"The thief, ha ha ha, is it time to start at last?" Blackbeard put down his glass and took bajas, hiliu and the queen of happy street out, although they only brought a few boats.

But Blackbeard is full of confidence. No matter what kind of attack, his secret fruit ability can be absorbed. He wants to have a try. He can absorb that huge power by himself now.

Even if it's just a dark fruit now, its strength is much worse than what I once thought, but one day in the future, it will fall into my hands.

Whether it's seizing the shock fruit or being eaten, he will kill the other party and extract the ability of the other party's fruit. This is the strength of the dark fruit.

And when the queen of happy street joined hands with Blackbeard.

Katakuli and peros Perot also made a decision: "since klockdar is not willing to meet us, there is no need to talk about it. After finding an opportunity to win klockdar, they will withdraw from the battlefield. As long as they come to our territory, they dare not make a fool of themselves."

"I understand."

Tezorro and the evil spirit winemaker, because they had some business contacts, formed an alliance for the time being, but both of them had evil intentions.

Tezorro didn't tell him that he had been defeated by krocdal.

"I didn't expect that you were also interested in klockdale. I thought you would stay in your old nest all the time. You don't like to come out in the open." Diocesan took a look at tezorro and said faintly. He lifted a wine bucket on the left and right, raised it high, then poured out two branches of wine, and poured them into his mouth.

And these drinks would occasionally agglomerate into ferocious faces and be swallowed by him.

"You are disgusting. Can you drink without ability?" Tezorro, holding the gold ring in his hand, frowned at diocesan.

"You don't need to be able to drink. It doesn't taste good. Well, you're ready to go and get klockdale's head. Today is a good day to settle accounts."

"Are all the phone bugs ready? Don't make any problems for me. This is big news. We must capture the best photos. Tomorrow I will let the world know the result of this war." Morgans himself, he didn't come for weapons, he just came for news.

"Morgans, my task has been completed. There are several other kingdoms' troops lurking on Raytheon island not far away. That's all I can tell you. Don't capsize in the sewer. After all, my business can't do without your little brothers." The shipping King reminds Morgans.

At present, there are four major leagues against klockdale, one led by Mingo Quinn, one led by the big Ma Pirate Group, one led by the black beard Happy Street queen stusey, and one led by the evil spirit wine magnate tezzolo.

As for some small guys who are secretly active, although their strength is good and there are certain threats, they have not really been noticed by the sea king.

In addition, the fleet under the maritime king also transported several powerful national forces in and around Raytheon island. They were greedy people waiting to reap the benefits.

"No problem. Don't worry. I won't fight." In fact, his newsbirds told him that there were still some pirates on the way, and the Navy Fleet kept a certain distance.

But there's nothing to worry about. He's a serious bird. The Navy won't touch him, and the pirates won't touch him.

"The harder you fight, the better. The pirates should be destroyed." Near the sea, there are several Neo warships of the new navy, led by former Navy General zefa, who is watching the fierce preparations of the Pirate Group with a telescope.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, green pheasant and yellow ape are here." In the sea area near Raytheon Island, the navy fleet and more than 20 warships are moored in this sea area. When they see the way, they all make a detour.


"Lieutenant General Kapp, can klocdal survive?" Green Pheasant asked, no special meaning, just want to ask lieutenant general Kapp's idea, this is the man he has been worshiping.

Even his usual bit of idleness is deep in KAP's biography.

"I don't know, but if I don't die this time, I'm afraid I'll really become the new fourth emperor. Even if they are not very strong. " Said lieutenant general Kapp.

"Kuzan, marshal of the Warring States period asked us to give priority to Blackbeard. It seems that the world government has found some relatively old information, which is more threatening. Of course, it's better to let the dawn Pirate Group disappear first, and make sure that the weapon drawings can't fall into other people's hands before starting. Moreover, if we can't get them, it doesn't matter if they are destroyed." Golden particles of light condense on the ship, which is the great general of the Yellow ape.

In order to ensure the combat power and worry that the war may be out of control, the Navy headquarters has also accumulated more than half of the combat power here.

Kapp, two generals and 20 warships, but qiwuhai has not been called up for the time being. After all, the number of times is limited every year. At the moment, only two of them have time to watch, one is molya and the other is Weibull.

"Blackbeard?" Both green pheasant and Kapp were a little surprised. Although Blackbeard Pirate Group is really strong, even not weaker than Liming Pirate Group, it was a bit unexpected for them to be listed as a priority target.

Just as everyone was ready to attack, the climate of the new world suddenly changed. A stormy day was coming. It was a sunny day, but it suddenly became extremely dark.

"In such a time of change, it's not the smelly boy who makes the devil." Kapp frowned suddenly.

In the storm, a small boat advanced like a gale.

On the boat stood Rufus, who twisted the air in front of him, covered his face with a dragon in a cloak, and a tyrant bear with an indifferent face.

And the current presence of Rosen, Robin, Hathaway, enilu, Luo, Bonis, Lucci.

Valentine's day and manatees stay on the dawn to control and control the central fort, but after a shot, they will quickly flee to avoid being watched.

Ten of them, Mr. 5, stayed on punk hassad Island, and Hathaway came back alone.

Ten people, the general level combat power is clear dragon, Hathaway, Rosen, Rufus, can fight with the general for a short time ainilu, tyrant bear, quasi general to the lieutenant general level, Bonis, Luo, Lucci.

Without a lieutenant general, I'm afraid I can't make it for a few seconds in such a battle.

"Enilu, have you found Quinn's place?"

"Found it."

"Then give them a welcome shot."

Enilu nodded, took out the phone bug and called Valentine's Day: "liming, keep three gears, move forward for about one minute, stop, lock, South Bank of the island!"

"Got it." In the dark, a minute's movement, from being found to reporting, is short enough to report an attack before reaching the enemy's head.

"Lord Quinn, klockdale's ship is moving. It may be running away!" Sure enough, the reporter just lost his voice.

A column of energy emerges over the south bank.

"Super weapon bombardment! Defense! " Quinn's face changed greatly, and he immediately roared. Quinn didn't expect that in this case, krocdal wouldn't run away, even if he dared to let the warships take the initiative to attack them.

Is this crazy?!

Quinn Jack immediately rallies to make the strongest attack.

It's not only Quinn's face changed, but everyone gathered on the island was shocked. Is that the power? It's great. It's great! Sure enough, I didn't come here in vain!

"That's great, klockdale. You are really a talent. I'm reluctant to kill you! The thief ha ha ha... The thief ha ha ha... "When Blackbeard saw that the energy column was pouring down, he laughed wildly.

At the same time, the whole person was emitting black smoke. When the energy column fell to the ground and expanded to his eyes, a super large dark water like a black hole met him.

At the same time, the rain of hope to stay in one type of knife cut, blood red knife gas burst out.

"It's amazing power! Although it's not the center, I can feel the destructive energy tide. It's really powerful! " Diocesan covered one of the big wine barrels with his powerful colors, then threw it toward the energy beam. The instant explosion power made the whole island shake.

"Golden ocean!" Tezorro's ability awakened, and all around him turned into a wave of golden liquid, rolling towards the diffused energy column

Katakuli, however, was aggressive in seeing, hearing and predicting the future, so it was enough that he did not launch an attack. There were too many strong men at the same moment.

This attack can be resisted.