In a flash, the whole ship sounded a shrill scream. The magma itself was terrible enough. Coupled with the penetration of fast cutting fruit, it was almost a massacre.

Moreover, Rosen can see that Bonis could not have released so much magma at this stage to carry out a large-scale group attack.

But he took advantage of the high temperature of the magma to melt the metal, melt it into his body, and increase his size.

At this time, the magmatic fruit's elementalization reaches the extreme, which is similar to a kind of material transformation, and indirectly makes the volume of magma expand, but the original form of the expanded magma is metallic liquid.

But when the liquid metal becomes a part of Bonis' body, Bonis can transform two kinds of materials back and forth, because they are both his, so he can release so much magma.

And the magma can change into blade shape at any time.

This piece of lava blade forest spread out, instantly solved all the enemies of the whole ship, except the leader of the enemy.

Magma and fast chop are famous for their lethality. It is estimated that few people can survive the attack.

Red lotus hell is worthy of the name.

"Magma line of fire!" But there are still many ships nearby, and the captain has some strength, which can not be dealt with in one move.

As a result, Bonis's metal arm slowly turned into molten iron under the high temperature of the magma, and then suddenly threw it.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, who.

Looking up, a large area is full of magma fire lines. The nearest warships are directly penetrated by the thick and thin magma fire lines.

Then, with Bonis's gentle pulling, high temperature and sharp cutting force, the warships in front of him were torn into pieces like cotton and scattered on the sea

"Not bad." Rosen praised that it is difficult to separate such fine lines to carry out multi-directional tearing attacks simply because of the manipulation of magma.

But if we rely on the wire, the magma just needs to follow the wire.

This move, in terms of lethality, can't be compared with Chigou's meteor volcano and other large-scale attacks.

But the lethality is not weak, especially the penetrating power plus a cutting ability. Although the captain of the army has aggressive defense.

But he couldn't carry it. There were dozens of magma fire lines, which directly penetrated his body and made his life come to an end: "impossible, my domineering, my armor..."

Until his death, he was full of discontent, because he was wearing soft armor in his clothes, and was also covered with armed color. But the enemy's magma fire line directly penetrated all his defenses.

"There are two kinds of fruit abilities, right?" Morris was shocked, because Blackbeard did not absorb the fruits of the war.

And Blackbeard has been waiting, no rush to absorb the second fruit ability.

Therefore, the double fruit ability is still a common sense that has not been broken.

Of course, Robin has been exposed, but no one is sure that it will not be a real hammer. They are only studying and speculating, and probably treat Robin as a special case.

But now another doubt is the birth of the double fruit power, which makes Morris realize that Rosen may have the power to subvert the world.

"The captain of the army was killed in battle!" As the soldiers screamed in horror, the remaining soldiers fled immediately.

"Yes, do you want it?" Rosen asked Morris with a smile.

Do you want it?

Sure, as long as you find a not so weak demon fruit for Maurice, he will probably be able to cross the gate and become a real general level master.

Feeling the desire in Morris's eyes, Rosen said the condition: "when your contribution to the dawn pirate group reaches a certain level, I will make you become a double fruit player."

It's not difficult for Rosen. It's also a chip that he may surpass the power of the four emperors in the future. Otherwise, it's not so easy for him to gather a group of super powers just by his own strength.

But if he has the ability of system, he will have the ability to cultivate the strong. Even if it takes time and cost, it is possible.

At least, Bonis now the combination of two fruits, the strength is no less than robin, two people make a little progress, is a general level, after that is the real general level master.

"I'll do it." Morris's eyes are fiery. He wants to have strength. As long as he has strength, nothing is impossible.

"Keep going."... "

After a brief interlude, dawn continued on its way to its destination.

Although the new world has many forces, it does not seem crowded, because the new world is also very vast, and the climate is even more strange and unpredictable. Sailing on this big sea, you can't be careless for a moment.

When they arrived near a desert island, there was a strong storm on the sea. As a last resort, they had to take a temporary rest on the desert island.

Even Rosen had to give way in the face of such continuous storms in nature. After all, if the ship was destroyed, the road behind would be difficult.

Moreover, some of the strange weather is enough to bring them a sense of crisis. For example, the sky tides and waves with the characteristics of sea water, a small ocean that churns in the sky, can submerge many pirate ships

Camping on a desert island, with Rosen's ability, you can build a simple shelter at any time.

But when we got to the desert island, everyone noticed the unusual situation on the island, because it was so quiet that there was no sound of some animals crawling.

And the island is unknown, so they landed with small boats, and in order not to cover the magnetic field, permanent pointers were placed on the dawn.

"This is an island not recorded on the map. Be careful." It's not a small island, but it's barren, and it's not on the map.

This is not normal, but because of their own strength, coupled with the obstruction of the storm, they chose to take a break here.

"Desert country!" As soon as Rosen raised his hand, several towers were pulled up, and all the soldiers got off the ship, because the ship was too rickety.

The ship is visible to the naked eye, but I don't worry about being stolen.

Rosen built several sand towers to facilitate the arrangement of sentries. After all, it is impossible for everyone to have a rest, so there must be necessary vigilance.

In addition to the competition of pirates, more disasters in the sea come from the sea and some islands that are difficult to explain.

Every tower can take care of each other.

There are also arrangements for masters, Morris and Bonis, to rest separately in the sand tower.

Robin and Rosen stay together, Valentine's day with Rosen has been waiting on the two maid in the careful preparation of meals.

Rosen enjoyed spending the night in the storm, which made him feel safe.

But as soon as they were ready for dinner, Rosen heard a clanging sound of metal coming from the center of the island, as if someone were knocking on a piece of metal.

"Boss, do you want to see the situation?" Bonis asked Rosen on the phone.

"No, in the unknown island, too much curiosity is not necessarily a good thing, as long as the sound is not close, let them go..." Rosen thought for a while, made a judgment.

"Boss, I'm afraid we still have to go and have a look." Bonis stood on the tower, suddenly saw a familiar shadow.