"These are all the pirate groups that have killed the Navy and been on the Navy's priority list. At present, the three selected pirate groups are spider Pirate Group, fire oil Pirate Group and Holy Shield Pirate Group. Their captains are Argo, chammers and Anthony respectively. The bounty is 340 million, 450 million and 600 million Bailey. "

According to the reward strength, the three captains were appointed as the captains of the 345 teams. Generally speaking, only those who are closely watched by the Navy and are in a state of panic will be more likely to be trusted.

Listen to Robin's words, Rosen didn't interrupt. Although there is a captain with 600 million Bailey bounty, he may be able to compete with the general qiwuhai in strength.

But Rosen doesn't attach great importance to it now. He just takes what he needs.

"The next game in the arena is still in preparation. It seems that there are not so many pirates." Robin has some doubts.

"It's very normal, generally not forced to the end of the Pirate Group, all of them are rebellious and uninhibited, and rarely rely on others. Otherwise, they want to take our heads, but now I'm afraid they don't dare..." Rosen was not surprised.

"What are these people going to do?" Robin asked.

"It's too wasteful to put them in DREZ Rosa. Since there is a conflict with Kato, after a period of time, let them play in Kato's territory. There are so many outlying islands, Kato can't target them because he lost one or two islands..."

"Will they?"

"We don't give them shelter for nothing. If they don't want to go away, and if something goes wrong, Kato is looking for us. If they don't want to, what's the use for them?" Rosen is adamant about that.

"Well, I see."

"White star and Raleigh seem to be together. Raleigh said that he would bring her here."

"Raleigh?" Rosen Leng for a while, how Raleigh and white star together? There should be no intersection between the two.

"Well, maybe only when they arrive can we know what's going on, but with Raleigh's escort, there should be no need to worry about the safety of white star."

"In addition, the forces of the three countries will come in a few days."

"Remind me when you arrive."

Rosen thinks that instead of dealing with these things, it's better for him to fight with a senior general. But he knows that everything has just started and the development of power is inevitable.

"Boss, would you like to have dinner with me tonight?" Robin said suddenly, in a slightly lower voice, worried that he would be rejected.

Rosen wanted to refuse, but thinking about these days, he was busy with all kinds of things. Some ignored Robin, so he nodded and said, "let's go out for a walk."

"Would you like to call it sister seway of Shanghai?" Robin's words make Rosen's heart cool. Don't mention each other's names all the time, OK?

"Forget it, next time." In fact, the relationship between the three is not complicated. Moreover, in the world of pirates, there are not so many moral concepts. Even aunt has more than 40 husbands.

But Rosen still subconsciously felt that dangerous things should not be done together.

"Well." Robin nodded, in a happy tone.

After a little bit of dressing up, they went to the busy district of DREZ Rosa. Today, Robin is very beautiful, although he is usually very beautiful.

But today, it's more obvious that the purple hip length dress, skirt with soft folds, such as blooming flowers, a pair of color and dress color is almost the same boots also show a pair of long legs.

A white hat with orange lens glasses, her intellectual and sexy beauty show incisively and vividly.

Robin seems to be doing maintenance these days. At least Rosen feels that Robin now is no different from Robin who followed Luffy to DREZ Rosa two years later.

She is beautiful, intelligent and gentle. Apart from the idea of having a black belly from time to time, everything else is impeccable. In particular, Rosen always feels that Robin seems to be developing, because she is more beautiful and full.

In contrast, Rosen seems more casual, originally intended to wear a leather coat to be more formal, but when he looks in the mirror, Rosen feels a little fierce.

So we can only change into casual clothes, with active nourishment, Rosen now looks like a young man in his twenties, even the scar on his face has disappeared with time.

Walking on the road, if you don't consider his bad name, you are also a cool and handsome man, and very attractive.

"It's good to go out and play." Natalie was lying on the edge of the boat, looking at the back of the two people, if only it was not her turn to clean the deck today.

Hathaway took a look not far away. She didn't have a big reaction. She didn't care whether she took her or not. After all, if she wanted to find him, could she be run away by him.

It's just that he's getting stronger and stronger. Will he not be able to keep up?

Hathaway was a little uncertain. She gently waved her Yang knife to the sea. The air trembled, and then the sea was temporarily divided into a gully.


DREZ Rosa is back to life. Many businesses have already started business. Rosen and Robin are celebrities everywhere in DREZ Rosa.

But there is no provocation. After all, the whole country is his now, as everyone knows.

And queen Rebecca did her best to promote that.

Today, the two of them visited many famous snack bars in DREZ Rosa, and watched the passionate dance of the dancers on lovers Avenue. This country, if there is no war, is really a good country.

At this moment, they are no longer pirates, just two ordinary people, or lovers doing the most ordinary things. Finally, at sunset, they come to Huatian.

With the boundless flower fields and the warm wind, Rosen wanted to settle in this country forever. But he knew that without the power of the king, any peace would be vulnerable.

The history of this country is a good example.

"The fragrance of the flowers here is like that of you." Rosen sniffed the fragrance of the flower field and said from the bottom of his heart.

"Because I am a flower? And a hundred flowers, you see. " Robin raised his hand, and the white petals fell like phantoms.

Every time Robin uses flowers and fruits, petals do float out, but Rosen doesn't know that there are hundreds of fragrance of flowers in these different petals.

"Will you stay with me until the war is over?" All along, it's Robin who takes the initiative.

But at this moment, Rosen also took the first step. Robin understood him, understood and tolerated him. Rosen didn't know how far the future was, but he didn't want to miss it.

"Well!" Robin nestles on Rosen's shoulder. She has been waiting for this sentence for a long time, but it's not too late. Moreover, if he doesn't say it, she will say it one day.

But he said that he was very important in his heart.

Sit quietly, until the sunset, the night comes, the stars are bright, the two are still sitting in the flower field next to the tree.

This night, they had a wonderful night, and the relationship between them went further. Until the sun rose, Robin was a little shy and didn't dare to face Rosen, just because last night was a little crazy