"What is this?" A huge explosion took place in mid air, its flame soared into the sky, a huge mushroom cloud bloomed, and the flame and smoke filled the whole sky.

All the people in Baiwu Kingdom saw it. It was too huge, and the explosion was too fierce. The shock wave of the explosion cracked the walls of several nearby cities.

Many people look up at the sky one after another. Ordinary people and ordinary soldiers are full of fear and uneasiness. The power of natural disasters makes them feel very small.

"What a strong attack." The commander-in-chief of field was watching intently. This kind of power, even if it was him, could not resist with all his strength.

Did you play so hard?

Who's fighting.

With such a powerful and unstable fighting force, if it's known, it's OK. If it's unknown, it's even more trouble.

After all, they're just investigating rufus.

"I didn't expect the sand crocodile to keep this kind of bottom pressing thing." Rufus was also surprised.

When the aftershocks of the explosion dissipated.

Ten thousand meters of ground, collapse nearly 100 meters, under 100 meters, smuggy, cleggia, ruruya, Brussels and others are more or less with injuries.

Although the explosion was aimed at the aunt in mid air, it was so powerful that the aftershocks hurt them.

Under a blast, all the dust turned into fly ash, disappeared with the wind, leaving such a large earth pit.

If they are hit head-on, even Brussels may not be able to survive with their strength.

"Mom ~" smudge and Krieger were worried when they looked at the figure in the smoke.

Rosen was disappointed. When he saw that the figure didn't fall down, he knew that even if it was such an attack, he still couldn't win.

"It's impossible. How can it be, mom? She's hurt!" Kerry suddenly exclaimed, worried to worry, but aunt in their hearts is still the symbol of invincibility.

This kind of attack is really earth shaking, but they have not seen it before. The conflict at the level of four emperors is not so new to them.

In the past, she was almost unhurt.

But now, standing on top of Zeus, most of her body is flowing with blood, and even her face is a little bloodstained, which makes her look a little embarrassed.

"Sihuang, aunt, are you hurt?" CP0 field, who just arrived nearby, was also extremely shocked.

This is the fourth emperor, and is famous for its tenacity. Unlike white beard, even if white beard is injured, they won't be so shocked.

Because the strength of white beard lies not in his defense, but in his destructive power and destructiveness.

Kato is the strongest creature, which means the creature with outstanding physical quality and the strongest vitality. Aunt is a monster famous for her steel body.

Now the monster with outstanding defense is injured. That is to say, the opponent is at least a strong one of the four emperors, and it has to be a very fierce battle before this situation can happen.

But when they saw clearly that aunt's opponent was krocdal, a new four emperors, they were naturally shocked and surprised.

"It's good to get hurt occasionally. Now you can consider becoming my subordinate." Looking at the gasping and exhausting Rosen, the aunt said again.

She didn't care about her injuries at all. After all, they were just skin injuries.

"You think too much." Rosen is no longer in a hurry. It turns out that defense can be broken, but she is still weak. If she is strong in the future, the result may be different.

However, if you don't pay attention to this move and can't control it in the sandbox, there are also disadvantages.

There are two disadvantages. One is that the force is not so strong. Only in a closed space can this move cause extreme high-frequency shock. The other is that if it is not controlled in this area, once the ability is out of control, the friendly forces will be affected and become indiscriminate death bombing.

"Yes? That's too bad. " Seeing this, aunt gradually became murderous. What she couldn't use for herself had to be destroyed, especially those who were so dangerous.

Rosen didn't say much. He just entered the fighting state. But when his aunt raised Napoleon's knife, she suddenly frowned: "the annoying guy is coming too. It's really annoying..."

Compared with sand crocodile, she hates CP0 people more, so when she waves this blow, she suddenly turns the direction and cuts the huge sword Qi to the place where field and others are.

In addition to field, the other CP0 members are a little flustered, and the several generals behind them, with heavy faces, intend to join hands to resist the attack.

Although I don't know if I can resist it, I still have to try, but field took the lead.

"Stop!" Field held out a palm, and the air suddenly froze.

Click, countless air sealed the huge sword air inside, forming a transparent air hood.

But the gas hood didn't block for long, the huge sword Qi still broke through and continued to chop at field and others. The attack of the fourth emperor level was not so easy to block.

However, with such an operation, the huge sword Qi was also weakened a lot. As soon as he grasped the air sword, it was condensed in his hand.

Then he hit the sword with all his strength, split it into two parts, fell on both sides of his body, and ploughed out two deep gullies.

"It's really hard to hide from the old woman." Field sighed a little, and his breath had been subdued.

CP0 suddenly appeared, also let Rosen stop the desire to continue to fight.

Not far away, Rufus's figure suddenly disappeared, leaving rubit and Robin.

"Mom, Brussels is gone. Shall we follow?" Smudge asked suddenly, knowing that they had come for the giant kingdom.

Now even CP0 has appeared, and it is unnecessary to have another conflict when the situation is unclear.

Not only Brussels, but ruruya disappeared for the first time.

"We're here to help this country. Where's the king of this country?" Field looked around and said that although there were many experts, he was not afraid.

And Daoming came for the royal family, that is to say, they officially established diplomatic relations with Baiwu Kingdom on behalf of the world government.

This seems to be the Convention, except for these royal nobles, CP0 disdains to be associated with any pirate.

Although they are here for Rufus, if they can reach an agreement with baiwuguo, it is also a credit.

At the same time, it can also cooperate with their investigation with the help of the official forces of the whole Baiwu kingdom.

"Sand crocodile, my proposal is valid at any time. As long as you promise to join us, I'll help you with it. I promise he won't trouble you. Come to me at any time when you think about it. Ma ~ Ma ~..." as soon as field appears, my aunt has no desire to continue fighting. No one knows what CP0 rats in the ditch are thinking.

However, according to the previous examples, most of them are not good, and it's not easy to find Brussels, so we can't let him go any more. Otherwise, it's not so easy to find him again next time.

So she took smudge and others, left a word, and left.

"Let's go, too." Rosen took a look at CP0 and saw lieutenant general O'Neill at the same time. Although he didn't know why CP0 would suddenly appear here, he could ask O'Neill to have a look.

It's easy to expose the fact that there are experts around when a telephone bug is talking. You can't take this risk.