"What has Rufus been doing on this island lately?" CP0 asked several of his companions that he had once worked in the Navy headquarters for a short time. Many people still remember that kind of imprisonment. He was an expert.

"It is recorded that the kingdom of Baiwu is the hometown of officer Rufus, but he has been fighting for several years. Maybe he has some plans of his own." A tall CP0 said lightly.

He doesn't think it's necessary to make a trip deliberately. Is it difficult for their deputy commander to have any problems.

"We are the executors of the aristocracy in the world. We don't need to have our own plans. He has crossed the line. Moreover, we have found some information recently. He seems to have some connections with the soldiers in the underground world."

"Check it out. People in this country have said that there are some extraordinary things. It's better not to make any trouble." Calm down, commander in chief.

"Since there is war in this country, please open the way ahead for us to carry out some investigations."

"No problem." Lieutenant general O'Neill and others responded.

However, when they began to arrange, lieutenant general O'Neill found pitas and asked him to take a team to pretend to be scouting. In fact, he secretly sent a message to Rosen.

After all, the actions of CP0 often mean the trend of the world government. Not long ago, he talked with Rosen and learned the basic situation. He also knew that Rosen was in King Bai Wu's country at the moment.

"If it's unnecessary, I won't say more. Let's talk about the current situation first." Rosen said straight to the point when he saw rufus.

"Good." Rufus didn't say much. After all, he was eager to win Baiwu kingdom.

Because the Royal thing is probably extraordinary. It took him many years to find some clues in the world government.

If you can get it, you will have an important chip on hand.

Everyone went into the camp to talk.

Rosen's three hundred soldiers are arranged around him. Many mercenaries are curious about this. After all, it's nothing to see one or two empty islanders occasionally, but hundreds of them, all with wings, are still attractive.

"Well, I hear your captain is very good. How are you? Do you want to practice with us? " The mercenaries and the armies of all countries, in non combat time.

There is no strict discipline, because this is a personalized era, everyone may be extraordinary.

However, they did not respond to the provocation of the mercenaries and soldiers. As long as their captain did not speak, they would not act.

However, there were too many people who asked questions later. The team leader found that it was boring for everyone to try nothing. Finally, he asked for permission.

Then, many people came to challenge, and they were all picked over

"Hey, you don't specially send experts out, do you?" A mercenary was beaten black and blue by a Landis soldier, some unwilling to say.

They have been active on the battlefield for a long time. There's no reason why they can't even clean up the subordinates of a pirate group, so they suspect that the other side is sending experts.

"I'm at the bottom." This slightly immature soldier ignited the morale of the mercenaries.

"I don't believe it! Come again. "

But the results are no different.

"How can a pirate group have such strong soldiers?" When derriguez saw that his mercenary soldiers were not rivals at all, or even were crushed, he could not help but feel very surprised.

In the end, even the mercenaries of the ace team were sent out, but after a while, they still lost.

"Great Finally, in the continuous victory, the mercenaries also put away their contempt. At first, they heard that reinforcements were coming, but they didn't think so.

After all, the arrival of reinforcements shows that the fruits of their efforts are very little, and they are bound to have some bumps in their hearts.

But now they are basically convinced.

Even the cadres of the dawn pirate regiment didn't do anything. These soldiers alone are enough to make most people obedient.

Inside the camp.

Rosen listened to Rufus and rubit's explanation and soon understood the problem.

"That is to say, there is a safe haven in the king's city, and King chostu is hiding in the safe Fort now? The surface layer is still the stone of the sea floor, and the guardian of the royal family and the captain of the giant national army are responsible for guarding, right... "Rosen quickly sorted out the situation.

It's not complicated.


"You can't get in?" Rosen is surprised to see rufus. Rufus is a great general. In this world, there are few experts like them.

"The guardian of the royal family is very powerful! It's said that he once had a head-on fight with aunt and survived. He can stop me alone. In addition, the giant soldiers are very good at... If the city is not broken, our small army will attack. Once we don't get down and are surrounded, even me, it's not easy to get away. " Rufus explained.

"For a country, even if it is a big country, such power seems to be somewhat unconventional." Rosen looks at Rufus with a smile.

He knew there was something Rufus didn't tell him, but he could probably guess.

But this royal family, which may have two generals and many middle-level experts, is really super powerful. No wonder Rufus's army can't keep up with the fighting power.

It's a stalemate.

"Now try attacking the city? Let's see the enemy's strength and defense first? " Rufus suggested.

"Yes." Since it's a matter of time, it's better to understand it as soon as possible.

But at this time, a huge stone burning flame, from afar, dense, like a dense meteor shower.

But it brings disaster and destruction.

"The giants are crazy again. Hide quickly!" There was a sharp alarm in the camp, and the personnel ran quickly, and then hid in the prepared underground passage.

Rosen and others were a little surprised when they heard the sound and saw this scene. After all, thousands of "meteorites" smashed like this, and the scene was still very frightening.

"Is this the way of the giants?"

"Well, it's not a big problem. They'll stop even if they escape this wave."

"It's not easy for you to fight."

"There are still some advantages. After all, if I can help, I will also help. In addition to the rebel forces, they are very busy."

"Take care of it." Rosen said faintly.

Bonis and Robin come out.

"Magma line of fire!" After Bonis absorbed the metal, a giant magma fist ejected out. His hand scattered countless dense magma fire lines, pierced the huge flame stones all over the sky, blasted them all, and turned them into scattered flames falling down.

"Multiple shock waves." Robin clapped the fire rain across the air, covering a wide area. The double black shock wave pushed out, annihilating the fire rain into nothingness

"It seems that we don't have to go to them. They come to us on their own initiative. They used to do the same before?" Rosen looked up and saw a team of giants.

About thirty or forty people, like a giant beast, advanced with shields and sharp weapons, and rolled over here.

"No, I've rarely taken the initiative before. It seems that I'm not the only one with support." Rufus's face is not good-looking, the royal family's move shows a lot of problems.

I'm afraid they've also found reinforcements and plan to take the initiative to fight a victory!