There are black clouds on the island. There is no rain, but from time to time there are thunderbolts.

The air is sometimes hot and sometimes cold. Except for a small part of the island, it is suitable for human survival.

The rest of the ground is highly toxic.

Some unknowns look at the lush vegetation and fruits.

In common sense, it's a safe place, but it's often a hell to step into.

So in Shenluo sea area, be careful everywhere. This sea area is full of disasters.

However, it is usually guided by pirates who live here all the year round or led by others.

Most people still have no problem surviving.

Of course, survival here only refers to living in a dangerous environment, not including the fight between pirates.

Rosen and others don't need to live in caves at all.

Because they have two natural abilities.

The ground here is really hundreds of times harder than other ground.

It can even be used as metal.

But it can't change its essence, under Rosen's awakening ability.

A castle like building sprang up.

"Shit, the natural ability is convenience!" Someone looked at the towering, spacious and bright castle, said enviously.

They were all envious.

"What's the use of this? What can a building like him on the plain do except to strike thunder?"

"Did you forget that there was a thunderclap in them?"



As a result, people who want to be sour no longer have to look at it from a distance.

The castle built by Rosen's sand is not good-looking in color, but more solid than steel.

There's no need to worry about it.

And Rosen's ability to blend sand into a smooth shape.

Rosen didn't attack the pirates either.

These are also some default rules among pirates. Generally speaking, there is no hatred among pirates.

When it comes to habitat, it's all about rest.

It's not like when we meet at ordinary times, we'll do it all the time.

Of course, it doesn't mean safety.

During the break, the pirates will pay close attention to their prey. If they have a chance to attack, they will never miss it.

As a matter of principle, pirates do not have the habit of visiting. If they do, they usually have to be prepared for combat.

As soon as Rosen and others had a rest, some pirates came to visit.

"Captain, Bonnie, a supernova with a big stomach, is out there shouting for you. She's fighting with Luo." Urki came over and said.

"Let Luo let her in. Let's see what's up. I don't think she's here to challenge me."

Although the so-called supernovae have great potential, we can see it from Luo and urki.

Now let them fight against aunt's generals. Maybe they won't win, but they will definitely win.

And it continues to grow rapidly.

It's just that they're too far away from Rosen's level.

Among other things, Rosen has many captain level subordinates, who are better than them at this stage.

So Rosen is curious, too. What's the matter with Bonnie.

And some of these supernovae have come to the Shenluo sea area.

But it's not surprising to say it's unexpected.

If it wasn't for the need to stabilize DREZ, Rosa would be busy with other things.

Rosen has been in the sea for a long time.

Soon Bonnie was released.

"What can I do for you?" Rosen asked directly.

Bonnie looked around and said, "I wish I could talk to you alone."

"They are all people I can trust." Rosen said quietly.

"But not for me." Bonnie insisted.

"You go down first..." after Rosen drove wuerji and others away, he looked at Bonnie.

"I hope you can bring some good news, or you'll stay on the boat and be a cleaner for me later." If Bonnie doesn't bring any important news.

Or he's not interested.

That means there will be a new member in the cleaning department.

"Are you sure nobody's listening?" Bonnie looked around.

"Enilu, put your heart away." Rosen said faintly.

"Really not?"

"Do you want to say it or not?"

"The shock fruit is in my hand." Bonnie said suddenly.

"What Rosen was made speechless by Bonnie's care.

But as soon as Bonnie said this, Rosen's face changed!

She's got the shock fruit?


Although you get the devil's fruit, you have more luck.

But Bonnie doesn't look like a lucky guy either.

"You're not kidding." Rosen looked intently at Bonnie, but didn't do it the first time.

Although Rosen wants to do it, after all, if it's true, and the devil's fruit is hidden in him.

"What are you looking at? Where are you looking? The fruit is not on me. Do you think I'm stupid?" Bonnie said nothing.

This guy doesn't hide his mood at all.

"It seems to be in your hands."

"Come on, what do you want to trade this for?" Since it was in Bonnie's hands, and she came to find herself, she naturally hoped to get what she wanted from herself.

The fruit is strong.

But the value of dawn alliance is far from one, even ten shock fruits can be compared.

"For Blackbeard's head!" Said Bonnie, biting her teeth.

Because by chance, she got the fruits of the earthquake on an island. At that time, she was not alone.

Fortunately, there were not many strong men, but after getting it, she was chased by Blackbeard, and all her crew members were killed and injured.

She was the only one who escaped from the storm.

Although Blackbeard was the only one to do it by himself at that time, few people dare to attack them in the shadow league now.

It was not until Rosen and others entered the Shenluo sea that Bonnie saw hope.

Dawning alliance is the only one that can compete with Blackbeard's giant shadow alliance, and there has been a grudge between the two.

At Bonnie's words, Rosen calmed down.

Is the value of shaking fruit great?

It's big, and it's very big, but it's not enough to be able to change the head of Blackbeard.

Because Blackbeard, they are also an alliance now. When they fight Blackbeard, Barrett and Kato will follow suit.

I'm afraid. Rosen is not afraid, but without good strategies, there may be many casualties.

And it's not necessarily going to work.

Seeing Rosen thinking, bonnie is also full of uneasiness, because if Rosen doesn't agree, the danger is herself.

Although at that time, she will not hand over the devil's fruit even if she dies.

But if she can't avenge the crew and vice captain behind the mat, she will die in her own eyes.

"Yes! I promise you Under normal circumstances, shaking fruit is not enough to make Rosen pay such a high price.

But don't forget, Blackbeard and Kato have a big feud with Rosen. Sooner or later, they have to clean up.

"Then you can solve the tail at the back first. I think a lot of people have seen me come in just now, and the news should have spread out. Blackbeard doesn't care who eats the shock fruit at all."

It's clear that the devil's fruit is in Bonnie's hands, apparently spread by Blackbeard.

Obviously, I want to use the power of the whole Shenluo sea area to find the fruits of the earthquake.

And he doesn't worry about being eaten by others. He just needs to know where the fruit is. It doesn't matter who has it or who has it.

Because his dark fruit can deprive others of their ability, he is afraid of hiding and not appearing.