"Red hair and Cato have disappeared from the territory!" Marshal Kong frowned, and it was his turn to take charge of the battle, which showed that the world government did not want this matter to fail.

"Stop going!" Marshal Kong gave the order immediately.

Red hair and Kato are gone. This signal is so important.

"I didn't expect their reaction to be so quick!" The Warring States period is also heavy faced, seeing the kingdom of Baiwu in front of you, but the two four emperors suddenly disappeared.

It's not hard to guess that most of them are in contact with sand crocodiles and aunts.

"Report, there is a lot of abnormal fog ahead!"

"Report, a large number of floating explosive barrels have been found in the sea ahead!"

It is obvious that the Pirates of the new world do not welcome the coalition forces of the world government. Although they dare not launch a direct attack on them, it is still OK to make some small moves.

Even if the pheasant has the freezing ability, if it freezes the whole sea, it can freeze even explosives, but similarly, the forward speed of the navy fleet will be greatly reduced.

It's hard to move, so it's not feasible.

But not fast enough attack, how can we catch two four emperors.

"Let the exploration ship open the way ahead and wear the latest explosion-proof clothing developed by Shanghai military headquarters!" Marshal Kong said, no matter what, first eliminate the danger around, and then decide whether to continue to go to Baiwu kingdom.

Not far away, on the back of an island, more than 30 pirate ships docked here, across an island from the navy fleet. Jezeb stood at a high place, and saw the navy fleet through the sight of the sniper gun.

"It's a big battle. If the boss doesn't come back, if we are found, we may be killed in one pot." Jesus said with a smile.

"Their target is not us. They won't go out of their way to attack us. They just hope that the sand crocodile and aunt can put down the fight for a while, otherwise things will be in trouble. Our tactics can only slow down the forward speed, and it won't play a big role." Beckman smoked a thin cigarette and said with some worry.

"Don't worry, there should be no problem..." lachrough said calmly.

The boss himself will surely succeed.

"I'll help clean it up, too." The Yellow ape jumps high, and an eight foot Qiong gouyu shoots at the sea in front of it. After being hit by the explosion barrel, huge explosions take place, blowing up water columns.

Boom boom!

"There are a lot of them. I don't know how many are ahead?" The apes tested and concluded that they could rule out these things, but it would take time.

And this is obviously the joint participation of many people, otherwise there is no way in a short period of time, the whole area will be covered with explosive barrels.

"Pirates are really annoying." Ramirez looked at the sea and said that there were twin dragon swords beside him. They were tall but thin, holding the same swords as Ramirez.

Ramirez looked at the two men, feeling a little bad. If it was not for the purpose of resisting the attack, his dragon sword would not be broken.

The dragon sword is a kind of weapon that the holder of the sword has been trained since childhood. If it is destroyed, even if it is given another one, the power of fusion will not be much better than that of ordinary weapons.

So the loss of the Dragon Blade of Ramirez is equivalent to being cut off the arm.

But this time, we can finally get revenge.

It's just taking more time. They can afford to wait.

"Lieutenant General Kapp, if the four emperors are really united, will we fight this war?" Green Pheasant overlooks the distance. If the battle starts, the advantage of rolling is good.

If not, I'm afraid the whole new world will not be peaceful in a short time.

"It's hard to say. The world government clearly says that it's impossible for the king of heaven to fall into other people's hands. That's their bottom line!" Kapp doesn't know.

If they are the pirates who destroy the evil, they are duty bound, but if they pay countless lives for fighting for the king of heaven, it needs to be weighed.

There are a large number of naval fleet and warships. After some decoy ships are released, they slowly open a road, only delayed for a while.

However, at this time, on the sea level, there were a lot of pirate ships of different shapes and shapes. Looking at them, there were at least 50 or 60.

There are the flags of Auntie Wan Guo and Kato's, which are the fleets temporarily assembled on the route of the Navy Fleet by the telephone notification of the leaders of both sides.

In order to prevent them from going to Baiwu Kingdom and buy time for aunt.

When the fog was dispersed by the powerful fist, the clear sky appeared in front of everyone again.

Obviously, this is an artificial fog. As soon as the fog dispersed, they naturally saw the figure of the pirate ship in front of them.

The sound of the alarm was instantly sounded, and the fort of the navy warship began to turn. In terms of firepower, it is difficult for several pirate ships to be rivals of this kind of top warship.

Moreover, there are many strong men on the naval ship, which is a force that can walk sideways wherever you go.

"Report, there are a lot of pirate ships ahead. It's the big fleet of aunt and Kato!" One of the Marines is talking to the entire fleet through the phone bug.

Of the 78 warships, the admirals were aware of the report, and the admirals also heard the report.

"Prepare to fight!" The air marshal gave orders to fight at any time.

Now they don't know whether it's just the fleet under their command, or whether aunt and Kato are also here.

"Did you see Kato or aunt?" Green Pheasant asked the phone bug, he is now a marshal, but he has not adapted.

"Not for the moment. Wait... There is a fleet of red haired shanks on the left side of the island. There are 30 pirate ships by sight!"

"The most unfavorable situation for us is still emerging. It seems that there are a lot of tricks in the Navy headquarters and the world government. After this time, we must find a way to remove all these dangerous seeds..." thought the Green Pheasant.

Now on a naval ship, Admiral vilgo looked at the sea and said to himself in a listless way, "young Lord, I hope I can avenge you this time!"

"There it is!! Red hair shanks and sand crocodile klocdal! They're together. " On the side of the main ship with red hair, there was a ship, flying different flags, though lonely.

But obviously, it's the dawn pirates.

The ship, among the many ships, sailed alone, apparently coming from other places, while the king of heaven was floating over the dawn.

"Is that the ancient weapon, Uranus?" Marshal Kong and others looked up at the sky one after another.

This time, it is sand crocodiles and aunts who create opportunities for them, but in the final analysis, the king of heaven is what the world government really cares about.

It just seems to be able to fly. It doesn't seem to be very special.

"The thief, ha ha ha... Has he finally come? Let's go, too. " Blackbeard led more than 20 brigands from the rear side of the navy fleet.

If Sihuang doesn't appear, Blackbeard won't appear. After all, he can't stop so many top strong men alone.

"Report, Blackbeard pirate fleet in the rear!"

"Hum, it's really inspiring for them, but a group of mobs really want to expel us from the new world." Marshal Kong said coldly that it was impossible for him to yield to the pirates.

"Aunt Kato appears!"

"The fleet of the dawn pirate group appears!"

"The great caravan of tezolo appears!"

"Evil spirits, wine tyrants, ghost grannies, usury king, shipping King appear!"

"Barrett appears!"

"Pizarro, Valdo appears!"


For a moment, the whole sea was full of all kinds of fully armed ships. It was an unprecedented scene.

There are many pirate ships in different sizes, but there are more than 200 of them. Even if they are in war, they will have to give up in front of the forces of both sides.

"The order of killing demons?! Ha ha ha, interesting... "Barrett laughed wildly.