With the exposure of the Hades, the attention of the world government has already been fully attracted. Many countries along the way have sent many pursuers in the sea area where Rosen and others were found.

There are more warships in the Navy. After all, the Hades is quite conspicuous. Moreover, in this sea area, various islands and trade routes are very dense, which inevitably leads to conflicts.

However, there are so many experts in the dawn pirate group that Rosen doesn't have to fight. They have penetrated the coastal defense lines of at least five countries. Many naval fleets are standing in the front, either thrown away or damaged.

"Klockdale, they are deliberately hanging us and keeping a certain distance from us." Green Pheasant looked at a black spot in the distance, which was the ship of dawn Pirate Group, and could not help but scold.

Obviously, the dawn pirates are more worried that they will attack the kingdom of Andia, so they always try to stay within their limits.

Within this range, even if the pheasant can freeze in an instant, it is unlikely that it will be intercepted by Rosen or Hathaway if it wants to freeze their boat.

And he rushed up alone to face the whole dawn pirate group without the help of the naval fleet. Let alone arrest them and not be beaten by them.

Even the Green Pheasant doesn't dare to underestimate the dawn Pirate Group. The red dog general is the best example.

"Ha ha ha, I've been put together." Kapp is eating doughnuts, looking at the dawn Pirate Group still keeping a certain distance, but also quite helpless.

"Now these navies can't bear beating." Luo stood beside the boat and said faintly that their boats were also hidden in the warehouse of the Hades. Their boats were not big. Now, they are finally going to attack dorfermingo.

Luo has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. He is not afraid that Rosen will go back. If he wanted to go back, he would have killed himself. There is no need to take him now.

"But I was so proud of killing two ships of miscellaneous fish Navy, but I killed three..." mr.5 looked at Luo triumphantly, the bastard's reward was almost the same as his own.

Therefore, there is often some direct or indirect competition between them.

"The leader was knocked down by me." Bonis carrying a box of wine, walking towards the captain's room, passing Mr. 5, said a faint word.

"I knocked down 20 people." Natalie is happy, too. She's strong again and much stronger.

Everyone was busy, but in fact, at the beginning, they were still nervous about being chased. But later, when they found that they could get rid of the pursuit of the Navy at any time, they were less nervous. Of course, no one relaxed their vigilance.

Now there are about 60 people on the whole Pluto. Luo's Pirate Group, together with his subordinates, has about 20 people. Urki is about the same number, and the pirate group before Rosen is almost the same.

Rosen divided the bow position, which was the previous sailors' residence, into a separate place for them. Now the Pluto is too big. Rosen estimated that even thousands of people, not to mention 100 people, could be easily loaded.

Moreover, hea is very considerate, and every room is decorated with luxury and comfort.

"Captain, the dawn pirates are too rich. I remember this kind of cloth was affordable by the wealthiest people in our city. It's everywhere." Urki took the crew to their house and was surprised by the luxurious decoration.

As a matter of fact, their Pirate Group is not poor. They made a lot of money when they were on nameless island with Rosen, but they are all big fish and meat. They really didn't want to make any comfortable decoration for the ship. Now when we compare them, we know the difference.

"Ha ha ha, now we are also members of the dawn Pirate Group. We will be called the dawn Pirate Group in the future." Wuerji said with a smile, good treatment, naturally better, after all, these are brothers who follow him through life and death.

Although he can live a miserable life, he can live a comfortable life. Who doesn't want to? He saw a lot of portraits and furniture decorated with gold and silver. He didn't pay any attention and thought he came to the palace.

"Yes, monk Zheng is right."

"Hurry to choose a room. There will be a party in the evening."


In the captain's room, Hathaway sat quietly on the sofa and looked at the scenery outside. In fact, she was always paying attention to the situation at the stern of the ship in case of any sudden attack by the Navy.

Robin is reading on the small balcony. Rosen looks at the huge water tank in front of him. He looks up to the sky. Why? When the place is big, the water tank is big, and the crocodile becomes big.

What did hea think? I really don't like crocodiles.

"What happened to Leah." Rosen suddenly asked. He handed the prescription from the doctor to Leia.

"She's already developing it. She said that there's no big problem. All the proportions are very detailed. It's just that some materials are not easy to make. If there are islands to pass by, I hope I can stop for a while." Hathaway said quietly.


"Boss, here comes the wine." After a few knocks, Bonis pushed the door open and came in.

"Put it there. Can you cope with the situation outside?" Rosen just asked casually. He knew the general situation, and he also intentionally let them fight and exercise.

However, in the first half of the period, it is too few to find suitable opponents for them. Today's cadres are all independent pirates in the first half of the period.

"They are all regular troops, not elite troops. They have no problem coping with them." Bonis said faintly.

"Boss, there seems to be a merchant ship in front of us who has been damaged by the Navy asking for help. Do you want to go and have a look?" Valentine's Day floated up, holding an umbrella sitting on the laser arrow, rose to the same height as the landing window of Rosen's room, asked Rosen.

"Oh? It is destiny. Bonis, go over and have a look. If the pirate pretends to be a pirate, he will rob the treasure... "Rosen nibbles at his cigar and puffs, not paying much attention to it.

"Kalifa, you should be more embarrassed. It's said that embarrassed beauties can arouse the sympathy of male pirates." On a broken ship, Kaku said to kalifa, whose clothes were slightly broken.

"I know. Wait a minute."

"After this success, we can enter CP0." Lu Qi looked at the boat not far away and said faintly that he was more realistic. He cut several wounds on his body directly with a knife, which was not shallow.

"I didn't expect that our business in the water capital for so many years was in vain." Kaku sighed that they had been lurking in the water capital for so long, but one day someone told them that the lurking task was over and their boss was dead.

CP0 has a simple test for all cp9 members. If they pass the test, they can perform a latent undercover task as temporary members of CP0. If they complete the test, they will become full members of CP0, and they have a lot of credit.

Then the three of them came to the fore faster than the others, and there was such a play. They were shipbuilders from the city of water. In their life, they were innocent. Even if some pirates went to the underground world to buy materials, they could not find anything to find out.

Their shipbuilding and maintenance skills are good, and their strength is not weak. Once they are rescued by the dawn Pirate Group, they just need to express their strong desire to join, and I believe they are unlikely to be rejected.

Kalifa, Kaku and lobucci all think so. After all, they are professional.

However, they also know that they are just forwards and cannon fodder. Once they successfully infiltrate, they will continue to create all kinds of coincidences, so that the real members of CP0 will continue to be included, and finally the dawn Pirate Group will be disintegrated from within.