"What is this?" Ruruya looked up and saw the towering and magnificent sand curtains rising in all directions. These sand curtains poured into the clouds, and the gap in the sky was slowly covered with sand.

In the blink of an eye, within 10000 meters, from the outside, it has formed a very tall and magnificent dust box.

"Is that his ability?" Rufus and others stood outside the sand boundary, looking at the towering giant sandbox, even he also felt a strong uneasiness.

"Aunt is very strong!" Bonis said, eyes full of no, if he will develop the ability to the extent of red dog, it is possible to join the war, and play a key role.

So you don't have to look at the boss to face this kind of monster alone.

In a small town far away from Baiwu Kingdom, CP0 temporarily settled here. Because Baiwu kingdom is very big, they plan to rush to the King City, but they also need to rest halfway.

The town has become the root of the Navy.

"Sand?! Is it klocdal? " The commander in chief looked up into the distance and got up to lead the members of PC0 towards the battlefield.

General O'Neill is calm on the surface, but anxious in the heart, because the movement is too big, because of CP0's attention in advance.

Besides, pitas has just set out. It is estimated that he has not been near the King City.

The commander in chief will be very dangerous if he targets klockdale secretly.

"Let's follow." Lieutenant general O'Neill said to the rest of the generals.

"Well, no one else will follow for the time being." Admiral Doberman added, because in such a battle, people below the Admiral would probably not even be able to use cannon fodder in the past.

"If not, the critical moment will be exposed." O'Neill's current strength is not what it used to be. When he finds a new goal in life, he constantly exercises his strength in the extreme situation.

Now his strength and rank are very close to the position of alternate general, and he once did dirty work for Tianlong people for a period of time.

As a result, the upper echelons also attach great importance to him. If he gets another good credit, general O'Neill will probably reach the position of alternate general.

"Is that all?" Auntie is not sure about the situation. Is she going to be trapped here? It's not a clever way.

"Not enough." Rosen's forehead is sweating. He is assimilating the whole area of sand, making them vibrate with high frequency, making them full of instability, at any time at a critical point that is about to explode.

"What's the matter? It's so uncomfortable. It's like I'm sick, and the air is getting thinner and thinner..." Brussels's face became very ugly.

His body is huge, usually need more oxygen and energy support, but at this moment, he has a long lost feeling of illness, like an hour sick, the body is full of helplessness and weakness.

"There will be no air soon..." ruruya also noticed that his steps were heavier than usual, and some soldiers who had no time to leave the area began to fall to the ground, their faces were painful, and they fainted due to lack of oxygen.

If the time is longer, I'm afraid I'll die. But at this time, even ruruya feels a strong sense of maladjustment, and there are other air traffic controllers.

"Get out of here."

"Can't do without, the sand is so hard, guns hit on it, can only make a small hole, and will be filled soon..." a rebel army carrying a gun said in despair.

"Damn it."


"What a strange feeling." But no one has the strong feeling of this area near aunt. Standing on the ground, she feels like standing in the invisible mud, and her continuous physical strength is drained.

The rapid evaporation of water in her body made her feel a little thirsty, which was really uncomfortable.

"Yuanchen! The sand boundary. " However, the change has just begun. Rosen enters the form of overlord czar and smashes the ground suddenly. When the two hands smash, the whole land shatters instantly.

And it began to shatter into particles smaller than sand. It was already dust. This was the result of awakening and disintegration. In a moment, all the people in the range lost their foothold.

Dust ground finer than sand, let them fall down, more dangerous than quicksand, but Rosen did not care, he has reminded once.

No matter how curious he is, he will not feel guilty.

The whole city of Wangcheng is gone. Fighting broke out. Most of the people in this city with numerous troops have already begun to flee.

The most important thing for ordinary soldiers is to keep their own lives.

Only those with good strength and no problem dare to stay and wait.

When the earth turned into dust, under the mobilization of Rosen's ability, it slowly lifted off. In an instant, it covered the whole space.

Zeus Aunt seldom felt the danger. When her body was about to fall down, she called out. Zeus came whizzing, and aunt jumped into the clouds to avoid being buried alive.

But all around is also full of waste dust, in the field of vision, aunt gradually can't see the people around, can only use seeing and hearing color domineering perception.

Rosen's whole body is shaking too. His physical strength is overdrawn too much. He goes beyond his limit and turns the earth into sand. It's very easy for him to wake up, but it's hard to dust the sand again.

And every dust has to be attached with the ability to disintegrate, which almost squeezes Rosen dry.

"Ah, what's this... No, no..." a frightened voice rang out. It was a cadre brought by smuggie and Krieg.

He did not fall under the dust, but above it.

But now the upper part has already become a hopeless situation, each dust is mixed with more fine particles, these particles of sand and dust, with the power of collapse.

Once you come into contact with anything, including the pores of the human body, it will instantly collapse, corrode a large area, and directly penetrate into the body. This powerful master has no time to use his domineering spirit, and becomes a part of the dust.

"What's going on?" Simujik and others are falling, but with their strength, they can break through the sparse dust by borrowing a little bit.

However, seeing the fate of this cadre, they did not dare to rush up, because now it is obvious that with countless dust moving towards the upper part, it becomes more and more terrible.

Pengpeng! Rosen's arms expanded into sand, and the dust nearby became one with Rosen's hands. With Rosen's hands, the annihilation dust in the whole area began to gather on aunt.

Aunt felt the threat of dust, stronger than sand, she waved a few swords, chopped a lot, but the dust was small.

And the whole space is full of lightning and flame of aunt, which can't completely destroy it, because the powder state is already very fine.

Countless dust began to cling to her body.

"Armed Aunt's whole body became extremely dark, and in this black domineering, also mixed with a touch of blood red, which is similar to the domineering of the giants, but different.

"Zizi..." but at the moment, her body began to emit hot smoke, which is domineering in the dust quickly consumed.

"It's a very interesting ability. It seems that I can't completely prevent my domineering power. Does this power penetrate through every pore of my body?" Aunt grinned. The sand crocodile brought her more and more surprises.

"This is just the beginning. Now, let them follow you and sublimate together." Rosen's body turned red instantly. It was a high-frequency shock of sand, which was blown to pieces, leaving only one head.

The black red sand mixed with domineering spirit is dispersed into the dust, but the whole dust is beginning to be rendered, such as ink falling into the pool, the color begins to change, each dust starts to tremble, and the unstable sand reaches the burst point in an instant.

"What is this?" Aunt's face changed dramatically. She felt a strong sense of danger and had nowhere to hide.

Boom! An unprecedented explosion broke out in the sealed space, and its power doubled. On this day, everyone remembers that a huge dust explosion mushroom cloud rose in the sky at the old site of the King City, which was visible to the whole country and recorded in the history of Baiwu kingdom. It has never been regretted.