Rosen and Robin didn't come back one night, and no one asked. Of course, curiosity is inevitable, but they didn't say that, so we should be as usual.

But no one could see that the relationship between them seemed closer, especially one day when Natalie climbed onto Rosen's balcony as usual.

Everyone saw that Natalie was given a good lesson by the angry Rosen, and then Natalie went to Rosen every day.

This makes Rosen very helpless, this iron head baby, really can't offend.

It took Rosen several days to coax the girl out.

Tonight, there is a grand welcome dinner at DREZ Rosa Beach. The participants include important members of DREZ Rosa Kingdom, as well as all new and old members of dawn Pirate Group.

This time, it's not only a welcome to the new pirate group, but also a dinner to welcome white star Raleigh. Of course, although the banquet is held together, it's quite different. After all, birds of a feather flock together.

I don't get along well with the notorious pirates. Even if I didn't know that these groups of pirates were not guilty, maybe a meteorite would evaporate them.

There were more than 2000 participants, 15 of whom were from the Allied forces of the three countries. The bonfire of the evening party was very lively.

"Master, can I have a drink? I think it tastes good. " White star looked timidly at the people nearby.

A lot of people. She's never had a party with so many people. It's so interesting.

"No, you're only fourteen years old. What's your drink?" Rosen refused, white star on the land is somewhat uncomfortable, after all, can not be turned into legs.

So Rosen directly controls the sand on the beach to create a deep-water swimming pool, so that white star can move freely in the pool and get food from all parts of the beach.

Because the pool extended throughout the banquet, and followed by white star, there are 200 fishermen Island soldiers.

However, although they have feet, they are also very restrained and nervous. After all, having a party with so many human beings, who knows if there are any outlaws in it.

what? How much do they think?

No, no, not at all. If you look at the white stars nearby, you'll find that they're already lustful. Who can say they're not threatening.

"My God, this is the mermaid princess of Yuren island. I haven't dreamt. She is as beautiful as the legend. I heard that she is more beautiful than the world's first beauty, the empress. I don't believe it. Now I believe it!" A pirate looks at the huge white star, and his mouth is watering.

Although Bai Xing is only 14 years old, her beauty is enough to shock the world. If it is not for her rare appearance on the sea, the title of the first beauty may not fall on Han cook.

"Just think about it. Don't drink too much and make yourself confused. But I didn't expect that the crew of the pirate king was alive, and he was also the vice captain. What's the relationship between him and the captain of the dawn Pirate Group?" Anthony, a tall bald pirate captain with a reward of 600 million Bailey, looked at the figure sitting side by side with Rosen and said solemnly.

"Rayley the underworld! I grew up listening to his story. I didn't expect to see him today. Sure enough, it's a wise choice to follow the dawn Pirate Group. " Argo, who paid 340 million Bailey, also said in a cold sweat.

Although Raleigh's wanted notice has not been updated in recent years, it's as if he really disappeared.

But if he remembers correctly, the last reward offered by rayley was 3.97 billion Bailey.

Although they are quite different from the four emperors who have become famous for a long time now, you should know that they have no huge power, they are just a group of pirates.

With such a high reward, we can imagine the threat of Roger's Pirate Group.

And now they've seen him, unbelievable.

"Who is that blind man? It seems that we have a good relationship with Raleigh. Are you also a member of Roger's Pirate Group? " Chalmers drank in silence.

They couldn't get into the inner circle, and only at the beginning of the party did they offer Rosen a drink, and then they moved freely.

There's Bonis and enilu. Get in touch with them and tell them something.

Of course, they dare not neglect. After all, enilu's bounty is as high as 1.02 billion Bailey, and Bonis's strength is no less than any of them.

"I'm not sure, but I'm afraid I'm also an expert. Don't think so much about it. It shows that our decision is correct. Only by following powerful people can we have a chance to see the true face of lourderu."

"Raleigh should know where lourderu is. Will our boss already know the location?" Anthony's words brightened everyone's eyes, and it was also a kind of recognition that Rosen was the eldest.

Right. Since Raleigh is the vice captain of Roger's Pirate Group, he must know where Ralph drew is. So, they are close to the target again?

"Do you want to ask?"

"Are you not afraid of death?"

"We're friends now. If we don't want to talk about it, we won't kill us."

"Sure, go and ask?"


"Shanks has been here some time ago. He didn't report it on the news. He told you something." Raleigh poured himself a drink and said plainly.


"What do you think?"

"I refused."

"It's a pity, but it doesn't matter if you're not stable. Your ideal is very similar to Roger's, but you choose a different road." Raleigh said with a faint smile.

"I don't know about this, but sometimes I just do what I think is right, that's all. But how can you always follow the white star..." Rosen has been very curious about this.

"Maybe it's because the old people want to give full play to their surplus heat. There are some things, but the treasure we left to the world can't be destroyed by the old people of the world government. But they have been delivered to you. I believe she is safe for the time being... I don't have to rush to turn my face with those old people." Raleigh shakes the wine in his glass.

He thought that on the way, he might be intercepted by the world government, but it seems that the world government has not yet begun to take action, maybe it has not guessed, maybe there are too many recent major events to deal with.

"I see." Rosen understood that Raleigh's stay in the shampooland islands was not a random choice, but a profound one, which was to protect the ancient weapons and the growth of the sea king.

Unfortunately, no matter Raleigh or Yixiao, although they recognize some of their own things, they also have their own persistence. Otherwise, if these two people can unite with themselves.

Tomorrow, Rosen will dare to take them to CADO's nest, and it is likely to succeed.

Raleigh may be a little old, but Rosen believes that it should not be a problem to stop Kato and not seek victory. With a smile, he estimates that among the three disasters, only the mysterious ember can fight.

The whole dawn Pirate Group and tezorro alliance are more than enough to deal with others.

But it's hard to achieve. Everyone's goals are different. It's hard for them to bet their lives on doing these things with him.

"You know what you're doing, sir. I'm shocked to hear about the fall of DREZ Rosa." A smile suddenly opens a way, but the tone is not very warm.

"Mr. Yixiao, maybe you can find out about the victims of the next king." Some things have not been reported, or have been suppressed by the world government.

And the secret that Mingo knew, Rosen was not sure whether it disappeared with his death or was fermenting in the dark.