Fishman street is very easy to identify in Fishman Island, but ordinary Mermaid and Fishman seldom go there, because it is equivalent to the impossible zone on land.

Now in Fishman Street are the two villains of Fishman Island, hodie Jones and van der dekken.

It used to be a large-scale place for adopting orphans on Yuren Island, but gradually, more and more villains on Yuren Island gathered together, and the scale became larger and the nature changed.

However, no one knows the real purpose of hoddy Jones. Even Dyken doesn't know that his partner is an absolute racist and an extreme who can sacrifice his own race.

Now they are waiting for es to get the medicine. Once they get it, they will start a great revenge plan for human beings. They want to build a new kingdom of Fishman, let the lowly human beings on the land see their power, and then enslave them.

However, Hodge Jones seems normal now. After all, the darkest side of a person's heart can't appear on his face all the time.

He and Decken were drinking and having fun in Fishman street at the moment, talking about the situation outside.

"Disgusting human beings capture our compatriots everywhere, incompetent king, hum..." Huodi smashes the wine bottle on the ground, and they take the Ark as their stronghold.

It's said that this is an old ship, but it seems to have been seriously damaged. Nevertheless, it's still huge.

If it wasn't for the connection between the fishman street and the sea off the island, it's estimated that this huge ark would not have been able to be put down. It's said that this is something guarded by the royal family from generation to generation. When they watched it grow up, they didn't think there was anything remarkable about it.

Up to now, even the king seldom sent people to see it. The main reason is that the ark has been damaged, and it can't be put anywhere except here.

"Human beings are weak, but now is not the best time for us to start. I heard that the powerful pirate, Sihuang, has sent envoys to the island." Van der dekken looked at his palm and said, Dear white star, when I finish dealing with this guy, I'll throw some axes to treat you well.

"It's estimated that he will only ask for protection, otherwise he can't be regarded as an incompetent king. Even the guy who is even very flat is so humble to human beings that he is disgusted." Said Hodge.

It's a shame that they need to pray for the protection of others because they are so much stronger than human beings. They belittle the great fish people. One day, they must kill these disgusting people.

"Boss, no, some human pirates have come to Fishman street. Some of our brothers have come forward to challenge us and all of them have been knocked down." A fishman suddenly came in panic and said.

"What?! Human pirates dare to come to Fishman street. Do they regard us as the waste outside who indulge in happiness? Take me there now. I'll see who dares to act wild on my territory... "Hoddy Jones's face is very ugly. He's just a human, a lowly race, and he's provoking him?

"These guys seem to have a lot of lives on their hands." Aini road light said, Rosen this trip out, only bring Aini Road, other people are resting in the palace, also have to go out to see the fishman island.

Because it involves the ancient manufacturing technology, and Rosen himself is also curious. At the same time, enilu is professional, so Rosen brought out enilu.

"It's not good to kill people in other people's territory, but if you don't know what's good, you'll kill them." Rosen said, with a flick of his fingers, a grain of sand flew out and directly knocked a tall fisherman out, smashing several buildings in succession.

"No problem, but it's the first time I've seen such a creature." Aini Lu grinned. Mermaid and Mermaid are really two kinds of creatures. Mermaid is beautiful, but this mermaid is a bit shabby.

He refused.

"Three thousand volts, discharge!" With a wave of Aini road's scepter, an electric arc was thrown out, and the bastards who came to fish man street to find fault fell down more than a dozen at once.

But after all, this is Fishman street, and more and more people are gathered. After Rosen and Aini road beat down one group, another group came.

"It's endless, black prison vicious bullet!" Rosen raised his hand and made several attacks. Some people who looked familiar killed him. It seemed that he was a cadre of Houdi new Fishman Pirate Group, and he was very serious about killing himself.

"Icarus, Damo and Dorson, let's go together. These two human beings have a good reputation in the human world. If we can kill them or catch them alive, we will surely give a heavy blow to the human pirates in the future." Paozang, the opponent of Solon in the future, is not drunk at the moment, he said clearly.

At the same time, he wielded many swords and slashed at Rosen. His knife was highly poisonous and killed by touching it.

"Kill Other Fishman gangsters are also very fierce. Many fishmen under Huodi have killed human pirates, and they hate human beings. Of course, unlike Huodi's unfounded and morbid hatred, they are rational. At least many fishmen have been persecuted by human beings.

But for those who are willing to kill, Rosen has never been soft hearted.

"If you're in a hurry to die, you'll be all right." Rosen's face was expressionless, and one after another of the black prison bullets appeared in front of him. With the palm of his hand gently pushed forward, the roar sounded instantly. It was extremely harsh, and the seemingly gentle action made the speed of the sand reach the extreme in an instant.

Moreover, with Rosen's mastery, Rosen is now able to drag the sand particles to rotate at high speed on the surface of the sand particles, increasing the destructive force and launching speed.

"What is it?" Bao Zang is a bit powerful, at least not a pure fish, but Rosen can't see the speed of sand, because it's too fast.

There was only time to instinctively set up the sword for defense, but the sword was shattered in his shocked eyes, and then something passed through his body and completely penetrated.

"It's impossible, our goal has not been achieved, we still have to enslave the whole people..."

"Stupid, pathetic and ignorant guy, he can't even be domineering. He just cleans up some ordinary pirates and thinks he is powerful and invincible?" As Rosen listened to this, he thought of holdy's morbid and ridiculous ideal.

At least they know how to find a real way to survive, while Huodi and his family are just monsters who only know how to destroy things with so-called ideals and arrogance.

"Damn, damned human, how dare you kill the cadres of our Pirate Group?" As soon as Huo Di arrived, he saw a group of cadres fall to the ground, and it seemed that most of them could not be saved. In fact, he didn't care.

But as long as it's killed by human beings, he can't bear it. As long as it's human beings, he should die. He must be tortured to death.

"Blame yourself for your bad luck. Originally, I just came out to see the so-called Noah's Ark. Who knows you have to hit the muzzle of the gun. Give you three seconds, how far you can escape." Rosen looked at Hodge. This kind of thing, which should not be called Fishman or creature, is just the carrier of all negative emotions, a monster.

"I'll tear you to pieces, damn it! Just a human HOUDY is very fierce, but at the moment he is not addicted to drugs, and his strength is limited. Even if he is addicted to drugs, for Rosen, it is still just an opponent with a reward of 190 million Bailey.

Moreover, it is estimated that the reward is so high because of its high risk. After all, his new fishermen and pirates often exterminate human beings or enslave them to death.

Facing Huodi's fist, Aini road immediately wanted to stop, but was stopped by Rosen: "I come by myself, just warm up."

"Yes, captain." When Aini Lu saw this, he let him go. Then he pulled out a flash of lightning from his fingertips and looked at the other thugs and pirates in Fishman street with a smile.

"There are 139 people in my perceptual range. I'll give you ten breaths. If you can get out of my perceptual range, I won't let this thing fall on you. It's very interesting..." ainilu said, pointing to one person at will.

All of a sudden, a thunderbolt came down from the sky and turned the fisherman over.

"What is this power, thunder and lightning?" The fish people were afraid. After all, the power of thunder. Sometimes they saw it when they sneaked out of the water. It was something that would appear in a storm. It was terrible.

"Don't be afraid, but just two human beings rush over and kill him." Huodi was shocked, but his self-esteem and thought did not allow him to retreat in front of human beings. Hearing Huodi's voice, the fishman gangsters summoned up their courage and rushed to Aini road.

"It's really a pity that I wanted to play a trial and try to get a pass rate of one percent. It seems that it's no longer possible. I can only pass the time bored..." ainilu yawned and pointed his fingers in any direction at will. Then the people who tried to get close to ainilu were turned over one by one by lightning falling from the sky.

"Electric fish is against the law." Rosen shook his head and said that although the strength of these fishmen is a little bit, it's really not enough. No wonder enilu is just playing.

"What are you looking at? Human beings. " Huodi's fist has hit Rosen, but Rosen catches it easily.

"This... Can't move?" When holdy was caught with his fist, he wanted to pull back, but he couldn't.

Then Rosen kicked him in the abdomen and kicked him out. With one kick, his strength instantly penetrated his body and shattered his skeleton and internal organs.

"How could I die in the hands of a human being?" Huo Di almost to die did not want to understand, he is really so weak? We Fishman are born with ten times stronger wrist strength than human beings, but after very hard training, he can't even catch a move from human beings.

Sure enough, I can't do without the medicine. I'm not willing to

"Mending the knife is a good habit." Rosen looked at the far-off impact on the wall, the dying hodijon, and pointed out his finger. A fierce shot of sand shot through his head.

"Get rid of it as soon as possible. If you want to play, there will be opponents in the new world." Rosen said to enilu after he had solved HOUDY.

"Captain HOUDY's dead?"

"It's impossible! How could the captain not beat a human

"It's too strong. This human pirate is too strong. I heard that the reward is ten times that of our captain!"

"Ten times?" The fishermen were immediately stunned. You know, the whole Fishman street is not very flat. This veteran who often comes back is not a rival of Huodi. He became the boss by strength.