"Boss, the shipmen who were killed were ordinary shipmen. They also wanted to be pirates. They said that in the process of chasing the pirates, the Navy had affected their friends and all of them had died. I think they seem to have some strength. The ship maintenance technology is also very good. Maybe they can provide a team for enilu. After all, the new ship is not small."

A moment later, Bonis came in and suggested.

At the moment, as soon as they got on the boat, they were surrounded by Natalie and others. After all, they were not sure if they had any hostility.

Dodge pretended not to care and glanced around. He found that many of the cadres present were cadres with a reward of 200 million or 300 million Bailey. Although one or two of them were not afraid, there are more than one or two at the moment.

Once it's identified, it's a big problem.

"Kalifa, how are you? Are you ok?" Kaku is holding kalifa. Kalifa has just aggravated his injury.

Because they have just been injured, they look miserable. They do this mainly to create an opportunity for themselves to stay. After all, there are some people with conscience and compassion even among the Pirates of the dawn Pirate Group.

What's more, ordinary valuable people are often caught by pirates and become pirates. This is common sense, but beauty? It's even more impossible to let go. You know, even in the water city, kalifa's beauty is first-class in the whole island, and nothing can't be sacrificed for the task.

Before they came, they were ready.

"Ah... It's them." Robin was surprised to see luckie on the balcony.

Maybe they don't know about Lucci, but Robin observed them carefully when he was looking for the design drawings of Hades in the water capital.

If Robin is right, these should be government spies.

Now that you're on your own boat? That's interesting.

"Do you know them?" Rosen was very surprised. He went to the balcony and looked at them. Well, he knew about these people. He was a member of cp9, but why only three people?

"Boss also knows?" Robin was surprised to see Rosen's expression.

"Members of cp9, it seems that the Navy also finds us intractable, trying to disintegrate us from the inside. We really have to do everything we can. It seems that we need to pay more attention in the future." After he was silent, Rosen said to Robin seriously.

Now these people, Rosen knows, the battle of the sea is never just face-to-face.

These covert means also need to be on guard, and Robin is the most suitable. After all, her ability to monitor a person can be completely silent.

"The Navy? I went to deal with them. " Bonis's face changed slightly. You know, he just wanted to use these talents for his own use.

"Don't worry, wait for me to think about it..." Rosen waved his hand. Now, even if the people like Lucci are driven away, the world government or the Navy, I'm afraid they won't stop easily, and they may send someone to infiltrate.

And if there are some suitable talents, Rosen will not refuse, especially in the new world, it is a game and strife between forces. With less than 100 people, Rosen has no advantage.

Therefore, it's better to keep them for the time being and squeeze their value rather than keep those who don't know their roots.

And maybe they can be used to deliver false information at the critical moment.

"Don't you kill me?" Hathaway a little puzzled, since understand is the enemy's undercover, do not start it.

"Is there any way to completely control their means of communication?" Rosen suddenly asked Robin.

"It depends on the situation. If they still cherish their lives and don't have valuable information, it's not difficult for us to control their means of communication. But in case they try to kill each other, our position will be exposed." Robin thought and answered.

"Well, that's enough. Treat them as sailors and boatmen first. As soon as they are on board, we'll send a few people to watch them. They won't be suspicious." Rosen decided to take control of cp9 first.

We should wait for the right time to enlist the world government, but we can't let them realize that from time to time, we still need to release some less important information to them.

"OK, just follow the boss's advice. I don't think they will cause much trouble." Robin said with a confident smile.

"The strength has been improved, and people are more confident than before." Rosen smiles and shakes his head, but he doesn't retort. It's a good thing. Now lurch, together with the three people, may not be enough for Robin.

Besides, Robin is the only one with double fruit ability on board, and his monitoring means are very good.

In this way, Lucci and others "smoothly" became the bottom personnel on the new dawn. The name of Hades was too conspicuous, so Rosen continued the previous name.

"It's a pity that I haven't been able to see klockdale. I haven't had a chance to get close to him." After being shown to their big room by Bonis, kalifa sat on the sofa with a little regret and said.

I've checked the neighborhood. There's no monitoring tool.

The dawn Pirate Group is really luxurious. The sofa is more comfortable than the iceberg office. The decoration is also high-grade.

"Don't worry. There will be opportunities in the future. Don't have any contact with the outside world in a short time. You have to keep a low profile before you join the Pirate Group." Luckie said faintly.

It's no wonder that there are more than five or six people who want to wait for others to sneak in. There are several people who are not weaker than him.

"Yes, yes."

It's just that lobucci and they never dreamed that they had been exposed as soon as they got on the boat, and all their efforts were doomed to be in vain.

"All settled?" Rosen asked Bonis.

"It's all settled. There's Luo all around their room. Mr.5 and I can't have anything wrong."

"Let ainilu speed up and get rid of them. Now it's far enough from Andia. Let's go to the shambaldi islands first, film the boats, and then go to Fishman island." Ordered Rosen.

"Do you want to paint? I remember ainilu said, "it should be no problem for this ship to sink 10000 meters." Robin looks at Rosen puzzled.

"More protection, in case of accidents, and if it is completely closed, the situation outside the seabed can not be understood directly in time. There is a coating on it, which is convenient for sightseeing, and the situation around it can be understood in time. Remember to prepare more bubble hoods which are convenient for personal action, and the situation on the seabed may not be safe."

"Fishman island? The legendary island should be very interesting. " Hathaway had a little bit of anticipation.

In the evening, dawn completely got rid of Kapp and others. There was a banquet on the ship. The new boat banquet was full of wine and meat. Hathaway and Robin also had a drink. They docked in the sea area not far from the shambaldi islands.

At night, no one knows where the ship is, but once it arrives in the daytime or has contact with the island, it is afraid that it will hide the headquarters of the Navy headquarters in different parts of the world, but it is also expected that it is also the fate of the pirates.

The banquet is very lively. There are many people. It's good to have many people. However, what Rosen believes most in is the first group of people. It will take some time for Rowe and urki to get involved.

At the end of the banquet, Rosen came to Rosen's side, and Rosen put the prepared information in front of him: "this is all the information about dorfermingo, which should be more detailed than you know. I will tell everyone tomorrow that although the clown is not weak, it is not a big problem. The problem is CADO, and we should accept their territory as much as possible, I hope you can understand... "