"This crocodile is too coquettish!" I don't know which crew said it, but the people on the armor plate were quiet.

Even the king of the sea crocodile who pulled the boat also twisted his head to see which bastard said that.

King of my family, please make me happy. I twist my waist. What's wrong with me?

Believe it or not, I've eaten you all.

"Calm, calm." Rosen was standing on the boat, a little dizzy.

So he said to the white star.

The white star does, and the crocodile calms down.

Just calm too much, like a turtle, slowly forward.

Fortunately, they are not in such a hurry.

"What's the problem?" At this stage, white star has made great progress.

It seems that all she needs to do is to improve her sense of knowledge, sensuality and domineering spirit, because what she does is mainly communication.

However, from the previous performance, it should also have the king's "compulsory order" and "compulsory execution" and so on.

That kind of command is used for some sea kings who are not very good tempered, difficult to control, or not very intelligent.

"Not at all." White star patted his car lights, but didn't feel that he had any consumption or didn't adapt.

On the contrary, she thought it was very interesting. Of course, if the summoned Sea King class didn't look so fierce, it would be more fun.

"Well, you should take more exercise these days. When you get out of the windless zone, try not to use your ability in front of others unless you are in danger, you know?" Rosen felt that the white star's ability could not be exposed too early.

After all, they are not invincible yet.

Even on the boat, you have to be more careful when you train.

Rosen used people like Lucci to send a message to the world government.

Even sometimes, just telling them where they are can bring a lot of conjecture to the world government.

That's enough for Rosen.

Hawkeye watched quietly, since Rosen did not deliberately avoid them, it means that he believes that he will not tell the world government.

As a world-class strong man, Hawkeye naturally knows many secrets.

Now it can be proved that Rosen has ancient weapons, the king of heaven and the king of Hades.

The sea king, for the time being, has no news. If he is not a person specializing in history, he will not know that the sea king is the princess of Yuren island.

But it can be speculated that it may have something to do with the sea.

You don't even have to guess that white star is the king of the sea.

It's enough to know that she has the ability to drive the giant sea king class, which is enough to make the power of the whole world crazy.

Because sea kings have been so powerful since ancient times.

No force can clean them up.

Even the world government before or now can't do it.

"Hawkeye, what's going on?" Perona floats in the air, looking at the white star princess.

Before was hit by the beauty of the white star princess, but Perona as much as possible to comfort themselves.

All the women who are only beautiful but not powerful are just vases.

However, where is the vase now? This is the abyss beast. I don't see that even the cruel Sea King has become her mount.

It's horrible.

"Take it as if you didn't see it. Don't talk about it everywhere."

"Hum, of course I know..." Perona said haughtily.

Life on the sea is always at leisure. Rosen's strength also feels a limit. If he wants to improve, it's too difficult.

However, he still keeps on exercising every day, even if he is proficient sometimes, it will be a long time before he can rise a bit.

In recent nights, Rosen has been wandering in Robin and Hathaway's room.

"Do you think we will have children in the future?" One day, Hathaway suddenly asked Rosen because she was worried about her unique body.

"Don't worry. Your body tends to be perfect. On the one hand, it will develop. In the future, our children will be able to fight qiwuhai and kick three generals as soon as they are born."

Rosen is not at all worried about this issue.

Even if there are no children, it is not unacceptable to him.

Of course, it's a joke of Rosen to punch qiwuhai and kick three generals.

Can never expect Hathaway is very serious nodded: "yes, I think so."


And this problem also made Rosen aware of many things in the future.

Originally for Rosen, he had only the present life, but the dawn alliance was born.

Let many people who follow Rosen see a bright future.

Even Hathaway, who never looked forward to tomorrow, thought about the future.

But Rosen thinks that this is a good thing. The greater the hope, the stronger the power that can be gathered.

This also means that their overall form, from pirates, has gradually developed into a very stable force and country.

"It seems that it is imperative for lourderu to gather every force that can fight against the world government, and also to get the fruits of the earthquake."

Because Rosen also wants a bright future.

A few days bumpy, Pluto ride the wind and waves, arrived at the first destination, the tans

The Tarn islands are composed of 33 small islands, the largest of which is the size of a city, and the smallest of which is only the size of two or three squares.

And here, all of a sudden, the excitement.

The 33 islands are not far apart, so stone bridges and corridors are erected, forming bridges and passageways.

Even Rosen saw that each of the symmetrical islands had a mountain peak. As a result, between the peaks, there was a suspension bridge that seemed to be shaking.

There are no obvious buildings on these islands.

There are some hollowed out peaks.

A mountain, hillside below, was dug out like a honeycomb cave.

And above the mountainside, no one started.

There seems to be a lot of people.

But from the living environment, it is very primitive.

"Is it really impossible for Shenluo sea area to build urban agglomerations on a large scale?" Rosen saw some open plains, full of vegetation.

It's not so devastating.

"I can't help it. The animals, plants and even mountains in this sea area have been baptized for a long time, so they can adapt to the bad weather, but humans can't, so they need to dig holes in the mountains to survive."

"Is lourderu really so charming?" Rosen said to himself, looking at some of the caves, there are some pirates with a reward of more than a billion Bailey.

But still living a primitive, simple life.

The arrival of Rosen and others immediately attracted the attention of all forces.

"Dawn alliance has come to grab meat from us too, poof..." a pirate said while eating chicken legs and spitting bones.

"These guys are not easy to deal with. They just passed by Kato not long ago, and they came back. They are not chasing Kato."

"I don't know."

"Don't conflict with them. Let's set out tomorrow to turn the world upside down. This time we must cross it."

"Captain, but we haven't replenished the personnel we lost last time."

"I'll go all night to get those pirate groups who just came to the Shenluo sea. I'll get ready right away."

"Yes, yes