"Hodie Jones is dead. How long have you been out Van der Dyken was shocked when he heard what the fleeing fisherman said.

Fortunately, he was just ready to leave and didn't go out with him. Otherwise, he would die? Thinking of this, dekken immediately slipped away from Fishman street.

Who knows if he'll make trouble for himself? After all, he's in league with HOUDY, and who's in charge? Is it the hands of the so-called four emperor cadres in human beings?

At the moment, in the fishman Island, the most powerful human beings should be them.

However, it doesn't matter. As long as you don't expose yourself, it's useless to escape to the ends of the earth with your ability to target fruits. It's no problem to attack continuously. After all, not all places have hard shell towers like dragon palace city.

Not long after Daykin fled, Rosen took enilu to Noah's Ark: "what you built before was an ark, and this one is also an ark, but the specific name is different. You can see if there is anything special. It doesn't matter if it doesn't. originally, you just came to have a look, but this boat is really big."

The Liming is big enough now, but it's still much smaller than this one. Standing in front of the ship, it's endless. No wonder if this huge ship falls down, it will destroy the whole Fishman island.

"Go in and have a look..."

A moment later.

"There are no special weapons, or even if they are abandoned, they should still exist. It seems that this is not a warship for combat, but if it is not for combat, why build such a big ship?"

"Maybe it's of some other use. Go up there and have a look." Fishman street is not a complete land. There are also sea water in some places. However, as long as you are careful to avoid it, Rosen with moon steps can adapt to any environment.

"It can't be used to transport islands." Enilu laughed. Although the craft of this ship is very similar to his ark motto, its function is completely different.

"What did you just say?" A flash of light flashed through Rosen's mind.

"I said this ship should not be used to transport islands."

"Transportation Island, yes, that's it. It seems that it's not impossible..." Rosen thought of the special geographical environment of Fishman Island, and the tortuous history of Fishman island. It seems that more than one generation of people on Fishman island are trying to live in the same sun with human beings, or achieve racial coexistence?

If you speculate like this, maybe in the disappearing history, Yuman island may have existed on land, but later it may be the same as the land of Yuman.

In order to avoid some irresistible forces or disasters, it seems to make sense to send the island and the fish people to the bottom of the sea for refuge by some means, such as using the ancient weapon sea king to drive the sea king class.

Or another possibility, Fishman island has been yearning to live in the sun since ancient times, but they have actually been living in this island, this position.

So we made an agreement with some important people in ancient times and built this huge ship. Then Poseidon, the king of the sea at that time, might have planned to send Yuman island to Shanghai, but there were some accidents in the middle of the way, which led to the failure of the plan.

"There are only two possibilities for the truth of Fishman island. From the perspective of the historical direction that the giant ship and Robin have been studying, this is the most consistent. This is also the reason why Fishman island has been working hard for generations to protect the giant ship. This is the opportunity for Fishman island to step into a new life..." Rosen has slowly combined the blank history with intelligence to guess several possibilities.

But now there are similar possibilities. They are just fragments and lines. One day, when they are completely connected, we will be able to determine what kind of possibility is the truth of history.

"Then, how to treat the white star? Now, if you want to attack white star, you can control her before she reacts, and no one else knows the identity of white star for the time being. This is a sea king Poseidon who will be born for hundreds of years. If you regulate and control it, the future world government will be able to compete even if it has any powerful cards, otherwise it will rely on Pluto, who can't completely unlock it, I'm afraid it's not enough... "

"No, no, the world government knows the supreme leader. Im should be able to guess how many people, Vivian, white star and Luffy. If Vivian represents the master of Hades, white star represents the sea king, does Luffy represent the king of heaven? Does the so-called heaven have the characteristics of crossing time and space? No, no, it doesn't make sense. If so, what does the Tianwang permanent record pointer that I once got represent? Is it a blood heritage? Or is the king of heaven a weapon that the D race can control? " Rosen has a very clear idea of the three weapons.

At this point, he is even ahead of all the pirates, but other big pirates are not necessarily interested in these. After all, no one wants the world to be destroyed, and some forces are not found, which is not necessarily a bad thing.

But as far as Rosen knows, zefa, who has just betrayed the Navy, has enough power to destroy the new world. As long as three islands are destroyed, the whole new world will be destroyed.

Now these forces have gradually emerged, and what he has seen and heard on Shenfeng island has also made Rosen afraid. Therefore, if it is the power or ancient weapons that are readily available, Rosen will not refuse.

"If im can finally guess, he can't treat the white star as a tool or an enemy in case he is lured by the world government to deal with us one day. That's not good."

With this in mind, Rosen has been following ainilu back to the palace, and has not come up with a more reasonable possibility of using the Shanghai king in the future, unless Bai Xing trusts him very much. Although it seems that it is not difficult, after all, it should be very good to fool with Bai Xing's silly white sweet degree, but I feel a sense of guilt in my heart.

To cheat a princess whose IQ may not be as high as Natalie? It can't be said that it's IQ, it can only be said that innocence is terrible.

"Boss, what happened to him?" Robin and Valentine's day slowly came back from the outside, Robin has achieved his goal.

"Here's the thing." Rosen talks to Robin alone. He first tells Robin about his guess about Fishman Island, and at the same time tells the possibility of three ancient weapons.

“BOSS。” Robin suddenly looks at Rosen seriously.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that robin was so serious, Rosen was stunned.

"It's really a loss for the archaeologists that you should not be an archaeologist. Although the history of Fishman island is a apology, your guess is probably correct. I guess Joey Boyle wrote this letter just because he was unable to fulfill the agreement with the predecessors of Fishman Island, and this agreement is likely to help Fishman Island solve the current situation at that time, It may be that they took refuge in the fishman Island, but there was an accident at the back and they couldn't send the fishman Island back to it. It may also be that they promised to introduce the fishman Island, which is 10000 meters deep, into the human world, including the whole island civilization. As a result, there was an accident and it stopped... "

"In this way, no matter what the possibility is, there must have been enough events in the blank history to completely change the world pattern, and even for many races, it is extinct." Rosen came to such a result with a heavy heart, which shows that the world government has a deep foundation, and that genocide? Will it be so amazing?

"Not bad."


"Bastard nipton, disobey our hundred beasts Pirate Group. You are ready to be destroyed." An angry voice suddenly came in from the outside.

Then there was the roaring sound of the collapse of the building. From the sound, it seemed that it was directly blasted or thrown away! Because there's a lot of vibration.

"All animals Pirate Group?" Rosen and Robin's thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and then Qi Qi frowned. How could there be four emperor's pirate group members here?

"Yuren island will soon be sheltered by the Da Ma Pirate Group. I advise you to leave as soon as possible." A calm voice came out.

"Shelter? That old woman can protect the fishman Island, can she still protect you, very flat... "Peggy Wan's face is not good, staring at very flat, so leave, not reconciled.