"Ace is saved!" In the crowd, suddenly there was an excited voice from the pirates, and the execution platform fell down. The attack of the Warring States period was stopped by Rosen and others, and they were afraid of the whole group of pirates in front of them.

At the same time, he was scared by Rosen's words that Blackbeard was peeping in the dark. For a moment, Saab, Luffy and others had rescued fire fist ace.

But the situation was not good. They were surrounded by many navies and Rufus in an instant. Even the Green Pheasant froze the diamond in an instant, and then jotz rushed here.

"Let's go." Rosen noticed that it was not good. There was a yellow ape behind him and a Green Pheasant flying over the ice. In front of him, there was a marshal of the Warring States period. If he and others got into it, it would be very difficult for him to escape, even if he didn't die.

"Thank you very much." Saab thanks Rosen.

"Good luck to you." Rosen didn't think so. He did it with a hand, and it's hard to say whether they can break out of this kind of encirclement.

"Yellow ape, Green Pheasant, don't worry about klockdale. Take fire fist, ACE and his gang, and then support red dog immediately." In the Warring States period, white beard was attacked successfully by red dog. Now is the best time to kill white beard.

Even if the dawn pirates make a big fight and increase many casualties, at this time, there is no way, even if it is filled with the lives of ordinary soldiers, it is also a necessary sacrifice.

"But..." Huang ape was very unwilling. He wanted to tell the marshal of the Warring States period that this pirate group must not be let go now. This pirate group may even replace the new fourth emperor. It's too dangerous.

If such a good opportunity is missed, it will be difficult to eradicate it in the future.

But as soon as he spoke, he was interrupted by the Marshal's Indifference: "at present, the white beard Pirate Group is the top priority, and black beard may be lurking in the dark. I don't know their purpose yet. Solve the white beard Pirate Group first!"

"I understand." Green pheasant and others nodded. Since ace's identity has been exposed, it is easy to cause great turbulence if he is not eradicated.

And they're close at the moment.

"Two generals, no, three!" Saab looked at the Yellow ape, the Green Pheasant, Rufus, and felt despair for the first time.

All of them, including Lu Fei, Shen Ping and others, can at most fight against a general. If there is more ace, they can at most fight about one and a half. Now three generals are surging up, which is hard to resist.

Because Saab has been seriously injured, aslufei is not in good condition.

"White bearded Pirate Group all listen to orders, don't let the Navy succeed, cover the retreat of ACE and others!" White beard gasped, but the voice was still loud, and spread all over the battlefield.

"Yellow ape! We haven't decided yet Marco pounced on the Yellow ape, and at the command of white beard, many pirates began to gather here, and so did the captains.

Fortunately, otherwise straw hat, Saab and others will have to explain it here.

A fierce battle broke out.

The Warring States period was not in a hurry. Just now, he almost made the battlefield out of control. Fortunately, he came back in time. But it also means that white beard has come to the end.

"Ho ho..." white beard gasped, watching ace and others fight and retreat. Although the situation is not optimistic, their white beard Pirate Group is not vegetarian. Even if they have three major general level combat power, it is impossible to win Marco and others in a short time.

Saab, Marco, sheping, ACE, straw hat and others are not weak. It's more than enough to pull one out and be a qiwuhai. They want to escape and have a chance.

"Damn you, white beard." Red dog is also panting. His body is covered with bruises. Magma can't cover his face. His body overflows with blood. As a navy, he has made great contributions in this war.

He kept a close eye on white beard. With a big blow of fire, he bombed white beard in a wide range. White beard was hard to stand.

The two holes in the chest, if replaced by ordinary people, would have been completely dead. But at this stage, white beard has the strength to stand, even if it is unstable, even if it is about to fall down and die, but with amazing willpower, he has overcome the load brought by the limit of his body.

I can't fall down yet. I have to hold on for a while. If we fall down now, without anyone to control Kapp, red dog, ACE and Marco, it will be very difficult for them to escape from this island.

"All retreat!" White beard cuts the Congyun into the ground. Because of the overload, his whole body has begun to turn red. He looks like a terrible monster in the heat.

Ho! White beard hit the sky with one punch, and all the giant lava fists were broken by one punch, falling from various places, and then looked in the direction of the Navy headquarters.

"Back." Kapp's face is dignified, white beard's posture is to use his shaking fruit ability wantonly. All the time, white beard's shaking fruit ability is too strong, and he has been restrained in using it. After all, it's hard to distinguish between the enemy and ourselves.

But if all the staff begin to retreat, his shock fruit ability will be able to fight against the Navy, which will be very terrible.

After hearing Kapp's words, red dog didn't feel conceited either. They quickly backed back, followed by white beard, and hit the most densely populated area near the Navy headquarters building. The shock wave burst out in the air. Thousands of navies were all blown away and suffered heavy damage. The Navy headquarters building was about to collapse, and the ground was torn with ferocious cracks

"You damned monster." Red dog's face was ugly, and his white beard was like this. Twice, red dog thought he would die. As a result, he not only survived, but also seemed to destroy the whole navy headquarters.

It's not a monster. What is it?!

"Peng!" Red dog's voice just fell, a long white leg kicked, domineering strong, red dog reaction, raised his hand to block, but still was kicked hundreds of meters away.

"One by one, I'm going to melt you sinners one by one!" Red dog also angry, toward Hathaway rushed to kill.

"You are going to die today." Boom! There was an amazing flash of lightning in the sky. The attack of red dog had to stop abruptly. Then he looked around, his face was very ugly, even humiliating.

Because, as a general of the Navy headquarters, and his strength belongs to the top group of people, he was surrounded by people.

Rosen, Robin, Bonis, enilu, Valentine's day, Mr. 5.

"Valentine's day, Mr. 5, Bonis, you stop the Navy nearby, the rest of you, do your best to kill the red dog in the shortest time!" Right now, there's no better chance.

Rosen, Hathaway and the two generals are slightly weaker than the red dog alone, but the gap is not very big. It will be more terrible if they work together. In addition, enilu and the new Robin will play a more important role.

And red dog is seriously injured, Rosen is sure, kill red dog, even don't let him escape.

"If you want to kill me, it's up to you. You're just a group of dirty pirates. Don't be arrogant, meteor volcano." Red dog broke out a fierce attack, and he eradicated countless pirates. His life in the navy was a legendary one. It would be ironic if he was killed by a group of pirates who were not even four emperors.

Boom... There is a meteor shower in the sky. Every shot is enough to sink a warship. Now there are hundreds of shots with amazing power.

"Black prison bullet."

"Evil prison chop."

"Wan Lei!"

"Devil's shock!"

Fierce fighting broke out.

Kapp didn't worry too much when he saw red dog being surrounded by pirates. He didn't even worry about the whole battlefield, because the strength red dog had shown before was really powerful enough to convince anyone.

In the interval after white beard's attack, Kapp suddenly launched a fierce attack, one punch after another, and his fist was extremely powerful. Even if he didn't hit the man, the style of his fist was enough to smash the boulder in the air.

His domineering attainments high terrible, domineering shot through the air, instant smash everything.