"The essence of the devil's fruit is actually a tool."

"Tools?" Isn't it power or something? Rosen doesn't understand.

"Have you ever heard of the artificial devil fruit?" Asked the doctor.

Rosen nodded.

"In fact, the devil fruit was made by human beings at the very beginning. Although different manufacturing environments, materials, elements and genes determine the different attributes of its birth, in the final analysis, it is a tool born to enhance human strength and meet the action under specific circumstances."

"Is the devil's fruit man-made?" Rosen was surprised. Is that possible? Earthquake fruit, magma fruit, how can these be made? Is it a complete transformation of the human genetic structure?

If what the doctor said is true, what kind of power and scientific level can produce these things in the distant times?

"I'm not entirely sure, but it's very possible. In order to verify this conjecture, I have recorded similar changes, and even conducted such experiments. But without correct gene coding and technology, the products produced are only defective products with great side effects. But at least it proves that the devil fruit can be produced..."

Rosen is silent. Dr. Rosen's view is completely reasonable. Since the animal demon fruit can be made by man, and it is still made by Caesar's half hanging level and some techniques of Beka punk.

So if we further improve and further study, will other fruit abilities be born in the future? Will there be plural fruits?

Rosen thinks that it should not be. If it is related to biological genes, as doctor said, then the gene of each organism is unique, so the probability of multiple fruits is almost impossible.

"Why does the devil's fruit regenerate anywhere on the sea after the human body dies? Isn't it supposed to disappear with the death of the human body? "

"I don't know about this, but I'm sure that there was a very powerful nation or race before. In order for human beings to survive in the face of all kinds of dangers on the sea, they had a way to keep their ability handed down from generation to generation and never die out. This may be a device or a force..."

Listen to the doctor's words, Rosen suddenly thought of lourderu, the ultimate Island, it's not, it's the demon fruit inheritance control center, right?

If so, it's a big joke. The treasure that so many people are looking for turns out to be just a thing to maintain the ecological operation of the devil's fruit? An iron knot, or a lab or something?

And even if angry, it is estimated that no one will destroy the device, which is one of the most extraordinary forces in the world.

In this way, it seems right to say that lourderu has the most precious treasure in the world. The devil fruit itself has the nickname of the secret treasure of the sea, but if it is true, it's a bit of a jerk. If people find lourderu and find that what they've been looking for for for half a lifetime is only a device, then

If the pirate king is alive, I hope he is well. Of course, if the device has any other functions, it's another matter.

"It's really a rare remark." Although Rosen has some conjectures, conjectures are conjectures after all. It's hard to say whether the devil's fruit is like this or not. Maybe he can really get a look at it from lourderu.

But thinking of this, Rosen thought of the inheritance of an empty Islander on the nameless Island: "I have seen the ancient records. It says that if the D tribe disappears, don't take the devil's fruit. What's the special meaning of this?"

The doctor in front of him knows a lot. His extraordinary wisdom is not only reflected in science. From what he said just now, we can see that he knows a lot.

"What?! Where do you see such a record? " The doctor's face changed greatly, and the whole person stood up in a crash.

"A relic."

"Are you sure it exists? Such a record. " Asked the doctor gravely.

"It should be true. Nobody has opened it for hundreds of years. What's the matter?"

"I see. So my guess is probably true." The doctor is a bit of a babbler.

"You mean what you just guessed."

"Not only that, forget it, there are some things you don't know. If I guess correctly, you are capable." The doctor suddenly let out his breath and calmed down slowly.

"Not bad."

"I don't know whether you are good or bad, but since you are willing to come here to seek the solution of variation, it is obvious that there are people who care. I believe that such people will not be bad. Here I also give you a piece of advice, a piece of advice for you."

"Go ahead, please."

"You have two choices. First, you should give up developing the devil's fruit and keep it as primitive and low-level as possible. Second, if you are not willing to give up, one day in the future, if you go so far that you may even threaten the world government, but you don't want to die, you should develop the fruit ability to awaken, at least to awaken..."

"It's just uncomfortable talking to smart people. Do you know who I am?" Rosen is a little helpless, and even more terrible, he seems to see clearly his future choice, because he said he would kill him

That's very careful.

"I don't study the pirates. I don't know who you are, but you can invade Shenfeng island. You can't be nobody. In view of the indirect damage to you or your friends, this is my apology." The doctor shook his head and looked at Rosen calmly.

"It sounds very dangerous, but if it's awakening, maybe I don't have to worry about it. But from your point of view, if it's not awakening, it will be very dangerous. Does it mean that the world government has some technology inherited from the past that can control the ability? Or the destroyer? " That seems to be the only way to explain Dr. Rosen's attitude at the moment.

"That's it. Now that you have awakened, it doesn't mean much to you. However, from the name of awakening, you should know that it's not the final form, but the final form, it's estimated that no one in the world can reach it... This is what you want." The doctor handed Rosen a piece of paper.

Rosen took over. From the doctor, Rosen got a lot of valuable information, or guesses about some secrets of the world, such as the possibilities of the devil's fruit.

And the devil fruit involved in the matter, is not small, Rosen is awakened, but his crew has not.

If the top leaders of the world government, such as Im or the five stars, really control what can manipulate or influence the assassin's mace.

For a long time, the plan of keeping the Navy headquarters from killing the pirates and arresting them as much as possible may not only be for fear that the fruits will be revealed to the outside world or simply used for research after the death of the ability, but also for deeper planning.

"I want one more thing from you. Is there any hope for the personality of basoromi bear to be found again?" Rosen raised this point mainly when he was at the Navy headquarters. Saab and others helped him stop the Navy attack.

Rosen doesn't like to owe others kindness. Taking the bear back with a hand can save him from enslavement. After all, Rosen is upset at the thought that such a powerful qiwuhai should become a slave mount of Tianlong people.