It's a terrible force. It's no exaggeration to say that more than two-thirds of the world's most powerful forces are concentrated in this sea area.

Even the four emperors would tremble if they were faced with such a power alone. Of course, this would never happen.

First of all, it is impossible for the navy to fully cooperate with the pirates, and they often kill each other.

Now, for example, the pirate forces gathered here are stronger than the Navy.

In the Navy, there are Marshal Kong, Kapu, the two four emperor level combat power, the two three general level combat power of the Warring States Green Pheasant, and several other general level combat power.

But the pirate side is more terrifying. Aunt Kato has red hair and four emperors, and Barrett is not far behind. She is at least three generals, followed by Rosen. There are also some strong people who can't be determined for the moment, such as Blackbeard who has been improved.

The combat power of the general level is far stronger than that of the other side. Each of the four emperors has one or two general level combat power, except that his aunt is not sure.

In addition to other underground kings, Rufus, tezolo and so on, the level of generals in biathlon is twice as high as that in the Navy, probably more than one.

Not to mention, there are still some people who wait and see in the dark.

It seems that the navy fleet is surrounded by pirates, some of them are besieged, but the air marshal, the Warring States and others are not in a panic.

It seems that the pirates are powerful, but they are scattered in sand. Only at this moment of survival can they know how to unite. It's not stupid.

But no one must dare to really attack them, otherwise they may encounter the crazy revenge of the Navy headquarters afterwards.

So when they are within the range, both sides have a tacit understanding and keep a certain distance,

And in the pirate fleet, there are seven or eight pirate ships full of strong men, led by red haired shanks.

To be honest, this battle is not what both sides want to see or fight.

The world government originally intended to win two unknown four emperors by blitz, but since the news leaked, and let them react.

Things get complicated.

The pirates, of course, do not want to do these thankless things to attack the Navy. What they want is to let the Navy Fleet roll out of the deep sea of the new world.

If it's a normal fleet, they don't care, but such a powerful force can be directly inserted into the hinterland of the new world, not to mention the sand crocodile and aunt.

Once the Navy gets a firm foothold in the hinterland of the new world, they will have a hard time in the future.

And on these seven or eight ships, all the four emperors are here.

"To attack?" A lieutenant general asked Marshal Kong for advice.

"No, let them come." The air marshal and Kapp Green Pheasant also gathered together in the Warring States period to avoid the enemy's sudden attack, which may lead to passivity.

Especially when their number of experts is inferior to each other.

"Please leave." Red hair spoke.

Only red hair is more suitable here. His relationship with the world government is much slower than that of other pirates.

"Hum." Kato is carrying a mace, standing beside Jin and Quine, while aunt katakuli and the chef are standing beside her.

Kay drank more. He was in a bad mood. He really wanted to wipe out all the annoying Marines in front of him.

And the empty marshal and others looked at the loss of an arm of the aunt, everyone looks very shocked, aunt but four emperor.

Although their navy is so powerful, they dare not put in so much fighting power if they fight with an old lady. Otherwise, when other pirates have a little trouble, they may be able to copy the Navy headquarters and holy land.

Of course, if this force can hold two or three four emperors, there is no need to worry about this problem.

In fact, it was not only the navy who was shocked, but also the pirate who saw her face heavy.

"Is this guy klockdale that strong? Or is it because of that weapon? I really want to know the answer, thief ha ha ha... "Blackbeard looked at Rosen's eyes full of greed.

Others are more alert. It is well known that Auntie and Rosen fought in Baiwu kingdom not long ago. Now Auntie has broken her arm. It is self-evident who did it.

"Red hair, this has nothing to do with you. Our goal is only Auntie and dawn Pirate Group." Marshal Kong said calmly.

In fact, I also want to try to see if the determination of these pirates is enough. If they are not firm enough and really step back, don't blame them for their ruthlessness.

After all, aunt's current state seems to have a chance.

When Marshal Kong and red hair began to communicate, Ramirez and two generals suddenly disappeared in the air.

A folded fruit kept the three of them still, but in fact they were very fast approaching the king in the rear.

They fold the light to achieve a certain degree of invisibility, and fold the distance. Although they can only fold a certain distance at a time, after using the ability for many times, they are like using small blinks to quickly reach under the king of heaven.

And start


Red hair they just contact with empty marshal and others not long, but the king there suddenly broke out a strong impact sound, very loud.

not long ago.

"Close the door!" Robin suddenly said that in an instant, relying on the ability of flowers and fruits to bloom in the ears everywhere, she noticed some unusual breath.

Although I don't know why, I don't know the source.

But Robin is very cautious, no matter what, first close the door and window of the king, then they are absolutely safe, and don't have to be afraid of being captured.

At the moment of closing, Ramirez, who can't bear to kill, suddenly appears from the void with an ordinary knife, grinning and is about to cut off Robin's head.

But he never thought that the door was closed in such a timely manner that he slashed it on the stone gate of the heavenly king's sea building with all his strength, and it exploded like a thunderbolt, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

The twin dragon swordsmen looked at Ramirez and said with one voice: "this fool, you shouldn't bring him here!"

It's too early to expose. They should wait. However, they didn't expect that they had just arrived at the bottom of the heavenly king, and before they started to attack, the other side seemed to have noticed.

It doesn't matter to be aware of it. As the sharp blades of Tianlong people, they can patiently wait for opportunities after all kinds of training.

After all, folding fruit in hand, the success rate is relatively large!

But Ramirez can't help but kill. This killer is very unreliable!

In fact, Ramirez didn't expect that the opportunity within his reach would disappear in a twinkling of an eye.

When he heard the explosion, marshal Kong noticed that it was not good. At the same time, he looked at the Dragon swords appearing in the air and couldn't help scolding them.

What the hell is going on?! Did you order the attack? It's another five stars secretly authorized mission?! What a mess.

Clang clang! In an instant, the sound of the sword coming out of its sheath came in an endless stream.

"Navy! Go to hell At this time, an island giant slowly stood up. It was Barrett who had awakened his ability. With one blow, he was bigger than the peak and directly flew several warships!

With the explosion of warships, the battle broke out!