"Want to go? over my dead body! Everyone, follow me. " With a straight face, the great general of the Yellow ape shot the whole humanized light, and led the admiral of the flying squirrel and other Navy elite.

Behind the Rosen hall, Eni road and Bonis open the road ahead, chisel open the Navy, electric snakes dance wildly, metal jungle ground comes out, and Robin is in the middle.

Robin's current strength, even the general to be, may not be able to form a threat to her. On the contrary, she can threaten the combat power of the general to be, but she can't compete with the general to be.

But even so, her combat power now leaps above Bonis and becomes the fourth largest combat power. It can be imagined that if the two demons cooperate well, how terrible the strength will be.

And this fruit is very close to Robin's own flower and fruit ability, otherwise Rosen would not give it to her, but use it by himself.

The 211 formation is composed of four people, which is the most common battlefield coordination formation. There are two people in front, one in front and one in the back of the straight line, just like a sword. Even if a single lieutenant general is facing each other, he is almost attacked by several people and is seriously injured on the spot.

The Yellow ape followed closely, and all the attacks were intercepted by Rosen. With the same level of combat power, it is possible to defend the opponent's attack, but the cost is not small.

Even if the Yellow ape is extremely close, the speed of light can't even kick through Rosen's defense. Especially if he dares to approach again, Rosen's collapse ability will make the Yellow ape very scared once it is urged.

Along the way, several Marines pounced on them. As a result, the Yellow ape saw them and directly evaporated.

"Boss, sister Hathaway, she..." on Valentine's day, I don't know when they will gather with mr.5 and gather together to find the signal of tornado sandstorm. They have also defeated the strong enemy. Now they are responsible for the defense of the left and right sides.

In fact, the two of them are not weak. As long as they don't meet the lieutenant general alone, they can basically protect themselves on the battlefield.

"I see." Rosen nodded.

"What's in front of you? Straw hat and Saab. " Rosen takes everyone to the battlefield where Hathaway and red dog are. Then he sees the acquaintances.

And I'm afraid the situation is not very good, because he saw that the marshal of the Warring States period began to change, and his body began to shine. This is not a good situation. In principle, the Warring States period should not act rashly.

Because the whole war situation still needs to be controlled by him, otherwise the Navy's superiority in force and strength will not play its due value in the big scuffle.

However, if we just stick to the scaffold, it should not be a big problem, but even if we stick to it and don't move much, his strength can't be underestimated.

"If fire fist ace survives, the new world will be wonderful, and the world government will have a headache. Let him help attract the hatred value of the Navy headquarters, but I don't know if you can really survive..." Rosen suddenly made a decision.

After this war, neither the Navy headquarters nor the world government will despise themselves any more, or even pursue and kill them madly. It is possible to disperse their forces as much as possible, which is the best protection for themselves and others.

"Luffy, get out of the way." When Saab saw the golden light on his body in the Warring States period and changed into the shape of a giant Buddha, he was shocked.

"You have a big heart. Don't look down on me." Rufus said helplessly, taking advantage of the moment that Saab was distracted, he suddenly kicked a foot, and his long leg was covered with transparent ripples.

With one blow, Saab, who was covered with armed color, was kicked out. At the moment when his long legs hit, Saab's chest was directly twisted. His domineering spirit was torn, his flesh and bones were rotated, and then he was seriously injured.

"What a tricky ability." Saab's face is dignified. The distortion ability carried by the enemy can not only distort his attack power, but also cause maximum damage to his body during the attack.

"Blame the way you choose, pirates." The marshal of the Warring States period, Jin Guang Dasheng, whose Buddha form has been completely changed, stands in front of everyone like a golden mountain and is ready to go.

However, Kapp and white beard, at this moment, broke out to shock the whole audience, and even fear of the battle.

Kapp's whole right arm covered with domineering, simple and direct, a blow on the white beard's clump of clouds cut above, in a moment, domineering through the atmosphere, clouds, the sea, the earth, in an instant, the situation changed dramatically, just like the collapse of the earth.

Boom! Their domineering spirit reached a very high level. They only collided on the ground. But at this moment, the black clouds rolled up by various forces in the sky were torn out of several abysses and hung upside down in the sky, which was ferocious and terrible.

With this strike, a super strong earthquake with magnitude no less than 8 occurred in the whole navy headquarters. You know, it was only the aftereffect of the strike of two people, and the sea also set off a large-scale tsunami.

"This is the power of white beard and Navy hero Kapp!" The whole battlefield seems to have a moment of silence, which is too terrible, it can be regarded as a real collapse.

"Lieutenant General Kapp!" In the Navy, the morale is greatly increased. With only a pair of fists, it can block the attack of the strongest man in the world who can destroy the world. It's too powerful.

It seems that he is much more powerful than the red dog.

"If the Navy headquarters even send out such veteran generals, aren't they afraid that this battle will turn into a big fight that can't be directed? At that time, if we let the white bearded Pirate Group escape, there will be a good play to watch. " Even if the distance is far, the power of these two people is also awed.

This is not inferior to the power of the monster kador. It's really terrible, but it also represents some kind of control, which is slowly getting out of the hands of the Navy.

"Two monsters of the same age." Even Hawkeye made such an evaluation. It seems that he is still a long way away from their level, and his swordsmanship can be stronger.


Everyone was shocked by this attack, even Rosen. These two men are much stronger than themselves. Of course, they are not enough to make Rosen feel untouchable. After all, he is a great general, but they are really powerful.

This kind of strength is not only reflected in strength, but also in their own strong spirit and will. They are tenacious and hard to destroy, very firm spirit.

Rosen wanted to compete with Sihuang and try to see the gap, but it's not necessary now. This blow can be seen clearly.

Two contemporaries, that strike is absolutely unreserved, it is a kind of understanding, it is also a kind of respect.

"You're not afraid to destroy the Navy headquarters?" White beard looked at Karp and laughed.

"If it's destroyed, it will be rebuilt. It's not like it hasn't been destroyed." Kapp didn't want to talk much, and he was in a bad mood. Then he hit again. White beard's vibration ability followed this punch. This punch is still very powerful.

The collision of the two men's attack is like the thunder that has been ready for a long time.

"Has it come to such an uncontrollable point?" The Green Pheasant cut off part of his defense with an ice skate and hurt him. Then he looked at the more fierce battlefield and began to worry.

The war was even more fierce than they thought. We should know that the Warring States and Kapp represented the last line of defense of the Navy headquarters.

At the execution platform, the Warring States period didn't leave the position. Instead, it hit the straw hat and others with one blow. The golden shock wave, such as the whole sky, collapsed, which was hard to avoid and covered a very wide area.

"Boom!" At the same time, several thunder pillars and a giant tornado dust storm were blasted from the ground.

With a loud noise, all attacks collided, the whole execution platform including the nearby ground was smashed, and the execution platform fell down.

"Ace!" White beard, including his subordinates, was surprised. The attack of the Warring States period just broke out and enveloped the fire fist ace.

At this moment, white beard, including many captains, was distracted.

"White beard, die!" The red dog came out from the ground, and the whole person was in the state of magma. With a move of the dark dog, it penetrated through the void and distance, and accurately penetrated into the body of white beard, and destroyed again.

"Daddy! Damn, red dog, that bastard, actually attacked Dad

"Damn the Navy, kill them all."

"Daddy!" Many pirate captains were distracted, extremely worried and angry. Many people were wounded or even killed by the Navy at this moment.

Such a battle can't be distracted for a moment, but human emotions can't be controlled every minute.

Kapp's restraint and white beard's distraction create the best opportunity for red dog.

Not far away, Hathaway's body was stained with magma, black and white, but she still resisted with domineering.

She suddenly let out an unwilling roar, and the domineering color was released to the extreme, and all the magma was blown out. At the same time, her domineering spirit went further, and her overall combat power also reached the real general level, and she was a biathlon general! At this moment, the limit of her body was broken by her unwillingness and anger.

Countless Navy pirates nearby all fell down with a roar, and even the ground under her feet was shaken out of cracks by the roar of this powerful color.

"Red dog." Kapp frowned. Although it was war, he still didn't like red dog. In his aboveboard battle, he attacked white beard secretly.


"Kroddar!" The face of the Warring States period was also very ugly, because it was the dawn Pirate Group and others who just blocked his attack.

"It's up to you, sandstorm!" As soon as Rosen threw his hand, several quicksand waves suddenly protruded on the ground, sending Luffy Saab and others to the vicinity of the collapsed execution platform.

"Mr. Warring States, don't you wonder who beat me up to the battlefield? Blackbeard and his gang are eyeing me. Should they be more cautious?" Looking at the Warring States still want to move, Rosen kindly reminded.

In the crowd, no one noticed that a clown was shaking behind a stone in ruins with his little brothers