Giants, in the eyes of ordinary people, always feel that they are big and slow in action, but giants themselves do not have this feeling, because their bodies are the most harmonious to them.

Moreover, the life span of the giants is generally more than three times that of human beings, which leads to their rich training time and combat experience, far more than ordinary people

Most of them are about ten to twenty meters tall.

It's not an exaggeration to look at the data, but they are not giants who are only tall but not muscular. They have very developed horizontal muscles and look like a humanoid warship.

Therefore, even the general miscellaneous giant, for the general human is also very difficult to deal with.

Seeing dozens of giants here is still a bit shocking for Rosen and others. After all, although we have seen several giant generals at the top of the war, the number is less than the present.

The army of the strongest kingdom in the world can't be underestimated, even if it's not large in number. But aunt's initial evaluation was that if she could get the help of the giant Kingdom, she would have won the four emperors of red hair and beasts.

We can imagine how powerful the giant kingdom of elbaf is.

So Rosen won't be careless.

Twenty or thirty giants were walking side by side.

Rubit immediately followed the command to fight with the giants for so long, so naturally they had the means.

In the ruins of the city in front of the camp, a cannon and a crossbow were pushed out.

Cannons, cannons thick, slender, can feint, crossbow huge, sharp.

"Fire!" With a single order, hundreds of guns burst out in unison. When the giants heard the sound of guns, they also made countermeasures one after another, relying on each other in groups of three or five.

Holding up the metal shield in their hands, countless shells fall on their shields, which makes them stagger at most. If they are ordinary shells, the giants can even fight down with their own physical fitness.

However, the two sides have been fighting for a long time. Naturally, they can't use ordinary shells, but powerful shells, such as incendiary bombs, burst bombs, armor piercing bombs, all of which are commonly used national best-selling weapons in the underground world.

Occasionally, if a careless giant is hit by a shell, he can only withdraw from the battlefield immediately. Otherwise, if he eats a few more shots, he is likely to be killed directly.

"You are rich." Rosen looked at those precious shells and poured them down on the giant without money.

In a general war, fighting is burning money.

Rufus doesn't seem to be short of money, but it's not surprising that he indirectly controls many countries.

However, if it's just like this, Rufus seems to suffer a big loss when the giant gets closer. According to the giant's defensive lineup, it is very likely to advance.

"Let the commanders of the various armed forces stop this giant team and see what they have behind them." Rufus said to rubit, who nodded.

Then he took out the phone bug and gave Rufus's order: "while maintaining the firepower suppression, the units slowly withdrew from the battlefield, and the heads of the army took the hand to suppress the giant team."

"Got it."

Whoosh, whoosh! In this ruins and all parts of the whole camp, hundreds of figures rose up in the air in an instant, which were the main force of the war.

There are nearly 200000 troops, and every 2000 people have a small army. This is the number of general mercenary regiments. If there are too many, I'm afraid the soldiers of the kingdom can adapt, but the mercenary regiments, as the main force, can't adapt.

Taking into account the strength gap, it is natural for mercenaries to fight in the main way.

There are hundreds of figures rising up in the air. Compared with giants, they are insignificant, but they are all masters. They are all members of Rufus's team for many years.

At least, Rosen saw that almost all the swordsmen could make a leap, and almost 70% of the whole staff mastered the military power.

As soon as he saw it, Rosen thought of his predecessor, who was a little bit hard. The new world was really different from the outside world. Here, he didn't know how to be domineering. He couldn't cut his sword with a sword. He didn't dare to say that he had some strength.

Boom! All kinds of energy, sword Qi, the explosion of shells, instantly sounded, the giant's pace of attack, was restrained, there is no way to move forward easily.

"Peng!" A mercenary with a mace is seven or eight meters tall, not much different from a giant, several times higher than ordinary people. He holds a mace bigger than himself.

A stick sweeps down and smashes a giant with a shield directly. But before we can be happy, a big foot kicks from the front, hits the mercenary in the front, kicks him with blood, and shoots him through a pile of ruins.

However, as soon as the giant's foot stretched out the shield array, three mercenaries with long knives flew close to the ground like a strong wind. Naturally, the purpose was to cut off the foot.

"Armed But when the sword went up, it made a sound of gold and iron. The giant even knew how to be armed and aggressive. When the sword fell down, it couldn't be cut off for a while.

Several mercenaries scattered quickly, because the giant's sword fell from the sky, the wind roared, and the power was amazing

As soon as the man dodged, the sword hit the ground, and the whole ground split in an instant

The fighting became increasingly fierce.

In the distance, on the wall of the king's city, chostu, an old, fat, but four or five meters tall king, was looking at the giant team stopped with a telescope. He couldn't help complaining: "these giants can't break through the enemy's camp every time. It's really useless."

In his hand, he also holds a beautiful woman who is just over two meters tall. It looks like a match between a giant and a beautiful woman.

In the camp in the city not far behind him, there was a giant captain of the national army with slender white beard sitting with his eyes closed. Brussels had heard the king's words, but he didn't say much.

This is a common combat agreement signed by our ancestors and the ancestors of the country. Although it is somewhat pedantic, since our ancestors promised to defend the Kingdom at the beginning.

Naturally, they will keep their promise, even if the king does not seem so reliable, but breaking his promise is even more humiliating to the great giant warrior.

In this camp, there is also a giant team, the number is about 40, this is mainly to protect the safety of the King City.

On the wall, every other distance, there is also a giant responsible for guarding the city. Beside each giant, there are countless huge stones piled up.

At the same time, there are ordinary people pouring high combustible fish oil on stones and lighting them, while the giants are at the moment before the stones are completely covered by fire.

Throw out the burning boulder

Behind him, there was an old man, wrinkled, standing quietly with a kind smile.

But everyone present, including chostu, respected him because he was the guardian of the royal family, a human who lived nearly 100 years old.

For the average human, such a life span is almost the limit, but Surma still has formidable strength.

"But this time, they are doomed. Have the army of the God of food, the usurer king and the shipping King arrived?" Joe Stuart suddenly looked at a man next to him and asked.

"Don't worry, your majesty. They have all received your funds and resources. As far as I know, they will step into the battlefield soon." The God of food said with a smile.

"You're making a lot of money this time."

"Where, where, it's more and more difficult to do business now, but it's a pity that we can't provide some precious metals for the country any more. Now the navy is more and more free to launch the order of killing demons..." God of food said modestly. In the past, when he was able to get a lot of precious metals from Landis island to do business with the country, that was the time to make a lot of money.

I just don't know what the king, who seems to be eating and drinking, wants so much metal for.

"That's good. I've heard that the sea king has a prehistoric army of fierce beasts in his hand. This time, he just brought my little beauty to open his eyes... Grandfather Surma, you must always pay attention to my safety. I always feel that it's not safe to stand here on the wall." King chostu's last sentence was to turn to Surma.

"Of course, your majesty." Sulma was modest and bowed, smiling.