"I don't know whether it's right or wrong, but the bear shouldn't suffer such a crime..." the doctor looked at the empty room and said to himself.

It's hard to find the personality that has been erased, but the command change program can make the bear look like a personal class as much as possible.

The doctor told Rosen.

"Revolutionary army?" The doctor remembered what Xiong had said to him, and the mysterious man who had just been there. If the world government could not use his ability for peace, would the revolutionary army be a good choice?

And who is he?

It seems that he has paid more attention to some news on the sea. If it is wrong, it may be time for him to correct it. There must be no more millions of lives destroyed by his knowledge.

Weapons can bring killing, but they should bring peace.

Shenfeng Island, on the coast.

"What about people? Didn't you say there was a pirate invasion? " Zhan taowan rushed with the three pacifists, but what he saw was that he did not see any enemy except those who were beaten and maimed everywhere.

"Captain, that woman just ran away."


"Report, there is an unreported warship sailing on the east coast. Do you want to intercept it?" A major ran by from a distance and reported.

"Intercept, it must be the group of pirates who want to escape? Shenfeng fort, confirm that there are no soldiers from our side, bomb with all our strength! The rest of you, prepare for the attack immediately. " Zhan taowan looks ugly. He wants to be a man in the Navy.

It's a big deal, it's a small deal, but if you run away, you'll lose face.


But how could Hathaway and Rosen, who had been prepared for a long time, be caught up? No matter how strong the shells are, they can defend themselves.

"Captain, it's not a good thing. Pacifism... No, it's not. The basoromi bear is missing from the qiwuhai on the new warship?"

"What?" If zhantaowan was calm just now, it would be completely out of position at the moment.

Although the value of tyrant bear has been drained, it is a pacifist prototype after all. Once it falls into other people's hands and is researched, it will be very troublesome.

Moreover, in order to make the bear voluntarily become an experimental body, the Ministry of science, the Navy headquarters, and even the world government paid a lot.

Some of the requirements for bears that are not too much have been agreed one by one. Who makes the genetic fit of bears with the modified genes so high.

"All out, get that boat back for me. Now Zhan taowan picked up the phone bug and growled.

Magellan also flew from afar with a poisonous Dragon: "what's the matter?"

"The invaders have taken the basoromi bear away!"

"What?! Who did it, the revolutionary army? "

"No, it can't be the revolutionary army. If it was the revolutionary army, they would not be so alarmed. They would probably wait for the opportunity to bring us all together. They should be ordinary exiled pirates, but they had good eyesight and took such valuable things away... I hope they didn't know more, otherwise they would be in trouble. During this time, we should strengthen the sea area alert, At the same time, report the news Although Zhan taowan was angry, he didn't lose his mind.

Sea area.

"Is it coming?" Rosen is carrying the basoromi bear. Hathaway looks at this once kind-hearted man who has done evil things, and now he has become a machine without human feelings. She can't help looking complicated.

"If we can't catch up with us, we won't follow the guide bird first. That way, the route is too obvious, and they don't dare to chase in any other direction except following the guide bird. At the same time, we can confuse them and make them think that we don't know the right way to leave... "Hathaway took the helm and analyzed calmly.

In other sea areas, there are many sea kings, and who knows which direction they fled to.

"Well." Rosen doesn't think it's a problem, either.

"Our enemy system has been adjusted according to the doctor's plan. Now it is a friendly force and will not attack. But in this way, is it really possible to have humanity again?" Rosen looks at the bear standing beside the boat like a machine without saying a word. He can't help wondering, but even if it is born again, it may be different from before.

"How's it going?" Zhan taowan boarded the warship and called the first one to chase out.

"The report says that no enemy ships have been found. It's very likely that they don't know how to really leave the sea. The speed of the rosty, if on the route, can't be faster than our top warships."

"It's reported that the doctor's guard seems to have been attacked inexplicably."

"What's the matter? How's the doctor? "

"Doctor, it's OK. We found them near the canteen. Maybe we went out to chase the enemy."

"I'll be right back." After thinking about it, Zhan taowan gave up the pursuit. After all, the doctor is the most important.

Moreover, since the enemy is not on the route, it is not very useful for him to catch up with him. He can only let the warships search along the route symbolically. However, if they are not on the route, no matter how strong they are, it is impossible for them to get out of the sea of fog.

It was by chance that their navy discovered this island, and there were countless ships lost in this area.

"Give it back to Liya. If you think something's wrong with your body, you can take it when it's OK." Rosen handed Hathaway a piece of paper.

The above is the proportion of all kinds of drugs. Rosen can't understand it. It's estimated that only Liya, who is good at research, can know it.

"That's why you went to the doctor?" Hathaway was moved.

"Well, your research on Landis was born from him... And so on... What are you doing? Don't go back. Although the concept of research came from him, he refused and didn't agree. It's none of his business..." Rosen quickly stopped Hathaway. At this time, didn't the sheep enter the tiger's mouth.

"Hum, how can you solve such a dangerous person without any trouble." Hathaway was a little upset.

"Science itself is not good or bad, bad, just users." Said Rosen.

Hathaway is silent. She is just a little uncomfortable. After all, the culprit has been put to death. The only thing left is the world government.


In the middle of the square, more than 30 members of the nine snake pirate group were tied together and thrown on the road.

One of the big pirates was sitting on a stone pier while the other was standing.

And among the people who were caught, one was Sandra Sonia, the sister of the Pirate Queen!

The standing pirate is the evil king abaro Pizarro. Beside him is another well-known but old pirate, the world destroyer, Bondi Waldo.

They are active in the same era and know each other.

Waldo does not have his former partner beside him, but he is alone. This is a villain whose reward does not match his strength. The world government is afraid of his strength, so that he has been detained in the state of frozen suspended animation for 30 years in the city of propulsion. However, when he comes out, his strength is no longer as strong as before.

Even if white beard is frozen for decades, he will be weak.

"Aren't you in the new world with Blackbeard?" Waldo light look at Pizarro, in his great revenge plan, even if only he is enough.

But I didn't expect Pizarro to ask to join hands with him.

"It's true, but Blackbeard's strength is average. He didn't want to give the captain to me, so he had a fight with him. Last time he asked you to follow Blackbeard, you didn't want to. Otherwise, with our strength, it's not a problem to kill him together, and we won't be beaten half dead and almost run away." Said the king with a smile.

"Well, I'm enough alone, Blackbeard. I don't know what it is. I want to surrender myself to him. I can't help myself." Waldo was disdainful. If he hadn't been frozen for 30 years, his body function would have been greatly reduced. When he was pushing the sixth floor of the city, he would have killed Blackbeard when he woke up.

"Hahaha, I can't say that. This younger generation is still very powerful and ambitious, but it's a pity that the battle failed, otherwise I will follow him to the end, but now it's good to take qiwuhai and announce our return to the world." Wang said with a smile.

"I just don't know if the so-called pirate empress will come to save them. If she doesn't, it's a waste of time. She even called qiwuhai to arrest me? I'll see if they have the ability. " Waldo said coldly, qiwuhai? Is it powerful? Together, you want to deal with yourself?