"Klocdal, leave the weapon design drawings, and I'll let you go." A ship of dawn Pirate Group is surrounded by more than a dozen warships that seem to be eliminated by the Navy.

Although the warships looked like they were in disrepair for a long time, there were a large number of them. Rosen took a look at them, didn't feel any strong opponent, so he sent Bonis to deal with them.

The main purpose is to see the power of Bonis' magma fruit. Of course, Rosen didn't expect him to have the power of saakashi all of a sudden, which is too unrealistic.

"Leave it to me." Bonis, a person, directly targeted at the leader of the other side, whether good or bad, in this sea, since he chose to fight.

That's like gambling on your life, losing or dying. No wonder others.

"Alone? Arrogance, give me up There was no artillery bombardment because what they wanted was probably on board.

And Rosen's artillery had no advantage, so naturally they were released.

In addition to Robin and other cadres, there were three hundred people on board, a total of 300 people. These 300 people were the Allied forces of the Three Kingdoms.

Most of them stayed at DREZ Rosa, and 300 of them followed Rosen. Otherwise, if every soldier of the enemy wanted Rosen to do it himself.

That's too much to look down on them, and some things, more people, can have an advantage, after all, Rosen is lack of skills.

Three hundred people, no more, no less. Of course, if there were more people, the dawn would fit.

Bonis jumped directly onto the enemy's ship by himself, and the enemy also relied on countless soldiers, all of whom looked ferocious and ferocious.

Countries that can take root in the new world will not be weak. Even many countries recruit pirates as guards.

"Shock!" The air Island soldiers are stronger when they get off the land, because on the air Island, they can exercise their strong physique in the thin air environment. When they get to Qinghai, this kind of physical strength directly makes them have high combat effectiveness.

He used to be a soldier of God's team, but now the development of empty island is stable, but their training is not only not left behind, but stronger.

Because the people above have told them that they will fight for God.

Facing a soldier, the empty island soldier directly pressed the shock shell, a transparent shock wave, which instantly sent the soldiers flying.

But soon other soldiers came on.

"Cloud iron sword!" The empty Island warrior drew out the cloud sword on his waist and it became longer in an instant. He swung it horizontally. The sword made of cloud was very strong, which was not much different from the hardness of real steel.

In the blink of an eye, this air Island fighter can defeat no less than a dozen soldiers, and so can other air Island fighters.

I'm afraid even the elite navy can't match them.

Seeing this, Rosen nodded slightly. Although vayipa didn't come, it's understandable that the order of the empty island needs to be maintained.

Rosen actually brought a lot of empty Island products at the beginning, but only some daily shellfish were commonly used, such as lamp shellfish, taste shellfish, sound shellfish and so on.

Bei with attack, for Rosen, their fighting power is too weak, of course, this is for their level of strong.

For the average soldier and the elite Navy, the threat is big enough.

Although the soldiers of Andia Kingdom do not have the means to attack the empty Island civilization, the victory of Andia kingdom lies in its large population. Almost every one of these carefully selected soldiers is a good fighter who can defeat 100 with one.

If you become a pirate, there are tens of millions of Pele level pirates, which account for a very high proportion. These are ordinary soldiers. One of them has a very strong strength.

In an instant, the enemy who had just landed on the dawn was blasted out for more than half.

But in terms of discipline, lethality, fighting consciousness and strength, the strongest are the soldiers from the kingdom of Landis, who were soldiers and fighters.

But after Liya's medicament, they now look a little different from ordinary people, but it is not obvious.

And in the case of all kinds of human bodies on the sea, they no longer seem to be different.

These 100 soldiers are more fearless and powerful than any other soldiers, and the mutual trust and tacit understanding between the battles make Luo, Morris and others marvel.

A group of enemies close to them, but they haven't had two breaths yet. These soldiers, armed with knives, cut down all the people close to them in an instant.

There is no one left.

A sharp sword cuts through the body of an enemy

The three teams are quite different, but people dare not look down upon them. In less than a minute, the soldiers who just jumped over were completely solved.

"How strong were your soldiers before?" Morris met Rosen's army in Andia. At that time, he thought these soldiers were really extraordinary, but now they are more than extraordinary.

This is a reaping team of the God of death. On the battlefield, if the high-end combat power of both sides is restrained, it is afraid that the soldiers will fight each other.

To be wiped out by this team.

Moreover, the means of fighting from the air Island soldiers are too defensible, and their physical fitness is also very strong. I'm afraid they can cause heavy damage to any unknown enemy.

Rosen is very satisfied. Yes, he has a strong army. At present, he has 300 people. Even in the face of the givers of the hundred beasts and pirates, he is not afraid. Moreover, he has more people.

Maybe with 300 people here and 1200 people from DREZ Rosa, a total of 1500 people, we can pierce the Legion of KEDO's ability.

Even Moris could not guarantee that he would win if he fought against such an army alone. After all, such an army, if it adopted all kinds of special weapons against him, cooperated well and had extraordinary strength.

Can bring him a strong threat, these are not miscellaneous fish soldiers.

But now the most eye-catching, or Bonis's personal show.

Although the enemy soldiers kept jumping over, when the 300 soldiers dispersed and defended along the edge of the ship, no large-scale enemy troops landed on the dawn.

Most of them were cut over as soon as they jumped over.

"How could that be?"!? This is the elite of our country! How can a group of pirates have such a strong force! " The commander of the army is confused. You know, team operation is the advantage of their army.

It's also the reason why they dare to fight against Rosen. But suddenly, they find that hundreds of their subordinates are more like soldiers and more powerful than them. They are so stupid.

"You don't have time to look around." Bonis came directly, countless swords fell on him, all melted, and directly melted into his body.

The high temperature of magma is enough to melt steel, but it can't absorb molten iron. The only way to do this is to cut the fruit quickly.

"Use the stone weapon."

"Late! Red lotus hell Bonis slammed his hand on the ship. A gust of hot air swept by like a hurricane. The rolling magma covered the ship like a tide. At the same time, a dense metal jungle covered the whole warship.

Countless soldiers have been pierced by the sudden explosion of metal jungle. These metals are covered with bright red magma. With terrible high temperature, the armor that instinctively defends steel piercing can't defend the magma wrapped with sword blade at this moment.

Super penetration, melt all defense magma, the two, constitute the strongest spear, through all things!