DREZ Rosa was temporarily in chaos because of the lifting of sugar ability, but under the guidance of liku Wang supported by Rosen, he soon calmed down and couldn't lift much storm at all.

The appearance of Hathaway and the Dragon surprised Rosen.

"Are you going to help him?" Rufus felt that the arrival of people, not unexpected, just did not expect that the dragon is completely on the side of kroddar.

Besides, the Dragon did not appear alone. Beside him stood the former tyrant bear of qiwuhai. Because of the Shenfeng Island incident, the tyrant bear was deprived of the title of qiwuhai.

After the tyrant Xiong was rescued, he became active on the battlefield with the revolutionary army. Moreover, it was useless for the science department of the Navy headquarters to issue new instructions to him, and the suspected procedure was modified.

As a last resort, the Navy headquarters can only offer a reward to the tyrant bear. However, considering that the bear's own danger is not high, the reward is only 660 million Bailey because the order procedure has been modified temporarily.

"Revolutionary army, dragon." As for the visitors, Rosen was a bit surprised. Although he had some contact with the revolutionary army, he still had more communication with Saab. So far, they have never really met.

"Hi Robin, I'm sorry to see you at last." Although long wanted to see Nicole robin for many times, he still delayed. After all, he had too many things to deal with, and since robin was safe for the time being, he was not in a hurry.

"You're welcome." Robin micro smile, in fact, because Rosen and Saab once exchanged historical articles, she and long talked through several times, because they need to translate some historical articles to them.

Of course, it's mutual information exchange. It's also the first time that Robin sees a dragon. There is no time and opportunity for him to fight on the top.

"It's not good for you to rob my business like this." Rufus said with a frown.

"Aren't you not going to do this business?" Long light smile way, face host, he took the initiative to put down the hood, lest too impolite.

"You don't care."

"Sit down and talk, gentlemen." Rosen opened his mouth to make ends meet. As a Navy CP0, a revolutionary dragon, and a pirate, he always felt that he would fight at any time.

If the enemy doesn't come here yet, fight them again, it will make matters worse.

"We'll talk about it later." Rosen then said to Hathaway, her eyes looking angry.

Since long is going to help Rosen, he still has to give him this respect. He didn't intend to fight Rufus, and Rufus said that, but his identity is sensitive after all. He won't really conflict with him here, otherwise it's hard to explain.

Rufus doesn't plan to leave. On the contrary, he is more interested. If the dragon takes the hand, plus klockdale, maybe it will be a play.

"I need to say sorry to you here, Robin." The dragon's tone suddenly filled with guilt and sadness.

This makes Rufus Rosen and others a little unclear. Therefore, this is the most vicious criminal in the world. The reward is higher than any of the four emperors at present, and the threat level is still higher than that of the four emperors.

But even such people have such emotional moments.

Robin was a little confused for a while. Although she had been communicating with each other, in fact, she was more knowledgeable. The feeling of dragon to her was mysterious and stable all the time.

"Twenty years ago, your mother was our comrade. The tragedy of O'Hara took us by surprise. For the past 20 years, I have been hoping to find you." Long told a fact that Rosen had guessed.

After all, Robin's mother came back from the outside in a hurry, and the active period of the dragon was during that time. Combined with Olivia's exploration of history, the purpose may not be simple.

But later, he encountered the Navy and was caught as a partner, which exposed O'Hara and brought in the order of killing demons.

"Now that I have found you, I should help you and thank you for saving the bear." Dragon said sincerely, but the tyrant bear behind him was as motionless as a machine.

Rosen was relieved when he heard the words. No wonder when he made a deal with Saab before, he always felt that everything went smoothly. It turned out that there was such a relationship.

The revolutionary army not only needs Robin's knowledge, but also has something to do with her mother.

Rufus didn't answer. He ate his own dessert.

"Really, mom?" Robin thought of the past, but her heart had calmed down a lot. After all, there were many reliable people around her now, and she would not feel lonely any more.

"Rufus, what's up? Do you want to play together? I can promise you your terms, but I still need you to contain Quinn. " Rosen said with a smile.

"What are your plans?" Rufus looks at the dragon and the tyrant, but he doesn't agree with Rosen at the first time. Rosen smiles and doesn't care.

"It still depends on the plan of the dawn Pirate Group. Although I can help you, I can't stay for long. Once I appear, the world government's expeditionary fleet will come as soon as possible, and I'm afraid it will increase your burden. However, in a short time, Xiong and I can stop two naval generals for you, Do you have any way out of this situation? " After thinking, long expressed his concerns and the limit of his ability.

Although dragon is not weak, he doesn't think he can stop two generals alone. But if he has one more bear, it's really no problem. They have a tacit cooperation and a greater grasp.

Rosen doesn't know how strong the dragon is, but there must be a general level, but it's hard for Rosen to judge whether there is a four emperor level. He can't make a conclusion until he has seen the actual combat. But just two men equal to two generals is already the two most advanced combat levels of the dawn Pirate Group. In this way, the high-end combat power is doubled.

If Rufus agrees again, it's not sure who will fight under the targeted plan! They all seem to think they're dead. That's a good return.

"Originally, there was a plan. If you didn't come, the success rate would be about 20%. Now Mr. long is willing to help, there will be 70%. If Mr. Rufus is willing to make a deal with me, there will be 90%!"

"It sounds as if I have no reason to refuse."

"You said that country was important to you, didn't you?" Rosen said with a smile.

"You really know how to cut corners. Come on, how to do it?"


A moment later, Hathaway looked at Rosen, did not speak, but let Rosen some hair in the heart, she will not cut herself?

"After the war, I'll settle it. If you dare to die, I'll persuade sister Robin to marry a man!"

Rosen has a black line. Are you a little too hard?

"Don't worry, we can't die. It's them!"

Polkat Island, South Peninsula, 30 pirate ships of different sizes are moored, and the beast Pirate Group is carrying guns and ammunition in the port, preparing to attack DREZ Rosa.

Standing on one of the boats, Alfred Domingo said, "as soon as the gun goes off, your time of death is coming! "Crocodile bastard."

"Big brother, we start to attack. Won't other people take advantage of it?" The bandaged Jack frowned and said that he didn't want to be a pioneer for these annoying guys on the island.

"It doesn't matter. When we go up and they go up, we can always disperse some opponents for us, so that we can deal with klockdale specially. As long as we kill him fast enough, other people will work for us in vain. We don't have to get the weapon drawings, we just have to make sure that others can't get them." Quinn said with a faint smile, he has now fully recovered from the injury, the ship is also in place, is about to fight again.

"All animals and pirates are going to take action." As soon as the news got out, the whole island began to stir.