield, all the previous arrangements made by the naval headquarters will be wasted.

If there was only one white beard, Kong would have done it long ago, but he didn't, because it's not really a war enough to subvert the world. They, the top officials of the world government, have all these in mind.

However, if the Navy headquarters really loses, it will have a great impact on the whole world and the government. Therefore, what other forces have to do is to contain other forces and let them not act rashly. Even if they act rashly, they should try their best to delay them as soon as possible and prevent them from reaching the Navy headquarters.

This is also the reason why the appearance of red hair in the original book surprised the Navy headquarters, because if one more four emperors joined hands with white beard, it would be enough to rewrite the original ending.